Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1664 The bottom layer of Konoha...

It seems that my level of playing games is really at the bottom of the entire Konoha...

With a creak and a little morning mist, the door of the Japanese-style cabin was pushed open with a sigh after a night.

One foot, mixed with a little morning mist, stepped into the cabin.

"It's really... I can't lose anymore! Once, I never won, unexpectedly."

Then, a burst of thoughts with an inexplicable emotion rang out.

"Hey... It doesn't seem like it's bad luck..."

Walking into the Japanese-style cabin, Chiba sighed and muttered while taking off her shoes. By the way, he wiped his face, and he always felt that he hadn't completely washed off all the grimaces painted on his face yesterday.

Last night, out of fifty hands, he lost fifty-one times, which was still the easiest way to play.

That's right, the easiest way to play, and out of the fifty games, he lost fifty-one times. He didn't even know how he lost the extra one, how did he achieve this one-in-a-million chance? The standard "double loser" appears in this simplest play.

To be honest, all he played yesterday was doubting his life.

As for Hirohiko and Xue Nai, they seemed to have seized this opportunity, and one by one was more aggressive than the other. At first, their bets in playing cards were just playing with the palms of their hands, then they turned into playing with their foreheads, and then they turned into using rubber bands. After flicking the forehead, it is to draw various expressions on the face. To be honest, his forehead and forehead suffered an unprecedented disaster last night. It was red, but when it was completed fifty times and lost fifty-one times, his face was completely "black", completely like an ink face.

Hirohiko and Yukina suppressed their laughter and went to the bathroom.

To be honest, Qianye now really feels that he should not play any games in the future. In terms of games, his luck is really bad.


Can't say bad bang!

It should be said that he is extremely weak in games that require skill. A simple game that requires luck, and he was out of luck.

All in all, either he doesn't play the game, or if he plays the game, he will definitely lose and explode.

At this time, Chiba has fully understood why Hirohiko and Xue Nai tried to hide the emotion of "what are you kidding" when they heard that they were going to play cards, and why Hirohiko was able to, in a state of excitement, In just ten minutes, a deck of cards that wasn't complicated but definitely not simple was made.

Still in Braille!

In terms of playing games, he is a lamb waiting to be slaughtered!

"However, I'm really thankful for playing cards this time. Sure enough, it's better to get in touch with Hongyan at close range. Otherwise, there will be no breakthrough!"

Thinking of this, Qianye sighed and sighed a few more times, then put away the appearance of "never playing any more games", but slowly raised his hand, opened his five fingers slightly, and muttered to himself With a sigh of emotion.


And at this moment, when the words of emotion that were talking to himself fell, the spark in the raised hand flashed, and a ball of fire exploded, but it dissipated in the air in an instant, As if it never exploded.

That's right, Chiba at this time has mastered the third nature change, the chakra property change of the fire attribute!

Finally, on the road of nature change, Chiba can be regarded as catching up with Hirohiko who has mastered the three chakra attributes.

As for how the change of the chakra nature of the fire attribute was suddenly mastered, in fact, it was quite unexpected.

After finishing the game, after Qianye washed his face and came back, although it was almost late at night, the three of them still felt that it was still early and what else should they do. They had also played the game, and the three of them had a serious chat for a while The topic of ninjutsu, body art, and illusion, and then, chatting and chatting, it became a variety of demonstrations. This Xue Nai's soft fist method and Hirohiko's new trap formations really scared Chiba. Jump.

Yes, startled.

Originally, Qianye felt that if one of the two was imprisoned for so long and the other lost his light, their strength would more or less stagnate, or even regress.

But, in fact, Chiba underestimated the talents of these two people.

Through chatting and demonstrating this night, Chiba has concluded that Xue Nai can protect herself well even if she can't see her, so he really doesn't have to worry too much.

Because she can't see it, Xue Nai has mutated Huitian into a new form of Huitian that continuously releases chakra to the surroundings during this period. Although the effectiveness of rebound attacks has dropped by 90% in this new form, it basically does not have rebound The means of attack, but it can make her detect the attack when the attack passes through the chakra emitted by this new form, and then react, and the spiral chakra used for punching acupuncture points released by her soft fist method has basically Condensed into rotating needles, not only can have a greater impact on the acupoints, but can even cause substantial physical damage. What I have to say is basically a change in the internal rotation form of the spiral pill, which is similar to his two S-level ninjutsu. However, Xue Nai's chakra form is more stable and concentrated. Of course, the range In terms of attack, it is far inferior to Chiba's S-rank ninjutsu.

However, think about the soft fist method with the power of S-level ninjutsu in each hand... Chiba doesn't know how to imagine Xue Nai's destructive power.

Of course, both Huitian's new form and Xue Nai's unique chakra spiral needle form consume a lot of Chakra, but with Xue Nai's Chakra amount, the consumption can also afford it.

However, it is impossible to persist for too long.

Xue Nai's chakra amount is also quite huge, and it is also a very rare exception among the Hyuga clan.

As for Hirohiko, with Nao's Kaleidoscope Sharingan, it goes without saying that his strength will expand, but Chiba can't imagine that Hirohiko has designed many traps that match the ability of Kaleidoscope Sharingan, and even Serial trap formations, these trap formations, especially the serial trap formations, if they fall into it, even Chiba will not be able to think of how to escape.

Obviously, during this period of time, Hirohiko, it should be said, has learned from the painful experience since he raised his spirits, and completely integrated the battle with the third generation of Raikage into his own strength.

His strength has not only expanded, but also expanded simultaneously from strategic and tactical aspects as well as various other levels.

Don’t forget, Hirohiko still has mastered the three chakra attributes, and now according to him, there is also a way to change the chakra attributes of the fourth lightning attribute. .

Plus Kaleidoscope Sharingan and Kaleidoscope-level replication capabilities.

To be honest, even if Chiba has restored the eight-door mode now, she is not fully sure that she can defeat Hirohiko.

Hirohiko and Xue Nai can be said to be two extremes. It can be said that Hirohiko's methods are constantly complicated, just like his eyes, moving towards the direction of thousands of flowers blooming, while Xue Nai is focused on one, with absolute destructive power One, neither of them is a fuel-efficient lamp.

Even, Chiba feels that if this is a novel, these two people should also be protagonists.

It's just that he doesn't show his mountains and dews at ordinary times, and he doesn't have any chance to show it off, so he doesn't look that powerful.

The nature of Chiba's fire attribute changes is also under such an atmosphere of discussion, and Hirohiko has taught him in various ways, and finally in an accidental attempt, Chiba has a flash of inspiration and has mastered the feeling of the fire attribute chakra , thus carrying out the property change of the fire property.

It can be said that Chiba gained a lot this night.

Needless to say, the nature of the fire attribute changes,

And the biggest gain is undoubtedly knowing the strength of the two, and the feeling of peace in my heart.

"I always feel that they are stronger, and I am happier than myself!"

And whoever thought of this, Qianye unconsciously smiled, and muttered to himself.

Then, it's time to start practicing today!

First of all, it is still a forbidden technique!

With a smile, Qianye took a slight breath, and without hesitation, he stepped out directly, heading towards the underground medical laboratory.

"Boom boom boom!"

However, at this moment, a sudden knock on the door interrupted Qianye's steps.

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