Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1671 Do you want to?

How... how could this happen?

People like Teacher Chiba have no way to answer this question, can they solve this problem?

So, is war inevitable?

Yes, can never be avoided?

Peace... so what's the point of peace?

If war is inevitable and cannot be avoided, then what is the point of short-lived peace?

What's the point of everything we believe in?

Listening to the words of one of the most respected people in front of him, looking at those sincere and candid eyes, Itachi slowly opened his eyes wide, his lips slightly dilated, but in his eyes was a kind of disappointment and confusion of shattered hopes!

The blood on the battlefield, the face of the man who stabbed him with kunai when he wanted to be healed, the corpses everywhere, scenes of cruelty and despair flashed in his head, impacting him who was young but not naive mind.

Originally, he was full of hope and asked all the contradictions and pains, thinking that the most extraordinary person he had ever seen before him would give himself an answer that could relieve him, but he never expected that his The last hope was finally shattered, shattered like powder.

The contradictions, entanglements, pains, and incomprehensions all of a sudden surged up during this period. For a while, Itachi couldn't react anymore, and became completely confused.

Sorry, Itachi.

As a teacher, I can't explain it to you.

You can't lie here, this is the world of ninjas, even if I deceive you with a beautiful lie, you will find out this kind of cruelty in the future, instead of letting you cause deeper harm when you find out in the future, it is better to tell you now The cruelty of the world.

Even if it might cause you great pain right now, that's all I can do.

Looking at Itachi's expression, Chiba's face slowly became serious, and the corners of his eyes showed a trace of shame for not being able to relieve Itachi's pain.

However, this problem, it seems, can be used to coax children, and Chiba can also find all kinds of words that are difficult to find flaws to make Itachi believe a beautiful lie, saying that war will not always exist, and true peace will always exist. coming.

Just as the original book has always preached, there will be a savior, and after the savior, the son of prophecy saves the world, real peace will usher in.

It's just that this is just a lie, even if it is the original book, there is no real peace in the end, and two generations of human beings, combined with the war history of the two generations, Qianye can't say these things against children against his will.

Unless there is real peace, eternal peace, Chiba will never be able to speak of the so-called peace that has not been realized.

He will not lie to his disciples, although he is still young, since he was born in this world, he must understand the cruelty of this world.

Perhaps, if Itachi hadn't been his disciple, or if Itachi hadn't been so outstanding, precocious, kind and delicate as his disciple, he might have found some excuses to deceive him, and the matter would have passed like this.

However, because Itachi is his disciple, and he is so outstanding, so precocious, so kind and delicate, so he can't find excuses, find beautiful lies, he must let this child understand the cruelty of the world.

Otherwise, such a genius, such a kind and delicate genius, would only perish in cruelty, perish in cruelty, become crazy in cruelty, and finally perish.

Moreover, as his own disciple, how could he be so fragile!

"Itachi, do you hate war?"

At this time, Qianye looked at it for a while, took a slight breath, and said.

"Hate, war?"

And hearing this sound, Itachi, who was still in confusion and a huge blow, raised his head subconsciously, and repeated it with confusion.

"Yes, do you hate war?"

Regarding this, Qianye followed his words and asked firmly.


And hearing Qianye's obviously firmer tone, Itachi was startled for a moment, then quickly suppressed the confusion and shock in his heart, and said firmly.

"So, do you want to end the war?"

Regarding this, Chiba asked again.

Teacher Chiba...

Is there a way to end the war?

However, if he knew the method, he would definitely be able to answer the previous question. If he couldn't answer the previous question, how could he solve the problem of war?

Hearing Qianye's words, Itachi was pleasantly surprised at first, but soon became confused.

"You don't have to think too much, just answer whether you want it or not!"

Seeing the change in expression on Itachi's face, Chiba asked instead of waiting for his answer.


Regarding this, Itachi suppressed the doubts in his heart, and said almost firmly.

"Then, let's do it!"

Hearing this sentence, Qianye suddenly laughed, and said in a more resolute tone, without any doubt.

Then go... ready?

But when he heard Qianye's words and saw his teacher's smile that he didn't know how to describe, Itachi was stunned.

"Indeed, the war has never ended, no matter in the Sengoku period before the birth of the ninja village, or in the ninja period after the establishment of the ninja village, the war has never stopped, and it seems that it will come again forever, but this does not mean that the war It really cannot be ended. If you want to end the war, do it! The bad status quo does not mean that it will continue to be bad. Instead of suffering and entangled here, it is better to try your best to do it and end it! Just because the war can’t be ended doesn’t mean future generations won’t be able to end it either!”

At this time, Qianye's resolute words came again.

Instead of tangling in pain here, it's better...to do it, to end it!

yes! yes!

It’s fine if you don’t do it!

To do what the predecessors couldn't do, isn't it all right?

And at this moment, this sentence, like a ray of light, pierced through the confusion and contradictions and pain that covered his heart like dark clouds with the force of a sharp sword, and dispelled all the dark clouds.

Suddenly, Itachi's heart became clear.

"Yes! I see, Teacher Chiba!"

In the next second, his eyes gradually brightened, he nodded heavily at Qianye, and then responded.

"However, you must also know that this is definitely not a simple matter. Even in your whole life, you may not be able to complete your career. If you don't do anything, you will have nothing. If you do it, you may not get the desired ending. , you must remember!"

But looking at the disciple who was about to stand up excitedly, Qianye did not encourage him any further, but gently pressed his head, rubbed it lightly, and said in a heavy tone.

do nothing, nothing...

Do it, and you may not get the desired ending...

Hearing the sound of his teacher's earnest words, the excitement of finding the answer and the excitement of doing something that the predecessors could not do in Itachi's heart slowly calmed down.

And at this moment, looking at the teacher in front of him, Itachi suddenly felt that his teacher was so tall and wise.

Feeling the warmth that penetrated into his heart from the hand above his head, he subconsciously made his face serious, and then nodded heavily.

"I see, Teacher Chiba! Even if I don't get the ending I want, I won't give up!"

Afterwards, he said firmly and decisively.

"Ah! This is my disciple!"

Looking at the resolute child in front of him, Qianye smiled slowly, couldn't help but rubbed his disciple's head heavily, and said with affirmation.

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