Chapter 1474 One day


In the dimly lit room, a beam of light came in following the sound of the door being opened, slightly illuminating the simple furnishings in the room.

Then, as the door was pushed further and further open, the beam of light penetrating through the gap in the door became wider and brighter, and finally, it illuminated the room.

The furnishings in the room are quite simple, basically in Japanese style. After the simple tables, chairs and beds, there is no extra decorations except for the shrine where something is enshrined.

Everything looks simple and unadorned.


Just when all the furnishings were illuminated, an old woman with a slightly stooped figure also stepped into the room.

There was no expression on her serious face. The old woman first glanced at the room and found that nothing had changed before entering through the door.

And after entering the room, she first went to the shrine, placed the delicate pastry in her hand, and after looking at it for a while, she sat down at the low table, took out four or five small scrolls from her arms, placed them On the table, at the same time, spread out the dozen or so scrolls that were originally placed on the table one by one.

Then, there was silence.

After spreading it out, the old woman began to read it intently, serious and silent, but frowned uncomfortably, and wrote something on the blank scroll.

It seems that due to the impact of the war, this year's national budget is estimated to be reduced a lot.

Coupled with the sharp drop in mission income during the war and such a large expansion plan, the village's finances this year may be very tight.


We have to fight for more budgets with the daimyo, especially the construction budget, and, in the future peace talks and alliances, we also need to ask other ninja villages in this regard...

And as the black and white words flashed across the old woman's eyes, her heart was full of worry.

This is……

About the selection of the Guardian Ninja Twelve?


This matter is also quite sensitive. If it is not handled well, it may arouse the suspicion of the daimyo. This ninja war will also have a great impact on the country of fire. Many towns have even been affected, and there are many casualties .

Now at this time, such a request was suddenly made, and a very feasible proposal was directly put forward, asking us to provide excellent or even elite ninjas. This matter may be a signal.

No matter how good the battle situation is and how much profit can be obtained, this war should still give daimyo or daimyo's staff some insecurity, or in other words, give some staff who are uneasy and kind to the village an unfavorable opportunity for the village. For the matter of guarding the Twelve Ninja Warriors, in the selection process, not only must good candidates be selected, but also those staff members must be silenced.

An ordinary ninja.

No way!

In any case, the village still depends on the state for its existence. It is impossible for a village as large as Konoha to rely on self-sufficiency, and only the state's finances can support the healthy development of the village.

Moreover, the covenant with the Land of Fire is also a guarantee of life and safety for everyone in the village.

Here, we must not fall out with the village.

The Twelve Guardian Ninjas must not be ignored, and even a ninja who is enough to make the daimyo feel at ease should be selected to join.

Otherwise, no matter how many and best elites are given, it may be empty talk.

You must shut the mouths of those staff who are unfavorable to Konoha!

Then, after looking at another scroll, the old woman frowned a little more. This is a scroll about the guardian of the Twelve Ninja Warriors, and it is also a very sensitive scroll.

In the country, around the daimyo, it is not without the kind of aides who don't like Konoha. In their eyes, Konoha is the strongest military group, and it accounts for 40 to 50% of the country's financial expenditure. This kind of situation almost always occurs in ninja wars, and some aides who don't like Konoha appear and make use of it.

And the guardian ninja twelve warriors, although there have been in the past, but as it is now, the selection conditions are directly given there, and a lot of conditions have been added, even some candidates from Konoha-related secret arts families are listed Going up, there is no doubt that this is someone behind the scenes.

Of course, it is impossible for Konoha to arrange the heirs of some secret arts families. This will damage the trust of many families. You must know that the Twelve Guardian Ninja Warriors are basically the private army of the daimyo. Whether they can come back to inherit the family depends on The big name has the final say.

The meaning here is already very clear.

And since the daimyo agreed to such a request, he was obviously shaken by what those staff said.

This selection is a difficult problem for Konoha.

If the solution is not good, there may be a crisis of trust with the daimyo.

"Unexpectedly, thinking about handling the last job, but not wanting to, is such a difficult problem."

Seeing this, the serious old woman made her first sound.

And the first sound was a sigh.

However, the sigh was just a sigh, and soon, the old woman put a check mark on another scroll with many names written on it.

These past few should be able to replace the heirs of those families.

Moreover, with this child around, even a daimyo wouldn't be able to say anything.

Although I feel sorry for him, it is understandable to believe him.

After ticking the box, the old woman pondered for a while, and after her gaze stayed on those names for a while, she put the two scrolls together and put them aside.

Then, she picked up another scroll.

And then, for a long, long time, she spent a lot of time between the scrolls. She barely read a few lines, and her brows would frown a few times, showing a cautious look before writing. Write down precautions or solutions.

Although there were only a dozen or so scrolls and a few small scrolls, she read each one carefully, and each scroll took her considerable time. , things including those few small scrolls were completed, it was already ten o'clock at night, and the lights in the room had already been turned on.

But she carefully folded the dozen or so scrolls, wrapped them in a cloth bag and put them aside, then stood up, ready to open the door and leave, and go to the kitchen downstairs to cook and solve this. Supper for dinner.

At the same time, he also planned to go to bed after dinner as usual.

Today, except that she will resign and retire tomorrow, there is no difference from the past.

"Boom boom boom..."

"Boom boom boom..."

However, today seemed destined to change, just when she got up and was about to open the door and go downstairs.

There was a knock on the door downstairs.

"Xiaochun, it's me."

Then, a familiar voice came.

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