Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1673 Still need to be tricky

"Hiss... It seems like a blink of an eye, so many days have passed!"

It was noon again, and Chiba, who had finished her forbidden technique practice in the morning, walked out from the exit of the underground medical laboratory. After covering the exit, she looked at the trees that had withered due to the arrival of winter, and couldn't help but take a deep breath. After taking a breath, the cold but sober air poured into the lungs, which lifted Chiba's spirit.

Under the bright sunshine, Chiba stretched greatly.

At this time, more than half a month has passed since Itachi's two visits, the weather has completely turned cold, and winter has come for a long time.

During this period of time, no one looked for Qianye again, and Qianye spent a long period of boring but fulfilling days of practicing every day.

And during this period of time, under Qianye's continuous practice, just yesterday, he finally met the actual combat requirements of the new forbidden technique. In addition to daily consolidation and proficiency, Qianye no longer needs to focus too much on cultivation The technique is forbidden, even, he has canceled the practice time in the afternoon, and replaced it with the practice of changing the nature of Chakra.

Although this forbidden technique can already be used in actual combat, after all, it is only a threshold. To truly exert the greatest power of the forbidden technique in actual combat, Chiba still needs to keep in touch and get familiar with it until he is proficient enough that he wants to use it. When you use it, you can use it directly, instead of taking nearly a minute to convert all the chakras into forbidden chakras like now, and then carry out actual combat.

If it was still in this state during the battle, Chiba might die many times.

Of course, now, it just needs proficiency, and Chiba has already overcome all the difficult parts.

Moreover, it may be an illusion, Qianye found that after the final change of the physical changes, his memory, comprehension and even the speed of thinking seemed to have an insignificant improvement. At that time, he suddenly discovered that many points that he didn't understand before and just followed suit, sometimes he figured out its function or essence at once, and because of this, he has made rapid progress in the new forbidden technique In just half a month, the goal of the new forbidden technique reaching the level of actual combat was accomplished.

To be honest, he still couldn't believe it at the time.

However, the facts were in front of him, and he had to believe it if he didn't believe it, so Qianye didn't think too much about it.

And in the past half a month, Chiba has already had some tips about the change of chakra properties of the thunder attribute and wind attribute in terms of the change of chakra properties. As for the Thunder attribute, Chiba didn't find Kakashi, and finally found a well-known Thunder Dunn elite Jonin in the village who learned about it.

It's just that Chiba's progress has been quite slow in this one and a half months of practice. Although Chiba has some experience in mastering the changes in the properties of other chakra attributes with the change in the fire attribute, but the wind attribute and chakra It is still quite difficult to grasp the changes in the nature of thunder attributes.

However, here, Qianye is not in a hurry. It is not easy to master the changes in the nature of other attributes, and the slow progress is expected.

It was originally planned to take things slowly, but Chiba was quite optimistic about this.

In the past one and a half months, in addition to the great progress of the new forbidden technique, Qianye has also made considerable progress in the sealing technique. Although the improvement in actual combat is not great, he has generally mastered the knowledge obtained from the sealing space Alright, out of the several undeveloped ideas for sealing techniques, there is only one left that has not been developed yet.

Moreover, the knowledge of the huge sealing technique of these well-understood sealing spaces has also improved Chiba's existing sealing techniques. Now the sealing spaces made by Chiba are stronger than before, and the capacity is also larger.

In other words, the strength of the sealing technique has been qualitatively improved.

During this period of time, Chiba has already had a new idea. He intends to comprehensively strengthen the Yin Seal. Although the Yin Seal is a very precise and complicated sealing technique, according to the current knowledge of the sealing technique in the ninja world, it is simply impossible. Even the analysis of the Yin seal can only be done by the Uzumaki family and the characters who have learned the Yin seal.

However, now Qianye's knowledge of sealing techniques has been able to strengthen all the sealing techniques he has mastered. Although it is very difficult to strengthen the Yin seal, it is not impossible.

As for the strengthening of the Yin Seal, if it can be successful, the Yin Seal may also be of great help in this Nine Tails Rebellion.

Similarly, Qianye has also improved a lot in terms of spell sealing, but Qianye has learned very few spell seals, and the knowledge brought out from the sealing space is mainly based on seal spells. This is not a small improvement in spell seal. It can only be said that it is more proficient and stable.

It is not as comprehensive as the sealing technique.

However, an improvement is always good.

Then, the last item, which was also the most pleasant surprise for Chiba in the past month and a half, he was able to shake Bamen slightly.

That is to say, the fact that Bamen could not be opened was not because of his wrong method, but because of the final change of his body, Bamen had some unknown changes, and under the constant impact, his body or Chiba himself He has already begun to find the point to open the door. Although Qianye doesn't know the reason for this, what is certain is that in the long run, it will be a matter of time before the Eight Doors mode is restored.

Chiba's most important and basic strength composition finally sees the hope of recovery!

As long as the eight-door mode is restored, Chiba's strength can be improved again, and there shouldn't be any major problems in the recovery of the eight-door mode. As long as the first door is successfully opened, it will be easy to open the subsequent doors.

It can be said that this month and a half has been good news.

However, while all this is good news, it is also accompanied by bad news, that is, with these improvements, Chiba gradually feels the bottleneck of strength improvement, the kind of great success in one aspect in the past, There will be a huge improvement in the form of transformation, and now, after these improvements in Chiba, although it is also a huge improvement, there is no such powerful feeling of transformation at all.

In other words, Qianye will face a situation where it is difficult to improve his strength in the future, as if he is already at a certain height, and if he goes up, he will not be able to improve by learning new things or improving existing things up.

Now Chiba estimates that it is similar to what he thought before. Now that he has reached the bottleneck, he should not be able to face Nine Tails alone. It is impossible to end the Nine Tails Rebellion by himself. The situation will be quite complicated.

There will be more variables because of the uncertainty of fate.

The Nine-Tails Rebellion, even if his current strength has been improved to the point where he cannot improve, it is still a nightmare difficulty.

"Hey... It's useless to think about these things, or, let's deal with the current affairs first."

However, Qianye didn't get too entangled in this bad news. Things are already like this, and it's useless to be entangled too much. It's better to think more and make preparations, and work and rest. Don't be too nervous and affect your mentality.

And now, he is going to go to Kushina's house to prepare for the New Year.

It will be the New Year in a few days. If I don't show up at Kushina's house now, I can prove that I want to help prepare.

When the time comes, if I didn't show up years ago, I will definitely be beaten!

So, while speaking, he also took steps towards Jiu Xinnai's house.

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