Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1468 Don't Force It Too Much

"Chirp... chirp... chirp..."

The sound of unknown birds and beasts came into the ears, penetrated into the consciousness and woke up the sleeping Chiba.

what time is it?

Slowly opening his eyes, he saw a table board full of seal tadpole inscriptions, Chiba subconsciously wanted to see the current time.


these are……


Come to think of it, these were written down casually for fear of forgetting them when I conceived the idea of ​​the sealing technique.

Then, his attention was attracted by the seal tadpole text on the table belly board, and he suddenly remembered that this was engraved subconsciously when he was conceiving the seal technique before, all of which were seal techniques and spell seals A sealing technique combined with techniques.

And after thinking of this, he immediately pulled out Kunai, and scratched and destroyed those sealed tadpoles. These are all knowledge of sealing techniques beyond this ninja world, and Chiba is not good enough to leave them to future generations.

Moreover, when such knowledge flows into the current ninja world, one does not know what kind of storms will be caused, how many orders will be destroyed by the spell seal technique, and what kind of chaos will be caused. Chiba can't imagine, but looking at this beyond The seal knowledge of the era, once you can hold the Hyuga clan in the palm of your hand once you succeed, you will know how powerful this knowledge is.

There is no shortage of capable people in the ninja world. After this knowledge is leaked, it is difficult to guarantee that many sealing techniques will be researched, which can seal the sealing technique of curses.

It might even be used against him.

These things must never be passed on.

"Are you awake?"

However, just when Kunai started to scratch these tadpole texts, Xue Nai's voice came diagonally from the upper left.

Obviously, Xue Nai noticed these actions of Chiba.


To this, Qianye responded, and asked by the way: "What time is it now?"

"At 8:50, Kakashi and the others have already set off. In ten minutes, they should arrive at the camp."

Hearing this, Xue Nai answered truthfully.

"What are you doing? Is there something under the table?"

Then, she asked about the sound of metal objects rubbing against wooden objects from Chiba.

"Oh, nothing. Something to clear."

Regarding this, Chiba said indifferently.

It's almost nine o'clock already?

It seems that yesterday was a little tired.

After all, it can't be compared with Naruto's monster-level physical strength, and his body is still changing, so there are some things that cannot be forced too much.

And in his heart, he secretly reminded himself.

Last night, maybe because I was too impatient, or maybe because the increase in mastery attribute Chakra was too great, Chiba seemed to be sinking a little bit. When I came back to my senses, it was already after twelve o'clock in the evening. Kakashi and Xue Nai I fell asleep early.

However, the growth of the chakra property change of the fire attribute is not very great. Although it is known that this is a long-term project and it will be a very difficult process, Chiba did not expect that mastering the property changes of other attributes, It was so difficult.

Unlike the water attribute and the earth attribute that he understood or used without knowing what was going on, the process of nature change seemed to be understood by the soul. He almost failed to grasp any essentials in this attempt of the fire attribute. After imagining and imagining, chakra does not respond when the nature of the urging changes.

To be honest, he is really at a loss now, completely confused about the situation.

In other words, he doesn't have any real sense of property change. Generally speaking, for example, the property change of water attributes, he can easily do it, and he doesn't even have to imagine what kind of texture water is, as if he has already done it instinctively. Generally speaking, as long as you want to produce chakra of water attribute, the chakra will automatically change its nature.

And this fire attribute, let alone such an instinct, automatically changed its nature, and Chakra didn't even respond at all, just like Chiba's change of fire attribute nature was simply condensing chakra.

It can be said that Chiba was doing useless work all night.

Still, ask Hirohiko if he has any experience.

However, Hirohiko, as a member of the Uchiha family, may be born with chakra of the fire attribute, which is the same as my water attribute.

I don't know what he can come up with.

This matter, beating each other is not as simple as I imagined.

Now it's not whether you have time to learn, but whether you can learn it or not.

At the same time, a layer of distress slowly emerged in Qianye's heart.

"Get up and eat when you're done."

At this time, Xue Nai's voice came again.


Hearing this, Qianye responded with a sound, and also quickened the movements of his hands, completely scratching those tadpole texts beyond recognition.

Then, after eliminating the possibility of leaking these sealed tadpole texts, Chiba crawled out from under the table.

After saying hello to Xue Nai, she went to wash up. After washing up, after taking a look at the empty camp illuminated by the bright autumn sun, Chiba couldn't help but close her eyes, feeling the Take a look at the sunshine that is like a warm quilt.

And the last trace of sleepiness, along with the warmth of the sun, completely disappeared in the depths of his mind.

Well, now that Hiroko is at the early warning center, he is probably very busy. Even if I go to him now, it is just a waste of his and my time. He probably has no time to answer my questions.

Moreover, even if he answered, it was in a hurry, and the information he got would not be much, and it would not even be very correct.

It is still necessary to wait until he comes back at night and explain to him, and then the result may be the next day.

Today, let's get the seal.

Put it on hold for now, and do what can be done first.

Then, there are two more things to do during the day today...

Slowly opening his eyes, Chiba, who was much more energetic, nodded heavily after these thoughts.

"Xue Nai, when can you go to the hospital for a check-up today?"

Then, after nodding his head, he walked into the office room, picked up the breakfast Xue Nai had left for him, and asked.

"Oh, around noon."

To this, Xue Nai said.

Last night, she had discussed with Kakashi about when to put this one-hour vacation.

It's also fortunate that Hong Yan has joined and quickly familiarized himself with various affairs, otherwise he really wouldn't be able to spare the time.

"Noon? Isn't it too late? You haven't eaten breakfast, have you?"

Regarding this, Chiba frowned. This physical examination Chiba needs a comprehensive examination, but she can't eat breakfast. Xue Nai's body doesn't know what's wrong with it, and she has to work hard. can do it!


Hearing this, Xue Nai smiled slightly.


However, her words were quickly opposed by Qianye, strongly opposed.

"Leave the rest of the work to me."

Later, this strong objection became such a sentence that cannot be explained.

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