Chapter 1462 Puzzle and excuse

"Day difference, is there a problem?"

Looking at Hinata Hinata who was sitting down in front of him with a slight resentment on his face, Hinata Hinata tried his best to adjust his expression, making himself look quite calm.

"Why? Why did my brother do this?"

And hearing this sound, Hinata Hinata, who had been sitting still, seemed to have endured for a long time and finally found a chance to ask. When Hinata Hyuzu had finished speaking, he raised it eagerly.

"Do that?"

Hearing this, Hinata Hinata seemed to be slightly taken aback, and asked back.

Sure enough, the day difference is still concerned about this matter, but the real reason of this matter cannot be told to him.

Otherwise, everything I do is meaningless.

And in his mind, such a thought flashed through.

"Why, you have to bow your head to the assistant agent. As the patriarch of the Hyuga clan, even Hokage has no right to make you bow your head. Whether it's an apology or a request, you don't need to do that! No matter what his identity is, No matter what he has that is not good for us, you shouldn't do it. Brother, you have already represented the whole clan. If you bow your head to others, it means the whole clan bows to others. This... this... this is unacceptable to the clan thing!"

Hearing his brother's words, Hinata Risai didn't have any more worries, and said everything that was held in his stomach from yesterday to now.

"Oh, so this is the matter."

Regarding this, Hyuga Hyuzu, who had expected his younger brother's problem for a long time, smiled slightly, and said indifferently.

daily difference...


At the same time, such a warm thought flashed through his mind.

My younger brother feels aggrieved because he bowed his head to others, which is undoubtedly a manifestation of his strong concern for himself.

"My lord, you don't pay much attention to the majesty of being the patriarch of the Hyuga Clan. Moreover, your words and deeds after convening the division last night were also extremely inappropriate. As the head of the Hyuga Clan, you are really not It shouldn't be like that, if there were still people who felt resentful at that time, you might just..."

Seeing his brother's nonchalant expression, Hinata Hinata's expression was almost stern, and he said quite seriously.

My elder brother is really easy to talk to, and he doesn't care much about his dignity as a clan!

Although it's easy to talk and doesn't have too much airs, it's a good thing for them to separate their families, but it may not be a good thing for the entire Hyuga clan. Moreover, he is also very worried that his elder brother behaved in front of others. If someone is too easy-going, he will be looked down upon by others, and that's fine. If someone does whatever he wants to his elder brother because of this look down on him, or even does something that hurts his elder brother without any scruples, then it is not something he can tolerate.

The majesty of the head of the Hyuga clan is sometimes not a show of power, but a means of protecting oneself.

My elder brother bowed his head to others not long after he took the position, how would the sect members who had a grudge against the clan look down on him.

Moreover, last night, he actually summoned all the branch families, restrained their words and deeds, and directly announced to everyone the authorization to let Xue Nai be free. Isn't this a risk?

If the resentment of the branch families returns to the main family, how should my elder brother deal with it?

Kill everyone with the high-handed policy that my father used to face the rebellion?

Or let the sub-family rebel and push the Hyuga clan into the abyss of chaos?

Even, what if someone couldn't accept it at the time, according to what the assistant agent Taki Chiba said, his father transferred the resentment to Xue Nai, and Xue Nai was set free by his elder brother, those resentful divisions, if What if the resentment aroused by this behavior was doubled or even more, and it was all vented on his brother?

In that case, double or even more resentment is enough to make people angry enough to be desperate, and my elder brother even handed the sword to the branch family members, and said that he would bear all the hatred with all his strength, and it was clear Tell the family members, do you want to kill or cut it up to your disposal?

Didn't it cause the resentful family members to rise up and dismember their elder brother?

My elder brother doesn't care about himself too much!

He couldn't help but say these words.

You can't help but ask.

Alas... day difference...

And hearing the series of words from his younger brother, Hinata Hyuzu could only smile wryly in his heart, and couldn't be more bitter.

The other party holds the sealing technique that can destroy a family, how can I not bow my head!

Moreover, the opponent is still not that kind of idiot, but a genius boy who can basically be called Hokage-level in strategy and tactics!

Still the hero who saved the village, Konoha's first assistant to hold real power, no, assistant agent.

The current Konoha is in the process of transformation.

During the transformation, no matter how old and noble the Hyuga clan is, they still need to follow the mainstream of the village's transformation.

This Taki Chiba is one of the cores of change, one of the mainstreams.

Whether the Hyuga clan will have dignity among Konoha in the future, they must deal with the issue of Taki Chiba.

Besides, in this matter, my own family was at fault first!

Amidst the bitterness, there was a series of helplessness and grievances in his heart, which he could not describe.

"Ri Cha, this matter is not that I can't bow my head, but that I have to bow my head!"

And thinking of this, Hyuga Hinata waved his hand, first to make the surrounding guards retreat, and then, with a long sigh, let out the helplessness in his chest.

"No... have to bow your head? The assistant agent, how can you let me..."

Hearing these words, Hinata Risai was startled, and said in an almost inconceivable tone.

"He, of course. You have more contact with this Taki Chiba than I do. Don't you know?"

In this regard, Hinata Hyuzu asked a rhetorical question.


If you don't consider his identity, this kid Qianye indeed has a tenacity that ordinary people can't match, and he has a genius-level comprehension.

Tenacity... Comprehension...

But hearing this rhetorical question, Hinata Hinata suffocated, but found himself unable to answer.

"If, if there is a choice, how can I ignore the dignity of the clan and bow my head to others? Indeed, we owe Xue Nai a lot, and even cruelly concentrated all the resentment of the clan on her. When necessary, we may I will kill this younger sister in order to appease public anger, but even so, it is impossible for me to bow my head and apologize to anyone, even Yukina himself, no one can force me to do so. However, this Takichi Ye, he is different, facing this Taki Chiba, even the Hyuga Clan must give in."

Seeing his younger brother's appearance, Hinata Hidesai took a slight breath, but there was a bitter smile on the corner of his mouth, a bitter smile that couldn't be more bitter.

Because, the Hyuga Clan is in the hands of this young man!

And in his heart, there was that sentence that he couldn't say, nor could he say.

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