Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1694 Preparation

"So, you just let the three of them not only help you do all the dirty work, but also feel embarrassed at the end because they couldn't respond to your request to stay for dinner, and they all apologized? Then, this afternoon, Didn't work much?"

Gently put down the teacup in his hand, Hirohiko, who took a bath after Chiba, slowly sat down beside Chiba who was sitting on the tatami outside the door of the newly renovated back room, and said in his mouth.

"Where is it?"

In this regard, Qianye picked up the teacup that Hirohiko had put down, took a sip, shook his head, and denied Hiroko's inference.

"I noticed that you often don't see anyone in the afternoon. Although the atmosphere is in full swing and everyone's work efficiency is high, but, inexplicably, your figure is becoming less and less common. Even, it seems that in the end , everyone is sweating profusely, even Kakashi is the same, but you don't seem to be sweating at all."

Hearing this, Hirohiko also gently picked up the teacup, and after taking a sip of the tea, he looked in the same direction as Chiba, and said in a neutral tone.


And hearing this sound, Chiba couldn't help but smacked her tongue, but she didn't say much, just drinking tea silently with Hirohiko while looking at the old house of the Uzumaki clan.

"Tell me, Teacher Jiuxinna, what are you doing all of a sudden?"

At this time, Hirohiko put down the tea in his hand, looked at the gloomy sky that had gradually darkened, and said.

He asked what he wanted to ask the most all day today.

"Who knows..."

In this regard, Qianye also raised his head, looked at the sky, the cool wind blew past, brushed the hair of the two of them, and also blew Qianye's soft sound.

"Who are you cheating on?"

However, Chiba's words, which showed that I don't know what Teacher Kushina was thinking, were refuted by Hirohiko with extremely impatient and contemptuous words. At the same time, following the words, Hirohiko's scornful eyes also fell on Chiba's face.


In response, Chiba's mouth twitched.

This... what's going on?

Why are these guys smarter than the other, and now they can't be fooled casually.

Is my level lower now?

Or have they become hot-eyed?

And in his mind, such a thought flashed through.

Chiba naturally had guesses about Kushina's abnormal behavior today, and the guess should be different from what Kushina thought.

However, this kind of speculation is actually meaningless, they just need to do what Kushina ordered.

After all, as a teacher, Kushina will not harm them. Even if he does some physical work, it doesn't matter. The reason why Chiba has guesses is entirely because of his thinking habits. Abnormally, he is habitual, no, it should be said that he will analyze and speculate like a conditioned reflex.

This matter, whether Hong Yan knew it or not, it was the same, there was no need to say it.

It's not that Qianye didn't want to say it, but since it was arranged by Kushina, then they just did it, there's no need to make it too clear.

Moreover, the current situation, especially the matter of specially inviting Kakashi, in fact, Hirohiko should be a little aware of it now, and even has a general idea in his heart, so there is no need to say anything.

"You actually understand it in your heart, don't you?"

And at this time, Qianye tugged the corner of his mouth and said.

"not understand."

To this, Hirohiko's answer was quite straightforward.


Chiba's mouth twitched again for Hirohiko's straightforward answer.

"Why, can't you tell me?"

Regarding this, Hirohiko turned his head, looked at Chiba, hesitated for a moment, and asked.

"Hey...Actually, it's not something that can't be said, Mr. Kushina is just worried about Kakashi."

Hearing this, Qianye sighed a little, and didn't hold back, or felt that there was no need to say it like before.

"Worried about Kakashi?"

Hearing this, Hiroko was slightly taken aback.

And he began to think in his heart, Kakashi today and Kakashi before didn't seem to have changed much, so there is nothing to worry about.

"That's right, Mr. Kushina invited him because he was worried about Kakashi. As for letting us repair the house, Mr. Kushina clearly wanted us to get in touch with Kakashi more, or in other words, to cultivate a relationship. The best way to cultivate a relationship is to work together and accomplish the seemingly impossible together.”

Regarding this, Qianye also put down the teacup and said.

"Cultivate relationships? Huh? You mean, Kushina-sensei is worried that Kakashi is doing it because of...?"

Hearing Chiba's words, Hirohiko was puzzled at first, but he was someone who knew Kakashi after all, so he quickly realized and said so.

"Well. Teacher Kushina wants us to replace Obito and Rin and protect Kakashi well. Whether it is internal protection or external protection."

To this, Chiba nodded and said.


After hearing Qianye's affirmative answer, the doubt on Hongyan Poker's face slowly faded away, and turned into a look of understanding. Then, he turned around and murmured softly.

"Really, teacher Kushina's style!"

Afterwards, after murmuring, he couldn't help but let out a sigh of emotion.

"Next, it's my speculation. Mr. Kushina's sudden renovation of this old house is probably not just to let us walk into Kakashi's heart, she probably has other plans."

Hearing Hirohiko's emotion, Chiba smiled knowingly, and then said.

"Any other plans? What plans?"

Hearing this, Hiroko was taken aback again and asked.

"Well...how should I put it? You should know that Mr. Kushina and Mr. Minato are already living together."

For Hirohiko's question, Chiba did not answer directly, but asked a rhetorical question.

"Well, I heard."

In this regard, Hirohiko is not surprised, so he said.

This Kushina-sensei and Minato-sensei have already disclosed their secrets, and they have already broken away from the category of couples. They are basically unmarried couples. Maybe they have already registered for marriage, and it is not too strange to live together.

"Huh? You mean, here, it will be after Mr. Kushina..."

Then, suddenly, Hirohiko suddenly realized something, and suddenly said.

"New home."

And at this time, Qianye smiled, and added the second half of the sentence he didn't say.

"Yeah, that's the way it is. In this case, everything makes sense. If you are only worried about Kakashi, there is no need for Tebi to repair the house. Even if we really want to repair it, it should be done in a few days." A few days ago, hand over the whole house to us instead of a back room."

At this time, Hirohiko also wanted to understand thoroughly, and blurted out.

"And, after all, this is the former home of Mr. Kushina, and also the old house of the Uzumaki clan that Mr. Kushina belongs to. It's just right to live here."

In this regard, Chiba also agrees.

This...is also a kind of change!

In the original book, Kushina and Minato lived in the apartment divided by the village, but now they moved into the old house of the Uzumaki clan, obviously, it has changed!

I'm not doing useless work!

But at this moment, such a firm thought flashed through Qianye's heart.

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