Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1556 Waiting

The pattering raindrops hit the almost endless surface of the lake, turning into little ripples and slowly rippling away.


Amidst the slight sound of feet stepping on the water, five people in traditional costumes wearing bamboo hats and white coats stopped.

"Fourth Kazekage-sama, as long as you leave this lake, you will leave the Land of Rain, and you will soon reach the border of the Land of Fire."

Then, one of them looked over and said.

"I see."

In this regard, the young man who was in the center of the five people, whose clothes were obviously different from those of the other four, said.

In the tone, it is quite majestic.

It is the new Kazekage of Sand Hidden Village, the fourth Kazekage, Luo Sha.

That is, the father of the future fifth Kazekage Gaara.


We are almost at the border of the Land of Fire...

But in his heart, there was such a rather heavy thought.

"Master Kazekage...would you like to take a break?"

At this time, the five guards on the right side in front of him seemed to see him not moving forward, so they opened their mouths cautiously.

"Do not worry."

Regarding this, he glanced at the huge lake, and said calmly.

It would be great if, in this third Ninja World War, part of the water source of the Land of Rain could be included in the territory of the country!

Then, we don't have to worry about the water source of the people.

Moreover, the lakes and rainfall in the Land of Rain can completely become a reliable source of irrigation water, and as long as there is water, our country's economy will not be so tense, and it can roughly reach the level of harmony with wood. Leaves that self-sufficient state.

Then, when the time comes, our Land of Winds, our Hidden Sand Village, will regain our position as one of the top five villages, what difficulties will we have?

Looking at the surface of the lake, Luo Sha's heart was full of regret and helplessness.

This ninja world war can be said to have been caused by their sand hidden village. The source is the sudden disappearance of their sand hidden three generations of Kazekage, which caused a series of strong reactions.

However, it would be biased to say that the great war was caused entirely because of the mysterious disappearance of the third Kazekage.

Nor are their top brass so blind.

Of course, even in Luo Sha's eyes, Shayin's high-level executives are still stupid.

If, instead of attacking Mount Kikyo, instead of provoking Konoha, they attacked the Land of Rain ruled by the old Hanzo, with their combat power at that time, although they could not annex the entire Land of Rain, they would still be able to seize There is absolutely no problem in the area with the richest rain in the country of rain.

And only with the land with huge rainfall all the year round, diverting water for irrigation, or connecting with the water source of the current Kingdom of Wind, by then, large tracts of fertile land will appear in the Kingdom of Wind, which is mostly a desert country. , At that time, the food and water that the country lacks the most will be greatly alleviated, or even completely solved.

Then, after seizing this land, they will take a defensive position. Anyway, they are already planning to stir up a big war. So, instead of attacking Konoha and making such an uncertain plan to weaken Konoha, it is better to get the most affordable things.

Moreover, once there is a water source, a huge water source, coupled with the fertile land that appears along with the huge water source, no need to import so much food and water, once self-sufficient, so much more budget for imports, A series of reforms such as education, economy, and infrastructure construction can be carried out.

As long as the land of the Land of Rain can be stabilized in the third Ninja World War, even if it suffers as much loss as it is now, the future Hidden Sand Village and the future Land of Wind will only become stronger.

It is only a matter of time before he returns to the strength he had when he was fighting against Konoha.

He will not be given such a big mess now, not only to solve the problem of domestic corruption, but also to carefully deal with the surrounding powerful countries and the domestic problems caused by the fiasco of the Third Ninja World War.

Obviously, although this fourth generation of Kazekage was ordered in the face of danger, it may even be the Kazekage who became Kazekage without a choice.

However, Sand Hidden was not destined to die, and found a very capable Kazekage.

And if Chiba is here, and can know that the fourth Kazekage who was killed by Orochimaru in the original book and looks a bit useless has such thoughts, it will definitely change his opinion greatly.

In fact, they might be glad that the Land of Winds suffered such heavy losses in this war, and that they can only choose the strategy of relying on Konoha in the future.

Luo Sha's idea is absolutely correct.

Moreover, he was able to stabilize the situation in Sand Hidden after the disastrous defeat in the Kingdom of the Wind. Although there were also elements of help from Chiyo and Ebizo, it was enough to prove that he was a very remarkable person.

However, at this time, Luo Sha could only complain and feel helpless, things had already happened, the fiasco had already been caused, and nothing was gained, instead, the army was lost, and the army lost after losing his wife.

What he has to do now, or can only do, is to hold a low profile and go to Konoha to ask for peace.

Originally, Konoha had formed an alliance with them, but those high-level officials colluded with the land of the land, intending to force Konoha to propose peace talks and repair the alliance under impossible circumstances, so as to avoid greater losses.

This is so stupid that it can't be stupid anymore. Luo Sha doesn't even know if the heads of these high-level people are made of sand.

At the same time, I also deeply felt that the decline of the Land of Winds and Hidden Sand Village was not unreasonable.

In the entire high-level, except for Chiyo and Mr. Ebizo, there are not many useful guys.

And because they have been in high positions for many years, these high-level relationship networks are also intricate. It is impossible to straighten them out at once, and they can only be sorted out slowly over time.

However, a large number of elite talents died in this ninja world war. Even if there is time to sort out, I am afraid that there are not many capable people to take up these positions.

Now, he can already foresee a lean and yellow age.

Even, if it is not done well, Shayin Village will be removed from the five major villages in the era.


At this moment, a chirping sound interrupted his thoughts.

come yet?

And hearing this body, Luo Sha raised his head, looked at the source of the hawk, and saw a small black spot under the gray cloud layer, getting bigger and bigger from far to near, until the naked eye could see it. See what an eagle looks like.

"Fourth Kazekage-sama, this is?"

At the same time, the four guards around him were also attracted by the sound. After seeing the appearance of the ninja eagle soaring in the rain, they couldn't help asking.

"Ah! We have to wait a moment, this eagle, the eagle of Grandma Chiyo!"

In this regard, looking at the sky, Luo Sha said so, and at the same time, his face became solemn unconsciously.

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