Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 155 Lightning Escape Chakra Mode

During the flickering of the arc, Yeyue frowned slightly.

Is this old bone unable to bear the Lightning Sect Chakra? Is this physical activation already the limit?

It can't be compared with the heyday!

Really, I am really old!

Thinking like this, Yeyuebi put down the sealed container in his hand, turned to look at Qianye, and said, "Little ghost, let me ask you, what's your name!"

However, the response to him was not Chiba's words, but...

Tudun, Tulong spear!

After the Chiba seal is completed, just press it with both hands!

If you stand stupidly, you can't achieve the effect of delaying time at all! Thunder escape chakra mode... only rush attack! Now that I can't run away! Then you must not sit still.

no way!

I will never sit still again!

Chiba's eyes narrowed, and the soil cone broke through the ground, heading straight for Ye Yuebi.

But looking at the soil cone coming from the speeding man, Yeyuebi sneered, but she didn't dodge or dodge, she opened her hand and pushed lightly to block it.

The soil cone bumped into Ye Yuebi's palm swiftly and fiercely. At the moment of contact, the tip of the soil cone seemed to hit the steel palm. Under the lightning of Lei Dun's chakra coat, the soil cone was castrated , and then a crack climbed up the tip of the soil cone.


Immediately, the tip of the entire soil cone was covered with cracks, and then the entire soil cone tip half an arm's length collapsed in an instant, and the cracks were still spreading. It would not take long for Chiba's earth gun to fall apart.

"Are you an idiot? Lei Dun restrained Tu Dun, you are so stupid to waste Chakra for nothing!" Ye Yuebi raised his head slightly, but sneered.

But his heart sank.

Have you even mastered Tudun? That is, water attribute and earth attribute, dual attributes? Never leave him!

But Qianye didn't pay any attention to it, and rushed towards him stepping on the cracked soil cone, but before Yeyue Bi's voice fell, he had already thrown out his hands, and two kunai and two shurikens flew towards him. The handprint changed rapidly, and after Ye Yuebi's voice fell, Qianye's last seal had been formed.

Shuriken Shadow Cloning Technique!

Immediately, shuriken and kunai each turned into four and attacked Ye Yuebi.

At this time, the distance between the two was no more than an arm's length away. Almost when Kunai and Shuriken Shadow avatars were transformed, the four shurikens and four Kunai had already attacked Ye Yuebi.


Yeyuebi looked at the shuriken and kunai with the cold light in front of him, but he didn't hide.

"Do you think these powerless toys can hurt me?" Yeyuebi sneered, but then his words were paused. Among the four shurikens and four kunai, He saw something else.

Two sheets of paper!

This is... the detonator!

His pupils contracted slightly.

"Ding ding ding!"

Shuriken and Kunai collided with his Thunder Dun Chakra coat, making the sound of hitting a hard object. "Bang Bang" Kunai and Shuriken shadow clones suddenly exploded into white mist, and at the same time, the white There was a flash of fire in the fog.


The detonating talisman exploded, and the fire and smoke rose, directly engulfing Ye Yuebi's head, and at the same time engulfed the figure of Qianye who rushed straight in.

"Ka Ka Ka!"

The soil cone is covered with cracks.


The Tulong gun shattered and turned into soil particles, crashing to the ground.

At this time, Qianye crossed his hands in a block, flew out of the smoke, and landed behind Ye Yuebi.

At this time, Yeyuebi's upper body and head were already wrapped in fire and smoke, and she seemed to have no reaction at all.

The moment Qianye landed on the ground, he only glanced at him, then stopped the sealed container on the side, kicked his feet, and flew out.

Throwing a shuriken, exploding the detonating talisman, flying in, rushing out of the smoke, landing to take the container, a series of actions only took place in a few seconds, and Chiba's movements are even more fluid. If someone else saw it at this time, they would probably scream Say "beautiful"!

Can't give up, can't give up!

escape! Run away with all your strength now!

Escape with Kushina! Running towards the village, the village must have reacted to such a big movement here, anyway, the forbidden surgery room has ambushed people, Hirohiko and Yukina are also guarded by Kakashi, and now Kushina has been rescued! I just need to run!

run! Run like hell!

can't let him...

Qianye ran towards the dense forest in the direction of the fallen giant tree with all his strength, almost in a flash, the 100-meter distance had already been crossed.

The chakra of Shengmen is almost exhausted. At this time, we can only...

Chiba's teeth were clenched tightly, and the birth door in his body had been slowly closed. At this moment, he stretched out his hand into the ninja bag, took out a black ball, and swallowed it in one gulp!

Eight doors of Dunjia, the fourth door of injury...

At this time, we can only open the door of injury!

However, just as Qianye swallowed the army ration pill, turned away from the thought of opening the door, and when the first three doors opened, his figure suddenly stopped, and his whole body was lifted up.

Throat sore!

The throat has been strangled, but the hand that strangles the throat is like iron tongs, and there is still a sense of numbness with tingling pain.

"Little devil! Don't underestimate the old man!"

A sound of fury resounded from in front of Qianye, Yeyuebi grabbed Qianye's throat with one hand, and lifted him up.

But his face was full of anger.

Except for the anger, there was nothing. Those shurikens, kunai, and even the detonating talisman did not leave a single scar on his face.


The sealed container slipped from Qianye's hand and landed at Qianye's feet, which was also the edge of the big pit that Yeyuebi smashed. After falling, it rolled into the big pit with a rumble.


At this time, Qianye screamed in pain, and severe pain surged all over his body along with the burning numbness. And his whole body suddenly exploded with thunder and light snakes, making a sizzling sound, and even some light smoke floated from his body.

"Little rascal, you're pissing me off!"

Yeyue looked at Qianye colder than Sen, her eyes were full of killing intent.

Qianye's eyes were closed tightly, his whole body was being scorched by electric current, and he couldn't move at all. At the same time, the strength of Ye Yuebi's hands pinching his neck made him feel suffocated.


Such a thought popped up in Chiba's mind.

In the severe pain and suffocation, apart from feeling the pain, Qianye also found that he didn't have the slightest fear in his heart.

At this moment of death, he did not have the panic and struggle in his previous life at all, and he even felt calm.

So it turns out, this is the true feeling of someone who has died, dying again...

The corner of Qianye's mouth, in the numbness, suddenly pulled out an ugly smile. Probably because of the electric current, this smile looks like Chiba's mouth is twitching.

Then, his hand was trembling and raised with difficulty, and with a "snap", he grabbed Ye Yuebi's hand that was strangling his throat.

But the moment he grabbed Yeyue Bibi's hand, the electric current in his hand was even more violent, and then he let out a painful groan.

The burning pain of electric current paralysis became more intense!

Although it's very calm, I still... don't want to die!

Qianye slowly opened his eyes, and his whole body began to twitch under the violent electric current. This movement of opening his eyes was also extremely difficult.

This kid...

Ye Yuebi looked at Qian Ye with a slight astonishment on his face.

And at this moment, when Ye Yuebi was slightly stunned, a snow-white lotus root arm suddenly passed Qianye's eyes.


Then there was a muffled sound of skin and flesh, and Ye Yuebi flew out obliquely with Lei Guang!

At this time, Qianye only felt his throat loosen, and the current disappeared suddenly.


Chiba's eyes widened slightly.

At this time, there was a clear female voice suppressing anger.

"What do you want to do, my lovely disciple?"

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