Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1725 How long will you stay?

"So, how long are you going to stay?"

Putting down the scroll in his hand, Chiba's various questions were still echoing in his mind, Hyuga Snow Eagle sighed slightly, and said.

"I'm leaving, shouldn't you be happy?"

As for Hyuga Snow Eagle's slightly sighing tone, Qianye was slightly taken aback for a moment, and then teased.

"Huh! I'm glad you left, and there's less of an eyesore, but the children here really like you. If you can stay for a few more days, I think they will be very happy. Besides, I I have also seen the training schedule you made for them, and it is indeed very suitable for them. If you can stay for a few more days, you can also help them further improve the training schedule."

Regarding this, Hyuga Snow Eagle snorted coldly, and then said.


Hinata Xueying actually wanted me to stay... Moreover, in these words, there seemed to be some meaning that the training schedule he made needed me to complete it.

what happened?

Is this going to set me up again?

But upon hearing this sound, the first thought in Qianye's mind was full of doubts. After all, now he looked at Hinata Xueying with admiration, and he just didn't notice the previous calculation.


This guy is simply not human. He is obviously younger than me. Such a meticulous plan was completed in just two hours.

With this, there will be a complete framework for organizing and camping here, and we only need to follow the above.

However, since this bastard has such a level, he should also be able to arrange a more efficient training plan.

It will definitely be better than some of the plans I made to encourage the growth of seedlings.

It is also better for everyone's future development. Besides, the children really like him and want him to stay for a while. Now because of morning classes and evening classes, as well as patrols and training, for them, getting along with this bastard There is so little time.

At this time, Qianye didn't speak, but Hyuga Xueying couldn't help but glance at the scroll in his hand again, and a series of thoughts flashed in his mind.

In the past two hours, he was suddenly called by Harmony, and before he sat down, the bastard in front of him who had already had breakfast was writing something while throwing a lot of questions about this little boy. The strength, growth speed of the children in the camp, and the defense response of the small camp now, as well as food sources, etc., directly confused him at first.

Fortunately, since he came here, he has been familiar with everything here. Although there are many questions thrown at once, after sorting them out, he can answer them one by one.

And just after he answered all the questions, the guy in front of him handed the scroll to him.

Looking at it, he didn't know how to describe it.

In just two hours, when he answered the questions by himself, Qianye actually decided on the framework of camp organization.

At this moment, he is holding in his hand a plan that can support more than 100 displaced orphans.

"Aren't you going to discuss this scroll?"

And at this moment, Qianye, who was suspicious in his heart, finally spoke. This opening was to avoid the previous question.

"You have already thought of everything I can think of, and you have thought of what I can't think of. There is nothing to discuss."

But hearing Qianye's words, Hyuga Snow Eagle said angrily.


Although I felt that Hinata Snow Eagle had changed a lot before, but now I still feel a little weird that Hinata Snow Eagle actually surrendered so frankly, this has become a little too much.

Could it be that you are really plotting against me?

Hearing this sound, although it was a word of acknowledgment, the suspicion in Qianye's heart deepened.


Then, thinking of this, he coughed lightly, and said, "There is no perfect plan. It's time to brainstorm, and we still have to brainstorm."


This kid, why are you so careful?

At this time, shouldn't you taunt me with a gun and a stick? Could it be that this guy is plotting against me?

But what is he trying to plot against me now?


This is not necessarily the case, this kid's calculation may be something weird. Let me brainstorm ideas now, and later maybe let me do something thankless that I didn't think of.

Here, I have to be careful.

And hearing this sentence, Hyuga Xueying couldn't help but have such a thought in his heart, quite suspicious.

"No need, I think this plan is quite good, especially the center of "on the surface it is a place where orphans live together, there are fields for hunting, it is an ordinary village made up of orphans, but secretly it is a mercenary camp" framework, which can not only reduce the degree of attention, but also obtain a stable development environment, and it is always easier and safer to do things in the dark than to become a mercenary in the open, but you need to be more careful in confidential places, but And totally worth it."

Thinking of this, Hinata Xueying thought for a while and said.

He is... serious?

Still, are you still counting on me?

But at this time, upon hearing this, Qianye's suspicion wavered in his heart.

"No, the key is the secrecy. It really looks like an ordinary village. What's special is that there are orphans here. In such a situation, the children now have to receive more intelligence training. This training is the most important thing. The essential."

In this regard, Chiba pointed out the deficiencies or difficulties in Hinata Snow Eagle's words.

What is he trying to say?

Isn't this giving me Huatou, let me keep him for a while?

Or is this just an introduction he dropped to let me fall into the trap?

And hearing this sentence, Hyuga Xueying frowned slightly, feeling even more suspicious in his heart.

"Okay! You two can't talk properly!"

However, just when he was thinking of some rhetoric to avoid possible Chiba's calculations, the chorus on the side finally couldn't stand it anymore, and he took the scroll in Hyuga Snow Eagle's hand and spread it out, while reprimanding the two of them.

"Are there any of you who are so cautious and cover up talking about business!"

After the reprimand, He Yin said extremely dissatisfied.


Regarding He Yin's reprimand-like dissatisfaction, Hinata Xueying looked at Chiba, and Chiba also looked at Hinata Xueying, with the corners of his mouth slightly twitching.

Could it be that this kid did it on purpose?

Just to let Harmony reprimand me?

And in their hearts, such a thought flashed through.


Sure enough, it was a calculation!

Then, after this thought, the two quickly came to a conclusion.


But at this time, looking at the harmony between the two, he couldn't help but sighed and shook his head.

"Tell me, let's discuss together how to build this Mingli village, a plan for the camp of mercenaries in the dark! We still have a lot to learn, so don't waste your time."

Then, after shaking his head, He Yin roughly glanced at the scroll, and after a flash of surprise on his face, he said helplessly.

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