Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1479 There is no big difference

The next day, early morning.

"Hirohiko, wait a minute!"

On the high log city wall, Chiba poked out half of her head, and called down to Hirohiko who had just patted a certain student on the shoulder, signaling to go on the road.


Hearing this sound, Hong Yan, who watched the last student in the long line of students going on the road, was slightly taken aback, raised his head, and subconsciously responded.

"You come up first."

Regarding this, Chiba said again, and waved for Hong Yan to go up the city wall.


Hearing this, Hiroko didn't hesitate. After saying to a teacher next to him, "Then I'll leave it to you first", and after the teacher agreed to Qi Qi, he turned into the gate of the camp and climbed up the city wall step by step. .

"What's the matter, Chiba?"

After going up the city wall, Hirohiko stopped beside Chiba, and said rather doubtfully.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you last night. There is one thing I want you to help me with in your spare time."

Regarding this, Qianye smiled, hesitated for a moment, looked at the friend in front of him who was out of skin and bone and turned into a thin state because of the normal three meals, and said.

He has been struggling with the rationalization of his own existence last night, and because it took him quite a long time to accept this discovery, he completely forgot to tell Hirohiko about the change in the chakra nature of the fire attribute yesterday. .

Therefore, I woke up early today to tell Hongyan about this matter before he went to the construction site.

Although he already understood that the death caused by the unreasonable existence was unavoidable, but Chiba, who knew that this matter was inevitable and could only take one step at a time, did not intend to give up.

He hasn't given up on his destiny change plan yet, so he still has to master the other three attributes of Chakra's nature change.

There is even a plan that must be implemented now.

What should be done, he still has to do.

As for life and death, let’s just think of it as a catastrophe. It’s useless to think about whether the time of death will come. At the beginning, he thought it was safe, but Obito still followed his path. accident.

Now, it is better to respond to changes with the same.

Moreover, even if the catastrophe does not come, he still has to do these things. If he does not do these things at that time, he will not be strong enough to save Jiu Xinnai and the others. What a big difference.

No matter what lies ahead, he will always do these things.

"Oh, what is it?"

As for Chiba's words, Hirohiko didn't hesitate at all, and spoke directly.

"I've been practicing the chakra change of the fire attribute recently. I haven't gained any experience after practicing it all night. Do you have any experience that can help me quickly grasp the change of the fire attribute."

Regarding this, Qianye didn't have any scruples, and directly said what she thought and asked for.

He Hongyan need not be polite and embarrassed.

"Ah? Ah! The chakra nature of the fire attribute has changed. Are you going to develop a third attribute?"

Hearing this sentence, Hirohiko was not surprised at all, but he was stunned for a moment when he heard it for the first time, and then he reacted, his face was still a poker face, and there was no superfluous expression.


To this, Chiba simply replied.

"I can't tell you the trick of changing the nature of the fire attribute. I need time."

Hearing this, Hirohiko replied truthfully, and at the same time remembered the situation when he learned the change of the nature of water attribute chakra.

The nature of this attribute chakra changes, you say there are some tricks, but what is really needed is patience. Persistence and experimentation are essential. Even so, Hiroko can’t guarantee success .

After all, some people will only change one kind of chakra nature throughout their lives. Those who learn two kinds are already top-notch among ordinary people. To the entire ninja world.

"Oh, then take the time to sum it up for me."

Regarding this, Qianye didn't say much, and said.

"Actually, tricks and the like have very limited effects, and still require a lot of patience. If there is no such possibility, you may never be able to master it."

Hearing this sentence, Hirohiko seemed to hesitate for a moment, but he still spoke.

"Don't worry, I know."

Hearing this sentence, a slight smile appeared on the corner of Chiba's mouth, and he patted him on the shoulder unconsciously.

Hirohiko was obviously worried that he would fall into it. It is indeed very difficult to master attributes other than his own, and Chiba knew it well, and he would not be as Hongyan worried, be obsessed with research and eventually go the wrong way.

"Well, then, is there anything else?"

To Chiba's words, Hirohiko nodded and didn't say much.


To this, Chiba replied.

It was because of this matter that he called Hongyan to stop him, but now that the questioning is over, naturally there is nothing else to do.

"Oh, then I'm leaving."

Hearing Chiba's words, Hirohiko was not polite, and directly proposed to leave.

"Be careful on the road."

In this regard, Chiba naturally let it go. Hirohiko now has more important things to do than the change in the nature of the fire attribute chakra.


And hearing this sound, Hongyan didn't talk nonsense, and after saying softly, he rushed out, jumped a few times, and chased after the long queue of students.

Now that the position of assistant is now, there is no need to do it.

Well, I can't be an assistant, or even an assistant agent. I have to think about what will happen after I lose those assistant privileges.

In particular, I also need to do some things that require the status of an assistant in advance.

At least, it needs to be completed within today. The permission order from yesterday may mean that Namikaze Minato will choose a new assistant today, and when the new assistant is selected, my agent will naturally have to step down.

But now, there is only one thing that requires the status of an assistant.

Although it is too sensitive and not very good to go to that place at this stall now, and it is easy to be suspected, but it is not easy to get in after losing the status of an assistant and losing these real powers.


Do it today.

Then, after watching Hirohiko go away and disappearing from his sight, Chiba secretly calculated and made a decision.

So, go back now and get some sleep first.

Think again, what an excuse to use!

If it's really not possible, or if no one notices, it doesn't matter if you don't need to be an assistant.

And after making a decision, Qianye didn't think too much about it, and went back to the office directly. After saying hello to Xue Nai and asking her to wake him up at meal time, she went straight to sleep.

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