Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1608 peace treaty

What the hell does this mean?

Trying his best to adjust his emotions and try his best to calm down his face, Yanshan couldn't help but glanced at the fourth Hokage opposite him, his eyes shone with shocking doubts that hadn't disappeared.

Such favorable conditions?

What is Konoha planning?

And after this glance, his eyes returned to the scroll in his hand, and he scanned the scroll again as if it was extremely unbelievable.

Then, he was sure, he was right.

The amount of compensation in the peace agreement on this scroll is lower than the content of the peace agreement with the lowest amount of compensation he prepared.

Konoha did indeed offer the most generous truce conditions.

Compared with the previous one, although the amount of compensation has not changed much, it has only been reduced, but in terms of the requirements for forbidden techniques, secret techniques, and unique attribute ninjutsu, it is much less, which is reasonable or even Generous standard online.

This is a truce that is hard to refuse.

Even, from the perspective of war, if the war can be ended at such a price, there will definitely be heartache. However, from the perspective of post-war recovery, it is acceptable to pay these compensations. Recovery will also be on the passing line.

However, it is impossible for Yanshan to sign or agree to the peace treaty negotiated in the early stage.

It wasn't because of the above compensation conditions, nor because of Konoha's negotiating attitude, but because it was impossible for him to sign or agree to any peace treaty.

When he came here this time, apart from being determined not to go back, he had no intention of agreeing to the peace treaty, ending the war, or admitting defeat at all!

He came to Konoha this time for a purpose, to create a chance for the village to turn defeat into victory.

No matter how favorable Konoha's conditions are, they will never agree.


is that so!

Is this also the layout of that Taki Chiba?

In other words, this is Taki Chiba's way of forcing us to give up this operation!

The first is a targeted defense, which makes us feel disadvantaged, and then, by giving a better proposal, through this kind of "stick and carrot" method, we are forced to accept this peace agreement.

This is a psychological warfare!

It turned out to be like this, sure enough, don't take it lightly!

And watching, Yanshan gradually understood, and a series of conjectures flashed in his mind.

At the same time, as the result of this speculation flashed by, the unbelievable look on Yanshan's face also gradually faded away, and with that faded away was also the lingering look of shock.

Yanshan calmed down completely.

It seems that, as Chiba said, the Land of Earth has no intention of peace talks at all, and it seems that there is no agreement to such generous conditions.

Since the Land of Earth is determined to sabotage this peace talks and alliance repair activity, we don't have to be too scruples.

At this time, seeing a series of changes on Yanshan's face that he tried to hide, Minato Namikaze pursed his lips lightly, and a series of thoughts flashed through his mind.

Along with these thoughts, a few sighs floated in his heart.

In fact, Namikaze Minato had a lot of expectations at the beginning, giving a favorable condition, and then Land of Earth gave up their upcoming plan, agreed to a truce, and ended the war. This is undoubtedly the best ending.

Whether it is for Konoha, or for Iwain.

However, there is no doubt that I am a little naive.

And this innocence seemed to be seen by Qianye, so early this morning, Qianye was waiting for him in Hokage's office, and handed over two peace agreements to herself, one was the previous very excessive peace agreement , and the other is the peace treaty that is now in the hands of the envoy of the Land of Earth.

A generous peace, a generous peace.

And from the two simple peace agreements, Qianye made him understand his innocence, and also eliminated the hesitation in his heart about the implementation of the plan.

"If there is any dissatisfaction, I am willing to take another look at your country's conditions."

After dispelling the hesitation in his heart, Minato Namikaze no longer thought about it, seeing that the envoy of the Land of Earth had to review the peace treaty from the beginning, he opened his mouth and said.

Interrupted, the envoy of the Land of Earth was planning to delay the time.


Have you been seen through?

And upon hearing this sound, Yanshan's heart shuddered, his figure almost froze, and such a thought flashed through his mind.

He originally wanted to delay a little time by watching the action a few more times, and even try to delay enough time so that he could think of the excuse of rejection. After all, this is a generous compensation condition, which should already be Konoha's bottom line.

He can't just say no and refuse, he always has to find a reasonable excuse to refuse.

If he hastily refused such favorable conditions, Konoha would very likely take advantage of the situation and say that he had no sincerity in the peace talks, which would be an excuse, which would be detrimental to the development and continuation of their plan to turn defeat into victory.

Here, he must reasonably refuse, or in other words, not sign or agree to the plan.

After all, Konoha has already offered such generous terms, and even they themselves can’t come up with conditions that are more beneficial to their own side than this condition. If they refuse, no matter what, it is because they are insincere, or even sabotage the peace talks on purpose. Xiumeng.

At that time, the possible chain reaction may cause them to fail completely, whether it is a plan to turn defeat into victory or a war.

This is also where Taki Chiba is scary and cunning, they have no reason to refuse the conditions he offered!

However, at this moment, it was obvious that the golden flash in front of him shocked the entire ninja world, and the current Fourth Hokage had already seen that he was procrastinating, and his words were already quite sharp.

Even, a bit aggressive.

In the next sentence, if he didn't express a reasonable reason, either he would sign a treaty or Konoha would attack, he had no choice!

Damn it!

How can such a treaty be reasonably rejected?

How can you reasonably refuse?

In an instant, beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

"What's wrong? Any questions?"

Regarding this, Namikaze Minato did not leave him any time to think, and asked again: "Is there any problem with this peace agreement?"

In the words, the aggressive meaning already has a somewhat threatening feeling.

"No! No, how come? This peace agreement, this peace agreement..."

Hearing this, Yan Shan shrugged his shoulders, almost taken aback, and faltered in his mouth, but when it came to the end, he didn't know what to say.

"Huh? What's wrong with this peace agreement?"

Regarding this, Namikaze Minato frowned slightly and asked.

"No, nothing, just...just..."

Faced with Namikaze Minato's words, Yanshan's forehead was shaking with cold sweat, his heart was beating wildly, but he could only repeat the most subconscious words, already panicked.

"Just what..."

After all, Minakame Minato is a Kage-level figure. After seeing that the envoys of the land of land in front of him panicked, they knew that it was time to go all out. If the peace treaty was signed, the unscrupulous plots of the land of land would be unsustainable, and it would save money. For the troubles that followed, I started to ask questions now.

"I still have to think about it, and I even need to report to Lord Tukage, maybe... maybe, I can directly sign an armistice agreement."

However, just at the beginning of his questioning, the Land of Earth in front of him was an envoy, but he suddenly interrupted his words with such an eager and desperate sentence.

In an instant, the reception room was silent.

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