Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1537 Understand

"Is...really? It turns out that you already know."

Staring blankly at Xue Nai, after a long, long time, Hyuga Nichizai swallowed in a daze, and said with a sneer.

"Well, I also know that the former Patriarch purposely spared my life in order to stabilize the people of the branch family. As a backup, if the branch family's resentment cannot be eliminated, they will transfer the resentment to me. Finally Execute me to appease these grievances. The previous Patriarch should have given you corresponding orders."

When she heard that her brother had reacted, Xue Nai hesitated a little, and finally said this sentence.

"Really? Has Qianye already told you?"

Hearing this sentence, Hyuga Hizashi was choked up first, then seemed to think of something, and said in relief.

"However, I know that neither you nor Brother Rizu will be able to do anything at that time."

And hearing this sentence, Xue Nai didn't say much, but said very definitely without any hesitation.

"Xue Nai..."

Hearing this, Hinata Hinata's heart tightened, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he looked at the girl who looked at him with confidence even though he couldn't see her, and murmured in his mouth, but he didn't say anything Come.

"By the way, if it were me, I would be able to do it. The two brothers are too soft-hearted. For the sake of the Hyuga clan and the village, you can't go on like this."

Hearing these two words from her brother, Xue Nai said without hesitation.

Going on like this...it won't work...

And this sentence, for Hyuga Hizai, almost made his heart tremble, and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

This girl Xue Nai... When did she grow up to this point?

And at this moment, he seemed to think of something.

Could it be that……

If my lord father does this, and if my lord father arranges the back-up like this, could it be... Could it be...

Following his thoughts, he suddenly noticed something extremely important.

Father, the person I really like is Xue Nai!

In the next second, his mind suddenly became clear, and all doubts about this mutiny were resolved.

As a member of the Hyuga Clan, he is quite close to the core power and is responsible for investigating suspicious characters in this matter. He has a very comprehensive understanding of this matter. In fact, there are quite a lot of doubts about this matter.

Especially in the matter of his father dying, although his father was already terminally ill and almost dying, his uncle Shinsuke Hyuga chose that time as the opportunity to usurp the throne.

Moreover, the behavior of my father before he fell ill that day was also very strange. He actually wanted to engrave his uncle and his daughter Xue Nai, who were in their prime and the number one soft boxing technique in the clan, under the condition that his health was already weak. Caged bird. This is simply sick and confused.

Yes, those who know about the rebellion from the outside world only know that Shinsuke Hinata is going to rebel, but they don’t know that the old patriarch of the Hyuga clan, that is, the father of Hyuga Nichizai, was once secretly The order to engrave the caged bird for Hinata Shinsuke and Xue Nai.

This is one of the reasons why Hinata Shinsuke can't wait to betray, and this is why Chiba, who doesn't fully understand the truth, can't figure it out.

As for the daily difference, at that time, I only felt that my father was powerless and had just ordered the order, but I fell ill, and I felt that I was out of time.

However, looking at the current Xue Nai, Hinata Hinata suddenly realized that this might be arranged by his father.

The purpose is to force Hyuga Shinsuke to rebel.

Falling ill and dying were actually all pretended by his father, and the order that he was a little surprised when he heard it at the time was to make his uncle feel that he had no choice, and the fall was to let himself My uncle felt that he was given a good opportunity, but in fact, everything was intentional by his father, in order to get rid of his uncle's hidden danger in the end.

I'm afraid that my father already knew that his uncle was going to rebel.

If not before his death, then after his death.

Therefore, he did this for the sake of his brother's absolute power.

However, unexpectedly, on the second day after his uncle's death, he also passed away directly, leaving a tail that has not been dealt with.

There is no way, this tail can only become a backhand.

And this tail is in front of him, the youngest sister, Xue Nai!

It turns out that my lord father, the heir he really fancy is Xue Nai!

It is precisely because he sees the potential of Xue Nai to lead the family that his father will use her as a backup. Even if he does not execute him with Uncle Shinsuke at the first time, he will put her in a situation that everyone hates, and even as the last An insurance that couldn't afford the waves, and finally died without doing anything.

Neither my brother nor I can compare to this youngest sister!

At this moment, Hinata Hizashi suddenly realized, looking at the youngest sister in front of him, his heart became clear, and such a mixed thought crossed his mind.

It turns out that Xue Nai is the most suitable patriarch!

"Brother Rizu doesn't talk very much and looks dignified, but in his heart he is a good man. Maybe he will harden his heart after tempering in the future, but the good man in his heart can't be changed. He In the end, I will definitely suffer because of this kind of good-natured character who is willing to sacrifice for others, and I may even lose my life. It is impossible for me to return to the Hyuga clan. In the future, only you can protect Brother Nizuzu. Next, it depends on you La!"

But at this time, hearing her brother's somewhat emotional words, Xue Nai sighed and said so.

Good old man... Is your brother sir?


Heh... heh heh... heh heh heh!

Unexpectedly, that great father, who claims to be a perfect father, really missed it this time, or even made a big mistake!

Indeed, Xue Nai has such abilities, but she doesn't have such ambitions!

She has always just wanted to assist Brother Hyuga and make the clan more prosperous. In her bones, she just wanted to protect the Hyuga clan!

There is no question of seizing power at all.

Great father, take a look, your villainous heart has eliminated such a powerful person for Brother Rizu!

But when he heard this sentence, Hinata Hinata almost burst into laughter after being slightly taken aback, and even sneered in his heart.

"You girl, you're even making your brother go! You've really improved!"

However, although he sneered in his heart, he still laughed heartily in front of Xue Nai, and couldn't help but press down on Xue Nai's head with one hand, rubbing it heavily a few times.

It's not bad now, Xue Nai has also found a home in the defense force, maybe she will achieve even greater achievements in the future, and she is safe now, and her eyes have the hope of healing, very good, very good!

While rubbing and pressing, Hinata Risai had such a reassuring thought in his heart.

"No! It's true, Brother Richa, listen to me, listen to me!"

When she heard her brother's words, Xue Nai subconsciously wanted to emphasize it, but she was soon groaned by the strength of the big warm hand on her head.

"It hurts! It hurts, it hurts!"

Then, it is forgiveness.

"It's amazing now, my brother doesn't even care about it!"

However, what he got in exchange was Hinata Riza's slightly teasing and heavier kneading.

"Okay, okay, I was wrong, I was wrong, brother Richai!"

"Should I still talk?"

"Don't say it, don't say it! Hehehe!"

"It doesn't seem to hurt enough, I actually laughed, then I'll put in more strength, hahahaha!"


After that, there was a series of laughter between the brothers and sisters as if recalling the beautiful past.

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