Chapter 1640 ask clearly

"What about after being sent to the hospital? Have you arranged for the best doctor to be seen by him? In addition to the best doctor in the hospital, there are also the best medical ninjas in the medical ninja department, who are also transferred to me. No, one who can't be accurate Definitely, drop a team of medical ninjas over here."

The sound of hurried footsteps echoed in the corridor, and the wards moved backward at a speed between walking speed and running speed. Namikaze Minato frowned and asked.

And his face was stern.

From the Hokage Building to the Konoha Hospital, he had already asked about Chiba's condition, and he knew that Chiba had fainted suddenly without warning, and this period of time could not be said to be complete without rest, or In fact, for the past half a month, Qianye has given the accompanying Anbu ninja a feeling that everything is under control. Even, Qianye sleeps for more than ten hours a day, although he also let the accompanying The Anbu ninja would wake him up whenever he had something to do, but in fact, because of his meticulous arrangements, the Anbu ninja hadn't had a chance to interrupt his sleep.

In other words, Qianye didn't faint because of overwork at all, but some unknown circumstances that caused him to faint.

And this ninja fainted in a healthy state, which is a very serious matter. Chiba still doesn't know the reason. To be honest, Namikaze Minato is really worried, even scared.

Yes, Namikaze Minato, who is the Fourth Hokage, was already a little scared at this time.

The importance of Chiba is self-evident, even Namikaze Minato would rather talk about peace and chaos in the repair alliance than lose Chiba.

After all, peace talks and alliances are in chaos, and wars start again. At worst, we will fight again. It doesn’t matter whether we win or lose. In the end, peace talks and alliances will be held. Now there is no ninja village, or an alliance of several ninja villages. Those who can completely destroy the Dainin Village, which has a balance weapon like a tailed beast, will eventually go to the peace talks to repair the alliance. Years later, as long as he works hard enough, at least at the end of his tenure, Konoha will return to his pre-war level.

If the war is lost, he can fight again or admit defeat and negotiate peace. However, if a child like Chiba, such an unborn genius, is gone, then where will he find such a Hokage seedling.

The current Chiba is already an existence that can definitely surpass him in the future.

If Chiba is lost, Konoha will lose at least fifty years of prosperity!

Moreover, from a private point of view, from a personal point of view, although Namikaze Minato did not guide this child much, it may also be Aiwujiwu. He didn't have much contact with Chiba, but it doesn't mean that his feelings are weak , especially since he still has high hopes for this child, in fact he also regards Chiba as his disciple.

Same as Kakashi, Rin, and Obito, otherwise, he wouldn't have taught him his lifelong understanding of Chakra at once.

Although it is personal freedom to teach one's own understanding to whom, but Konoha has never advocated or even prohibited passing on one's own understanding of all ninja powers to others without any examination.

Even if it is a direct teacher, it must be passed on after a school test or observation to confirm that this person will not abuse this power.

After all, if a monster that endangers the village is taught, it will be a great harm to the teacher himself.

And this is one of the reasons why Konoha has the fewest traitors in the ninja world.

At that time, when Namikaze Minato gave Chiba the scroll of his understanding of Chakra, he had already admitted that Chiba's actions were worthy of entrusting these understandings and these powers.

After all, Minato Namakaze is not a fool, just Aiwu Jiwu, because Chiba is a disciple of Kushina, so he gave all his understanding about Chakra. If Minato Namakaze really does this kind of thing, then , he is not qualified to sit in Hokage's position now.

Even, as a teacher, a Konoha ninja, he is disqualified.

Namikaze Minato sincerely agrees with Chiba and regards Chiba as his disciple, that's why he did such a thing.

Of course, at that time, he also passed on these things to Chiba through Kushina's affairs. At the time, he also felt that Chiba could protect Kushina and be trustworthy, so he wanted to improve Chiba's strength Second, he was afraid that Qianye would learn from Kushina's stubborn temper, and felt that accepting other ninja's professors behind his own teacher's back was an act of betrayal to Kushina, so he refused to accept it.

This is both emotional and reasonable, Namikaze Minato must have attached great importance to Chiba.

At this time, Namikaze Minato was also very anxious, almost the moment he heard about his accident, he dropped everything to deal with Chiba's physical problems.


And at this time, upon hearing Namikaze Minato's order, Anbe Ninja, who was following Namikaze Minato, who had been following Chiba, hurriedly responded, and then left here in a flash, going to the medical ninja special department.

"No, no! This is definitely not because of the kid's mental problems, except for the fainting!"

"However, there is no abnormality in the body! It has been in the previous state, and it has even begun to subside. The attack, phagocytosis and fusion of various cells have also reduced a lot, and his body has become calm."

"There is no problem with the body, and there is no problem with the spirit, so what is the problem!"

"Calm down, this kid's situation is a special case, and so far, except for the little girl from Hinata's family, the only strange disease, don't miss the best research time, let you two yell over gone."

"You said, did you fall into some kind of delayed illusion?"

"Don't be kidding, this kid's protection level during this period, let alone an illusion, even flies and mosquitoes can't get close to him, how could he fall under the illusion."

"So, I said it was a time-lapse illusion, and it was hit before, not during this time!"

And soon, Namikaze Minato came to the door of Chiba's emergency ward, but standing at the door, the first thing he felt was not the silence of the hospital ward, or the sound of serious diagnosis and treatment discussions, but a burst of noise the sound of.


It's those people!

However, Namakaze Minato didn't feel surprised or angry when he heard the noise, but felt a little relieved.

It's just, what's going on with those cell phagocytosis and attack fusion?

There was something wrong with Chiba's body?

What are these guys hiding from me!

Then, after feeling relieved, Namikaze Minato frowned even more tightly, and the look on his face was also rare serious.

Although the quarrel inside the door only reflects a few words and scattered information, for Namikaze Minato, there are already a lot of inferences.

Among them, what attracted his attention was naturally Chiba's body cells.

"Can you tell me about the situation of Chiba's cells!"

However, next, Namikaze Minato didn't hesitate, but pushed the door open and walked in. When the door opened and took steps, this urgent sentence also blurted out.

He must ask all questions about Chiba's body!

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