Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1629 Confrontation

what to do?

Next, if you have to say something, what should you say, so that you can firmly stand on this principle!

In other words, when there is really no way to do it, when it is necessary to test, is there any way to make Taki Chiba unable to do anything.

Seal the possibility of his possible manipulation!

After understanding the current situation, Yanshan also calmed down and did not speak. He just faced those heavy faces and gazes, and pointed the tip of a knife against the "murderer" who "killed" the envoy diplomat Yanyin with blood on his hands. " Konoha Ninja's neck, but remained silent.

But at this moment, under the gaze of Konoha's dignified ninja, he felt more and more clear-headed, more and more absorbed in thinking about things, and his thoughts had already diverged.


At the same time, the Konoha ninja who had been pressed against the tip of the knife for a long time couldn't help swallowing.

In any case, the point of the knife has already pierced the skin of his throat, and the blood has already turned into a thin stream winding down his neck. As long as the man in front of him exerts a little force, his throat will be pierced, and he will undoubtedly die .

Although it can be said that he is well-trained, has rich experience, and has experienced countless lives and deaths, at this moment, this kind of fishy state that he can't even resist, can only let the sword point at the vitals, and kill himself with a single move , still made him nervous.

After all, he is also a human being. In the battle of life and death, he may put aside life and death and fight for his own back, for his own belief, and for his own survival. But this kind of situation where he can't make any resistance because of the suspicion of murder, so as not to deepen the misunderstanding and lead to an unimaginable situation, where he can only be put on the neck by the enemy with a knife, are two completely different situations.

Although he is said to be a ninja, the training and experience he has undergone disregarded life and death, but this kind of instinctive nervousness about his own life is not something that can be erased by training and experience.

Unless, this person has been trained to be a mindless monster, he will not feel anything about death.

Especially, the silent gaze between the man in front of him and the teenager in front of him made his heart rise to his throat.

As the two of them stopped talking, the already dignified atmosphere, coupled with the formation surrounded by the surrounding companions, the grief and anger of the four guards of Yan Yin, and the situation of the man in front of him holding his knife point against him, the surrounding atmosphere, It is already more tense.

The act of swallowing his saliva because of nervousness can be said to be partly because of his own life and death, and partly because of the tense atmosphere.


Neither of them seemed to back down!

At this time, subconsciously glanced at the bloody Konoha ninja Anbu ninja, and frowned slightly. He could see the nervousness of this elite ninja. plan to retreat.

The situation is now deadlocked.

However, this increasingly tense atmosphere made Anbu ninja a little worried.

After all, this tense atmosphere not only existed on the two confronting people in front of him, but also affected behind him, the dozens of companions who surrounded them from the village.

Although he is standing in front, he can already feel the tension behind him rising straightly with the tense atmosphere ahead. If he continues to confront like this, the tense atmosphere will continue to rise, and maybe dozens of companions behind him will enter the frightened bird or the arrow is on the string. In the state of having to send out, the two people in front may have an unintentional action, a word that has no will to fight at all, which will cause an overreaction from the rear, and it will be out of control.

With such a large number of people, once an overreaction occurs and they attack Yanyin, the consequences will be unimaginable.

I'm afraid that even Master Chiba in front of him will not be able to stop it when he was caught off guard. At that time, there will only be bloodshed, and the irreversible ending of Konoha Wei killing the envoy of Yan Yin, and the overall situation of the war will slip into unpredictable.

To be honest, the current situation, even as a senior Anbu, is still sweating in my heart.

The two confronting each other obviously didn't want to let go. Although he couldn't fully guess what Chiba-sama in front of him was thinking, as Ying's guard quite a few times and he had attended many big scenes with him, he was still able to Guess some.

For example, the reason why the two of them didn't let go of their mouths may be in their plan that if they speak first, they will lose.

For example, the current confrontation is necessary. The two actually use the time of confrontation to think about countermeasures and try to figure out the opponent's mind, just like the thinking time of playing chess. It is much more difficult to play chess step by step. In addition to careful thinking, they also need to maintain a certain momentum, so as not to let the opponent overwhelm them in momentum, and there will be mistakes or disadvantages caused by their mentality. This is not something ordinary people can do.

However, no matter what kind of result Anbu Ninja can think of, it cannot continue now. If it continues, I am afraid it will slide to the worst ending.


Master Chiba should not be unaware of this, what is he thinking?

Could it be that they really wanted to kill these envoys and block the news?

This... this won't work!

Thinking of this, Anbu Ninja couldn't help shouting in his heart.


Then, at this moment, the eyes under Anbu's ninja mask slightly opened, and his face suddenly became solemn.

"Since this is the case, how about a compromise? How about letting Your Excellency examine the fatal injuries of His Excellency Lan Tu?"

At this moment, Qianye, who narrowed her eyes slightly, spoke suddenly, breaking the silence and the tense atmosphere.




At the same time, it also broke the wishful thinking gradually formed in Yan Shan's heart.

Just before Chiba spoke, Iwayama already had a wishful thinking. Since Taki Chiba insisted on verifying the injury, he would definitely do something during the verification process. This trick may require contact with Master Lantu.

So since this is the case, wouldn't it be enough to keep this Taki Chiba from touching?

He just wanted to let himself verify Lord Lantu's injury and avoid Taki Chiba's hands and feet. If he didn't do anything, with Lord Lantu's shrewdness, how could he leave a flaw.

In this way, it is possible to guard against Taki Chiba while verifying the injury.

However, now that Taki Chiba actually proposed this condition by himself, it is obvious that verifying this kind of thing by himself may already be within Taki Chiba's calculations, and it may not have any effect!


Can't agree!

But what can I say to justly reject this concession?

Taki Chiba, but what you said is very pertinent!

There is no reason to refuse!

Almost subconsciously, Yanshan was about to refuse, but he found that he had no way to refute, and he had no reason to refute!

"Stop! What are you doing!"

At this moment, just as the thoughts in his mind turned, a serious and cold voice suddenly came from behind him.

Subconsciously, he looked back, and his face suddenly changed.

At this moment, at some point, Hui Tian, ​​his guard, had already reached the stairs in front of the house, and he was only a few steps away from entering the room, but the kunai on his neck stopped him from walking.

A black-cloaked Konoha ninja wearing a fox mask blocked his way.

Damn it!

Almost subconsciously, Yanshan cursed secretly in his heart.

"How is it? Your Excellency the envoy."

At this time, that Taki Chiba's voice sounded again without any warmth.

"I know, let's do it!"

Hearing this voice, Yanshan knew that it was impossible for him to refuse, so he could only sigh in his heart and agreed.

I'm coming, it's better than that Taki Chiba...much better!

Believe in Master Lantu!

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