Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1714 Change

"Ha! Long time no see! Chiba!"

"Ah! It's Brother Chiba! Brother Chiba! Do you still remember me, I'm Mingtai!"

"Long time no see, Brother Chiba."

"Wow! It's Brother Chiba! Brother Chiba is back!"


After leaving the secret room, in another hunter's hut that has been used as a special dining hall, before Chiba sat down, the door was suddenly opened with a "bang", and then a large group of people rushed in When he came in, the whole room became noisy.


But at this time, looking at the smiling faces that seemed to be piling up in front of her eyes, Chiba was already too shocked to react, and only opened her mouth to make a sound of "uh...uh...", the whole face was full of displeasure. The look of knowing what to do.

Hyuga Xueying, who was already sitting across from him, looked sideways frequently, with an expression of "this kid doesn't even change his face when facing Wuqian Yanyin, how can he be so cowardly when facing these children".

"Okay! Sit down for me!"

Fortunately, this situation didn't last long. He Yin, who went to serve food, quickly returned, saw this group of people surrounded by Chiba crying for help, and saw another group of children who came back. Look Look at me, I look at your appearance for not knowing why, and immediately there is a scolding.

In an instant, those restless children suddenly fell silent. In just one second, Chiba changed from being surrounded by a crowd to being ignored. In the blink of an eye, the children, including Soya, who was the first to come over with an exclamation, were all upright. They sat down neatly, and sat down at the edge of the long table in an orderly manner.

"Sit down too, let's eat right away."

But at this time, seeing everyone calm down, He Yin's expression gradually eased, and after glancing at another group of unidentified children, he said softly.

"Yes, Miss Heyin."

Regarding this, the faces of the other group of children flashed resentment, but after all, they did not offend the elder sister, and all of them sat down on the other long table.

Sure enough, Harmony is also Kushina's type, no wonder I was so afraid of her back then.

But at this time, Qianye, who had calmed down seeing the heavy chords, thought so.

"Oh, it's finally here, Chiba."

At this time, another person walked in from outside the door, holding a steaming pot in both hands. After seeing Qianye, he smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth and said calmly.

However, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

It was Yuze.

And obviously, Hyuga Snow Eagle got angry with him, he knew that Chiba was coming.

"Well, long time no see."

Regarding this, Qianye also smiled slightly, watching Yuze walking all the way, and put down the pot, but in the pot, there was curry with a strong meaty aroma, looking at the floating and sinking large pieces of meat, this dish alone , is enough to make the mouth water.

These children have changed a lot!

In just half a year, there has been such a big change.

At this time, Chiba was not very interested in this curry, but looked at the other children who were sitting upright from Yuze one by one.

This change in Yuze should be the smallest among all of them. He has a relatively stable temperament. At this time, he seems to be more charismatic. The solemn feeling of raising his hands can almost give people a great sense of security. It can be considered that the leadership temperament has been slowly developed during this period of growth.

Next, there is Zong Mi. This guy seems to have practiced too much. With the nutrition he has already kept up with, his size is already a bit taller than Chiba, and his body is full of strong muscles. Han tends to move forward.

As for Mingtai, except for his shiny bald head, there is not much similarity to when he left. The direction of progress seems to be similar to that of Soya, except that his muscles fit him better, he does not look strong, and his face is basically devoid of naughtiness. The color is a bit more shrewd and capable.

To be honest, this is the child that Qianye feels has changed the most. He can't even imagine what this child has gone through to transform to this point. It has only been half a year.

And Saxi, who was originally a vitality girl, always felt full of vitality, now she felt less mischievous, and sitting there, she actually felt a bit demure, and she even felt a sense of security when she looked at her , In terms of personality, the changed Chiba just barely recognized it.

This Xiaozhen should be the one who has changed the least except Yuze. Apart from being taller in stature, he also has a stronger sense of calmness and honesty. However, the occasional flash of light in his eyes makes Chiba suddenly feel "neixiu". Feel.

It can be said that Xiaozhen's changes are more internal than external.

And this change is also more internal than external, and it belongs to Yingying. The gloomy girl who originally covered her brows with bangs now looks more gloomy. Although she is tall and slender, but, With Chiba's intuition, there will always be a hint of sharpness, like an extremely sharp blade. Although this feeling is always fleeting, it can be seen that this gloomy girl is definitely the most lethal of them all. the existence of force.

Next, it was Makoto who was a little shy at the beginning. At this time, Makoto no longer had the feeling of shyness and timidity at the beginning. He became more and more ordinary, and even his sense of existence began to thin out. Beside, looking at it, Chiba almost ignored it.

This Cheng is definitely one of the most destructive of these children besides Yingying.

On the whole, these children, when he left, were just children with chakra, ordinary children trained by ninja strength, but at this time, it seems that each of them is a qualified ninja.

And each has its own temperament, and its strength may be immature in the eyes of Qianye's level, but its combat power should be qualified, and it can already protect itself and protect this place.

Unexpectedly, Hyuga Snow Eagle is quite suitable to be a teacher this day!

And after this glance, Chiba's gaze finally fell on Hyuga Snow Eagle who was half-standing up to take the dishes He Yin handed over, and sighed in his heart.

"Later, I have something to tell you, can I come to the kitchen after dinner?"

At this moment, the chorus of turning around after handing over the dishes, said something in a voice that only Chiba who was sitting beside him could hear.

Have something to say?

Hearing this, although Qianye didn't change his expression, he was stunned after all.

However, he immediately reacted, nodded slightly, and agreed.


He Yin wants to talk to me alone?

Seeing that she was obviously different from Hyuga Snow Eagle, could it be that something really happened to Hyuga Snow Eagle?

That's okay, just to ask about the situation here, what happened in the past six months.

While nodding, such a thought flashed through Qianye's mind.

After that, there was nothing more to do. Everyone sat down one by one, and the children who helped in the kitchen also sat down one after another. Finally, under the order of "eat" from Heyin, the restlessness resumed, amidst laughter...

dinner time!

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