Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1540 The Person Who Shouldn't Show Up

This guy……

How come you ran out!

Looking at the young man sitting at the low table, the astonishment on Chiba's face slowly subsided, and slowly turned into a dignified expression.

At this very moment, sitting in front of him was a guy who shouldn't be sitting here.

And faintly, Qianye felt that this guy would bring him a huge difficulty.

"I have something very important to find you."

At this time, the young man who had noticed Qianye for a long time raised his head slowly, and said seriously.

very important thing?

Probably not a good thing!

Seeing the scorching gaze in the young boy's one-eyed eyes, Qianye frowned a little, but such a thought flashed through his mind.

"You shouldn't be here."

Then, in his mouth, he said seriously.

"Don't worry, although I lost one eye and my ability to roll eyes is greatly reduced, since I dare to come out and wait for you here, there will definitely be no one around, and no one will find me. You and I don't care, but Teacher Kushina, Master Xue Nai, Hirohiko, even if I die, I will never be involved in these people."

Regarding this, the young man obviously understood what Qianye was talking about, so he spoke immediately.

Indeed, as a wanted criminal of the Hyuga Clan and a serious criminal in the village, he should not sit here so blatantly, let alone in this Japanese-style log cabin. It is very risky for him to do so, even It will involve a lot of people he cares about and who saved him.

However, he wasn't that stupid. He would sit here blatantly when there was a possibility of being discovered, risking being discovered, and waiting for this guy who could basically be seen at any time.

This guy!

Is this casually dragging me down?

Is it okay to drag me?

Hinata Xueying, this guy still makes me angry so easily!

And hearing this, Qianye Yaguan planned to bite.

At this moment, the boy sitting in front of the short table is the only Chiba who has always been at odds with Chiba, and even wanted to put him to death. The only one in Chiba who cannot be regarded as a complete friend, but has contact with many people, Hinata Snow Eagle!

At this time, Hinata Snow Eagle looked much better, her complexion became much rosier, the bandage on her severed hand was untied, a snow-white blindfold was put on the destroyed eye, and she seemed to have put on a nine-color mask on her body. The black clothes that Xinnai had prepared for him were similar to those of the Hyuga Clan. They looked much more energetic, and they had obviously been washed and washed. They looked clean, and they didn't look like they were in a state of embarrassment or weakness in the secret room. . The injury is already fully healed.

"Hmph! Thanks to you, you know that you will hurt others!"

However, Qianye had no rebuttal to this, only a cold snort. At the same time, he moved his feet, walked forward, and sat down in front of Hyuga Snow Eagle.

Although this guy is at odds with him, he knows that this guy is definitely not the kind of guy who acts recklessly or recklessly and doesn't know what to do first, nor is he the kind of idiot who can't tell the difference between benefits and benefits, although he still hates him There are many ingredients, but it cannot be denied that this guy is really worthy of the name genius.

Moreover, the concern for Xue Nai and Hirohiko, especially for Xue Nai, is no worse than himself.

This is also the reason, the only reason why, even though she hates him, Qianye can still tolerate him.

"No matter what important things, I will not promise you. What you have to do now is to live in that secret room. I will guarantee your daily life. Even if you feel bored, I can teach you some pharmaceutical knowledge , and open a tunnel in the underground medical laboratory to your room, you can dispense medicine if you have nothing to do. Dispensing medicine can still kill time, and it will be very interesting if you learn the tricks."

However, after sitting down, Chiba didn't intend to discuss any important matters with Hyuga Snow Eagle, and said without leaving any room.

"I'm leaving the village."

But as the words fell, Hinata Xueying didn't seem to hear this sentence, and said directly.

I knew that nothing good would happen to this guy!

Hearing this sentence, Qianye was not surprised at all. Although Hinata Xueying said something that could basically make other people jump up and shout "impossible", Qianye still sat firmly, There is no slight fluctuation on the face.

"Impossible, let's prepare the medicine."

Then, his tone was the same as before, without any change.

"My stay here is just a dangerous time bomb, and I don't know when it may be discovered."

Regarding this, Hyuga Snow Eagle seemed not to hear it, and spoke.

"Impossible, let's prepare the medicine."

However, Chiba still hasn't changed in any way, not even the words she uttered.

Do not make jokes!

You have been able to hide safely until now, but the Hyuga clan has not found you, there must be something tricky behind it, I am afraid that the Hyuga clan has ignored you at all, or reached an agreement, the village and the Hyuga clan have selectively ignored you , let you linger here.

Otherwise, with the investigative power of the Hyuga clan, how could they not find you in the village.

Don't mention that the most dangerous place is the safest place. The search range of the Hyuga clan has never left the village. You just need to search blindly. If Hinata really wanted to arrest you seriously, you would have died long ago!

Here, as long as you don't show up, and don't show up blatantly, you won't implicate anyone!

And in his mind, this slightly disdainful thought crossed his mind.

"I have to leave the village and stay here, it's too dangerous."

Regarding this, Hyuga Snow Eagle still chose not to hear it, and emphasized it again.

"Impossible, let's prepare the medicine."

However, Qianye also made up his mind and didn't plan to help. It's nothing more than a success to help Hyuga Xueying get out of the village. If it fails, all of them will suffer, even Kushina will be killed. Ask the crime, even if Namikaze Minato is guarding, some guys who secretly covet the identity of Kushina Nine-Tails Jinchuriki may make a big fuss, and it will not end well at that time.

Now that nothing is happening, it's best to keep things as they are.

He was also very considerate of Hinata Xueying, fearing that he would be bored down there alone, he had already made quite a concession, and even planned to teach him medicine.

Here, it is absolutely impossible to agree.

"This matter is about Xue Nai."

And when his words fell, Hinata Xueying seemed to hesitate for a moment, took a breath, took out a note from his bosom, put it on the table, and pushed it in front of Chiba.

Has something to do with Xue Nai?

Is it Hinata Shinsuke's last words?

Looking at the note pushed over, Chiba glanced at Hinata Snow Eagle with a serious face, and lightly pursed her lips.

Then, pick it up and look up.

"This time, you need to act outside the village for a long time. I'm afraid you can't do it now."

After watching Chiba pick up the note and look at it, the seriousness on Hyuga Snow Eagle's face slowly turned serious.

This is!

At the same time, Qianye had already seen and finished reading the simple lines of text on the paper, and his face suddenly changed in surprise!

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