Chapter 159 One step forward!

Waves of air swept in one after another, the wind blew the ground, the leaves flew horizontally, the strength and frequency of the river beating the shore became higher and higher, and the waves blown by the wind were higher than the waves, even, already A splash of water splashed onto Chiba's body.

At this time, he was still tens of meters away from the river, and hundreds of meters away from Chiba, the red nine-tailed chakra and blue thunder and lightning intertwined and exploded, stimulating his eardrums.

Qianye crossed his hands to cover his face, and made two "slaps", two branches hit his crossed hands, and they flew out, causing severe pain.

He squinted his eyes, and the strong wind caused by the punches of the two had already stirred up some dust, forcing Qianye to squint his eyes.

I can't even move a step!

Qianye was already leaning forward at this time, and even when a gust of wind blew up just now, he took a step back, and the whole body took a lunge to barely keep still.

And in his squinted eyes, the center of the electric light and red chakra intertwined was Yeyuebi and Kushina's fight without fancy.

With the fast boxing speed, afterimages appeared in Chiba's eyes under normal conditions, as if both of them had six arms. come over.

No, it's time to open the door mode! Otherwise, they will all be blown away!

In the violent wind, Chiba took another step back, and then the three gates opened, directly transforming into the Shengmen mode, and the violent chakra in the Shengmen state was directly transformed into the Shengmen Chakra before it had time to dissipate.

Feel the elite Chunin-level Chakra in the body, as well as the enhanced body, plus the enhancement of vision and hearing. Qianye has already been able to straighten her body, and the gust of wind doesn't feel so violent in Shengmen mode.

At the same time, the movements of Jiuxinna and Yeyuebi can be seen clearly, at least there are no afterimages that gave him the illusion that Jiuxinna and Yeyuebi had six arms, and even Yeyuebi's serious and resolute face And Kushina's gritted teeth expression can be clearly seen.

This is no longer a battle I can intervene in.

Chiba patted the two branches that had rolled up, squinted her eyes, and covered her eyes with one hand to prevent the dust from entering her eyes, but a wry smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Although he knows about the Tailed Beast Transformation and Lightning Dungeon Chakra Mode, and also knows how powerful they are, reading manga and experiencing it himself are different after all. Standing in this fierce wind, the two fighting are still far away, Qianye feels small for a while, now he, let alone participating in the battle, can't even get close!

But... just hide in the dense forest like this, and then wait for this Kushina to rescue me, is that all right?

Qianye glanced at the dense forest next to him, as long as he hid in the dense forest, he would be sheltered by the trees, and he would not have to bear the violent wind and the dust in the wind, nor would he have to suffer so much.

Then, wait for Jiuxinna to defeat this Yeyuebi, and then go back together.

Maybe this Yeyuebi has some other tricks, and the Lightning Dungeon Chakra mode can also explode with stronger power, but Kushina has only exploded the three tails now, she is a Uzumaki clan, and she is Jinzhuriki, maybe she can It is possible to explode four tails, five tails and six tails, seven or eight tails, and basically be able to defeat that Ye Yuebi.

I just need to wait, I just need to hide in a safe place, wait for my teacher to solve the opponent, and then the two of them will return to the village safely.

Just leave the battle to Kushina.

However, a special emotion grew in Chiba's chest.

No! How can it be!

Didn't you make up your mind to control your own destiny? Now, how can I hand it over to Kushina!

Qianye clenched her fist lightly, her eyes fixed on both sides of the battle.

My destiny is in my hands! If time travel is a new life, then fate just gave me another chance, how to grasp this opportunity is still my own business.

Give it all to Kushina, although it is safe to save your life, and even if Kushina can't beat it in the end, it will delay my escape time, so I can use "I will be a drag when I go up, anyway, if I can't beat it, it's better to run away and stay in the green hills." Now, I'm not afraid that there is no firewood, and I will let Namakaze Minato, or become stronger and Namikaze Minato will rescue Kushina together with Namikaze Minato" This excuse is an excuse with peace of mind, and I have saved myself and avoided this extremely life-threatening accident. Let's fight!

But with this one time, what about the second time?

What about the third time?

Will there always be a teacher like Kushina desperately trying to save me?

Can I always give my destiny to someone else?

If I run away this time, I will keep running away in the future, just like in my previous life, losing everything.

If I don't take a step here, I may always go backwards!

Death is terrible, but not as terrible as imagined.

However, if we go back to the cycle of escaping from the previous life, then...

There is nothing more terrifying than this!

Besides, I don't necessarily die!

Thinking of this, the fear in Qianye's eyes at the power of the two fighting slowly disappeared, and turned into a clear and firm expression.

The two fighting each other hit each other with fists, the serious Yeyue suddenly showed a sneer.

Right now, she has adapted to my punching speed, and at this moment, the Lightning Dungeon Chakra mode has reached another level!


Thinking of this, Ye Yuebi's Thunder Tun Chakra stretched out in a strong radiating pattern, and even his hair became golden with white spikes.


At this time, it was the two punching each other.


Jiu Xinnai's eyes widened slightly, and there was a sound of "click", and there was a huge force, and her striking hand was instantly tilted away at an impossible angle.

The hand was broken!

And Ye Yuebi's fist, the momentum remained the same, he missed the fractured fist, and hit Jiu Xinnai's chest and abdomen fiercely.


The punch with lightning even pierced through the tailed beast coat, directly hitting Kushina's chest and abdomen, and a mouthful of blood spurted directly from Kushina's mouth. The whole person was wearing a red tailed beast coat, like a string The arrow usually flies out.

The experience gap!

At the same time as the severe pain came, Jiuxinna spurted blood from his mouth, but he understood it in his heart.

He deliberately used this speed to confront me, and when I got used to his punch speed and power, he suddenly attacked me!

But at this time, an anxious voice came: "Teacher Jiushina!"

It's Chiba... no, let him run!

"Run, Qianye..." She yelled, but in the middle of speaking, another stream of blood spurted out.

At this time, Yeyue had seriously injured Jiu Xinnai with a punch, and was about to pursue him, when he heard this sound suddenly, he glanced out of the corner of his eyes, only to see that Qianye had already run over recklessly, making a gesture to hit him with a punch.

Although there was still some distance between the two of them, there was still a smile on his face that the plot had succeeded.

A little under his feet, but with the momentum of thunder, he rushed straight to Qianye, and his fists were already clenched.

I know that you kid can't help it, the person you want to protect has been hurt so badly, and you will definitely rush over anxiously!

However, Kushina's face changed drastically, and the other hand was thrown out suddenly, and the tailed beast's coat was stretched out immediately, turning into red chakra claws and rushing towards Chiba, ready to pull her away.

However, she found out right away.

That's too late!

"Qianye!" She yelled out, and blood flew out of her mouth.

At this time, Yeyuebi had already arrived in front of Qianye, ready to punch, and Qianye did not dodge or dodge, straight up, the anger in his eyes overwhelmed his reason!

"Go to hell! Boy!" Ye Yuebi shouted.

Sure enough, I lost my mind! Ha ha! When 70% of the chakra mode explodes, you will definitely become a meatloaf. My goal was you from the beginning! little bastard!

Lei Guang punched out fiercely with the noise of the wind!

Ye Yuebi couldn't help laughing out loud.

Just at this moment!


The ground between the two of them suddenly exploded, a fist rushed out from the ground, and hit Ye Yuebi's chin fiercely, who was laughing out loud.


Ye Yuebi felt the pain in her chin, and her smile froze instantly.

"Fly for me! Old bastard!" The blasted gravel hit Qianye's body, causing pain and pain, but Qianye didn't care, and almost roared out these words.


Weird power, explode!

Flesh muffled.

Ye Yuebi was blown away by this punch.

He, once again, was blown away with a punch!

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