Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1646 Two days


The sound of the instrument, thinking rhythmically in the emergency ward that has undergone tremendous changes, is like the rhythm of a person's peaceful heartbeat.


And in this electronic-like sound, six old scholars gathered together, looking at the scrolls in their hands, you look at me, I look at you, these meetings are basically quarreling 80% of the time, or The old pedants who emphasized that their views were correct felt speechless at this moment.

All of them had weird faces, and almost half of their faces were stiff.

Except for the coming in and out to observe the situation, recording various data on the instrument, or taking some blood from Chiba's body for regular inspections, and the slight noise made by the medical ninja who used medical ninjutsu to stimulate Chiba's fixed parts, the whole The ward was surprisingly quiet, almost eerily quiet.

And at this moment, the medical ninjas who are coming in and out, and at this moment, the six old scholars who have been arguing almost every day for the past two days, are sitting together so quietly at this moment, not knowing what to do with their heads buried. The situation is very surprising, every time I go in and out, I can't help but look here.

Before you know it, look at me, look at you, except for the head, almost half of the body and facial expressions are stiff, the group of six old scholars has become the emergency ward and the entire Chiba emergency department. Some kind of landscape for the group.

Moreover, when leaving the ward and arriving at the waiting room of these medical ninjas, "What's wrong with them?", "I don't know, it seems to have turned off collectively", "No way, could it be that Chiba-sama The situation is not good?", "It's nothing bad, I read the data, Chiba-sama's condition is quite stable, but he has fallen into an unknown coma", "Could it be that there is something in these data that we can't see Is it?", "Oh, don't have an accident!" whispering.

Then, over time, it gradually evolved into such things as "Still silent?", "Did something really happen?", "No way, Lord Chiba was born and died so many times on the battlefield, and finally turned the corner. What kind of war is this time?" I just fell down? Impossible! I don’t believe it!”, “Oh, I don’t believe it either! But those old gentlemen are already the best and most experienced doctors on our side. We are at a loss, we..." "Don't talk nonsense, Master Chiba cannot be defeated in this situation, some of you newcomers may not know that about four years ago, Master Chiba was injured the most, and the whole body did not know How many comminuted fractures, he was almost dying, he let out a sigh of relief, he was healed by Tsunade-sama, I have never seen such a tenacious person, he was still a seven or eight-year-old child at that time!", "Okay! Give me work hard, don't discuss these things!" whispered.

Of course, although these whispers are full of words that can shake the hearts of doctors, these selected medical ninjas are after all battlefield rescuers who have seen the world and even faced wars. At the time, none of them lost the chain.

Especially every time they think of the sacrifice the young man in front of him has made for them and the contribution he has made to protect the village, they are all more determined to save this young man.

Even, they always have this sentence in their hearts.

Now, it's our turn!

It's our turn to save him!

As healers, the Chiba treatment team, which consisted of almost 20 people, hadn't made any mistakes, failed to complete tasks or neglected in the past two days.

However, Chiba hasn't experienced any critical situation in the past few days, and is basically stable. Whether it is the blood report or the daily report of various body data, the body does not have any signs of exhaustion.

Even, with the passage of time, Chiba's various physical states are recovering.

These medical ninjas can still chat in whispers, which also represents the stability of Chiba's situation. If there is any dangerous situation in Chiba, or even the appearance of danger, it is impossible for these medical ninjas to be so leisurely. Take a break during work to chat or something.

And during this period, the reactions of these six old scholars were also quite strange. Except for the period when they were just appointed as the person in charge and received a lot of authority, after the first inspection report and comprehensive data came out , they became more and more silent day by day, and after these two days, they became completely silent.

Now you look at me, I look at you, no one can say anything.

It's no wonder that these medical ninjas who know these six well-known old scholars in Konoha's medical field have all kinds of doubts and whispers.

Their reaction was too abnormal.

"What do you think?"

And right here with these medical staff, after the routine data collection every day, they all left the emergency room to collect and sort out the data, the silent old scholars finally had words.

"I think we've thought about this matter together!"

In this regard, the one among the old pedants who loves to argue the most, glanced at the young man who was safely unconscious in the middle of various advanced medical equipment, shook his head, and said with a wry smile.

"Why do I feel like these data are fake?"

At the same time, another person said that there was suspicion in his words, not that he suspected that he had misread the data, but that the data itself was wrong.

"This... I don't know what to say..."

Afterwards, there was a voice with a bitter tone, and the words were full of helpless bitterness.

"This kid... Could it be that he did it on purpose?"

Soon, someone targeted the patient on the hospital bed and questioned him quite a bit.

"However, even if he's playing tricks on us, it's impossible for him to not have any flaws in two days."

Then, there is a voice questioning the words of those who spoke earlier.

After that, there was silence, six old scholars, look at you again, let me look at you. Then, Qiqi looked at the motionless young man in a coma on the hospital bed.

Will not!

This is absolutely impossible!

But when their eyes touched the boy, the six of them all denied it in their hearts.


However, when they looked back at the data in front of them, the data of the past few days, the six of them couldn't completely deny it in their hearts, or even negate the previous negation.

Then, in the next second, the six of them directly threw the data in their hands to the ground in a rare tacit agreement, and a look of annoyance appeared on their old faces.


This kid is absolutely impossible!

Absolutely impossible! Absolutely impossible! absolutely impossible...

is sleeping!

Absolutely impossible!

And in their hearts, there was an emotion that could be called an explosion!

However, at this moment, when their hearts became more strongly opposed, their figures suddenly stopped, twelve eyes stared at the same time, and their faces were bit by bit extremely reluctant and unbearable. Look at the hospital bed.

At this moment, from over there, that is, from the hospital bed, came...

Slight grunting.

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