Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1448 Pass it on

On the other side, the camp, the office house.

This girl is hopeless!

Kakashi put down the document in his hand, gently rolled up the document scroll, and placed it beside the desk, then looked at Yukina who was sitting in front of him holding a bowl with a silly smile, and couldn't help shaking Shaking his head, a look of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

It has been an hour and a half since Chiba left. When Chiba left, he filled up the pot of wild pheasant soup in front of him, that is, on Xue Nai's desk, and let Xue Nai drink it. It has been a half and a half Hour.

The girl from the Hyuga clan in front of her has always been like this.

The smile that wanted to be suppressed but could not be suppressed at the corner of his mouth has been maintained until now.

The girl just sat there without saying a word, without taking a sip, and didn't even notice that the soup was cold, she just smirked for an hour and a half.

However, speaking of it, it is really...

Once this guy Qianye reacted, the offensive was really quite fierce, and he immediately started to make soup to replenish his body.

Usually, I can't see that this dull guy can come up with such an idea, which makes this girl fascinated.

And with helplessness, such a thought flashed through Kakashi's heart.

In his mind was the situation after he and Xue Nai sent all the students who had no mission back to the village at nightfall today.

At that time, when they opened the door, there was a burst of scent. They had been busy for a day, and their stomachs almost yelled, but when they looked closely, they saw Qianye sitting on the door rail at another door, and they didn't know. Why did I set up a fire and set up a clay pot, that is, what is being cooked in the pot on the table now, the tempting aroma is coming from there.

Then, he couldn't hold back at that time, so he called this guy and asked him what he was cooking, but he didn't expect that this guy was so engrossed in cooking. After calling twice, after a while, both he and Xue Nai When he wondered if something happened, this guy woke up like a dream, and said that he was cooking the soup of the wild pheasant he caught just now.

Moreover, it is quite straightforward to say that it was cooked for Xue Nai.

Afterwards, she made it clear that she was not for him to eat.

At that time, he could feel that Xue Nai beside him froze there, his body trembling with excitement.

After that, it was a series of careful filling of soup for Xue Nai, put the pot, and by the way, afraid that she would burn it, he blew on the bowl of soup that Xue Nai was holding in his hand before handing it to Xue Nai.

In the end, it was said that something happened and went out.

To be honest, thinking about it now, this series of careful movements made him almost touch the ninja bag behind him.

Chiba who took care of Xue Nai so carefully could never be the real Chiba.

If it weren't for this guy's demeanor and actions, it was undoubtedly Qianye, he might really be about to attack.

Even Kakashi is still a little unbelievable when he thinks about it now.

However, no matter what, Kakashi was very happy for Xue Nai to see that Xue Nai's efforts were rewarded.

"Hey, let me warm it up for you."

However, I am happy to be happy, looking at the pot that has no heat coming out, and seeing the condensed golden oil floating in it, wrapping the little wild pheasant meat at its tenderest time, Kakashi couldn't help but said.

It's best to drink this soup while it's hot. If it's cold, I'm afraid she'll spoil her stomach.

Now she is the top priority of this new plan. She is arranging and coordinating many things. Basically, half of the command work is on her. If something happens to her, it is absolutely impossible to stabilize this plan within seven days.

Now Xue Nai, nothing can happen.

"Need not."

And Xue Nai's answer was very straightforward, without even raising her head, Kakashi immediately vetoed it.


Really hopeless!

Looking at Yukina who didn't lift her head, still couldn't restrain her silly smile, holding the bowl motionless, the corner of Kakashi's mouth almost twitched.

"This soup..."

However, the twitching of the corner of his mouth was twitching, Kakashi still tried his best to persuade him.

"Need not."

Then, this time before he finished speaking, Xue Nai stopped him with a smile.

"Uh... Then this document, you have to look at it, you need to look at it, and make a decision as soon as possible, and it will be arranged tomorrow morning."

In this regard, Kakashi was helpless, and handed her the thick document scroll with Braille written on it that had been inspected.

"Okay, put it aside for me, I'll read it after I finish drinking."

And the one who responded to him was Xue Nai, who seemed to have thought of something sweet, and spoke with a floating voice.

This tone of voice, as if he would laugh "hehe" at the next word, completely made Kakashi despair.

never mind……

Let her be happy for a while, that's what it is, give her time for dinner and rest, in the past two days, she has done twice as much as me.

And after despairing, Kakashi could only shake his head helplessly, and grinned bitterly at the corner of his mouth under the mask.

Then, he put the document in a place far away from the soup pot, but where Xue Nai could easily get it. After stretching, she stood up and said to Xue Nai, "I'm going for a walk."


Regarding this, Xue Nai still didn't raise her head, and still had the tone of "hehe" laughing in the next second.

Daring... This girl is in a good state no matter what she says!

Hearing this sentence, Kakashi almost let out a long sigh, but he still held back.

At the same time, he glanced at the extinguished fire at the door and the triangular shelf, thought for a while, took the firelighter beside him, and walked over.

Anyway, let's light the fire first.

And in his mind, such a thought flashed through.

"Kakashi, Yukina, I'm back!"

At this moment, just when Kakashi picked up the kindling and was about to take the first step, with a "snap", the tripod was kicked to the ground by a slightly eager step. Then, amidst the familiar voice, a figure walked in quickly and stood in front of him.

"Welcome back!"

Then, in this welcome sentence after Yukina turned her head, Kakashi couldn't help but let out a long sigh.


And after this sigh, there was a helpless word that was neither salty nor dull, spit out from Kakashi's mouth.

"I stopped by the defense force, Xue Nai, here is your letter of appointment. From now on, you will be the special adviser of the defense force and the general manager of the defense force of the engineering team."

In this regard, the figure who walked in quickly didn't seem to care about the welcome words of the two, but directly took out a thick scroll from his arms, handed it to Xue Nai, and then took out a relatively thinner scroll. scroll and handed it to him.

special counsel?

General Manager?

But this move made him and Xue Nai stunned on the spot.

What... what's going on?

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