Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1439 Anxiety

"Master Nizuzu, Assistant Hokage is here."

The middle-aged ninja wearing the costume of the Hyuga clan suddenly flashed behind the side of Hyuga Hyuzu who had just made up his mind, and said in a low voice.

"Assistant agent of Naruto?"

And hearing this sentence, Hinata Hizuru was obviously taken aback.

"Yes, it's Hokage Assistant Agent himself."

In this regard, the middle-aged ninja behind answered truthfully.

"Then quickly..."

And hearing the words confirmed by the high school ninja, Hyuga Hyuzu didn't dare to neglect, stood up immediately, and said that he was going to see Chiba.

The current Taki Chiba is not the son of a traitor who was hated and despised by everyone in the village back then, but the spokesperson of the Fourth Hokage, the assistant of Hokage, and even an unprecedented assistant.

And this is unprecedented, not only because at the age of eleven or twelve years old, he has become a key political position of Naruto assistant, but also, he is the first assistant with real power in the history of Konoha and even the entire ninja world. An assistant to Shadow with real power.

None of his previous assistants could be solely responsible for the construction plan of a village, and within the scope of the plan, they could even use Hokage's authority. Basically, they didn't need the permission of Hokage to directly You can order quite a few departments to cooperate.

Moreover, I heard that he can also enter the real archive room hidden under the Hokage building, and he is free to come and go, and read it at will. This is the authority only Hokage has. In that case, enter that file room.

The assistant before him, of course, did not have this kind of authority. It was all the documents that Hokage needed to see. The assistant was able to enter after receiving a series of handwritten commands, and after entering, he could only read the documents that Hokage needed. It is not allowed to flip through, so it can only be taken out for Hokage to watch.

This assistant who holds real power, even he, the patriarch of the Hyuga clan, cannot be neglected.

Now, the entry and exit of this assistant is no longer as simple as being a ninja, or in other words, it is as simple as a teammate of Miss Hyuga Yukina from the former Hinata Clan's family coming to visit.

Everything he does is political.

In terms of political status, although the village has always given them enough face for the Hyuga Clan, they have given enough respect and concessions to matters involving the Hyuga Clan, and even Hokage may have to write orders by hand even to send a Hyuga Ninja , and even came to discuss with the patriarch himself.

However, this does not mean that the Hyuga clan can override the village. The courtesy the Hyuga clan received is the result of both the Hyuga clan's loyalty to the village and the village's absolute trust in the Hyuga clan.

This courtesy is also two-sided.

The village is polite enough, and Hinata should also respect the village enough.

But now, this assistant represents the village. At this time, the Hyuga clan must show enough courtesy.

They also asked someone to come to inform him that he must be going to receive him in person.

The weight of the rest of the Hyuga clan...

not enough!


However, at this moment, when Hinata Hidetsu was about to take a step, he seemed to think of something and settled on the spot.

Xue Nai's name had just disappeared for a day, and this Hokage assistant agent came to our Hyuga clan.

Moreover, this Hokage assistant agent is also a close friend of Xue Nai.

Could it be that the disappearance of the name has something to do with him?

At this very moment, his heart skipped a beat, and a thought that sent chills down his spine suddenly surged up.

"Now, is the assistant agent still out there now?"

Thinking of this, Hinata Hidezu took a breath, barely calmed down the chill that coiled around his back and heart, and asked.

"No, it's already arranged in the back room."

In this regard, the middle-aged ninja said again.

"The back room? How could it be the back room!"

Hearing this sentence, Hyuga Hyuzu's face almost changed suddenly, and he turned around in shock and anger, and looked at the middle-aged ninja.

This back room was a place where his father's spiritual tablet was enshrined, and no matter what, he could not receive guests in that kind of place.

The back room is not a place where outsiders can enter and exit.

"It was requested by Hokage's assistant agent. He said that while waiting for you, Mr. Rizuru, he wanted to pay homage to the old patriarch."

In this regard, the middle-aged ninja seemed to have expected that Hyuga Hyuzu would be angry, but he didn't lose his composure because of the anger of the new patriarch. He just lowered his head and said so.

"Worship your father?"

And hearing this sentence, Hinata Hidetsu was stunned again, and the anger on his face was instantly replaced by suspicion.


Hearing this, the middle-aged ninja nodded in agreement.


What's the relationship between him and my father?

No, it's for Xue Nai?

Could it be that the disappearance of Xue Nai's name has nothing to do with him?

Hearing the middle-aged ninja's affirmative answer, Hyuga Hyuzu's face became even more suspicious. His father had no contact with this assistant agent at all, and his father never mentioned that he had emerged from the Chunin exam. Up to now, he has become a village hero and even an assistant with real power.

The only time, after the Chunin exams, was that his uncle Shinsuke Hyuga, who is now a traitor to Hyuga, chatted with his father for a while, and his father sighed "awesome".

Afterwards, the assistant was never mentioned again.

Hinata Hinata is convinced that his father has no contact with this assistant acting lord.

The two of them were complete strangers who had never even met face to face.

This opening is to pay homage to his father, which is too strange.

"Okay, go down, I'll go right away."

Thinking of this, Hyuga Hyuzu frowned, and after pondering for a while, waved his hand to signal the middle-aged ninja to back down.


In response, the middle-aged ninja responded and disappeared in place.

Pay homage to father...

This should be an excuse.

Moreover, the matter of the ninja engineering team has nothing to do with our Hyuga clan. Now he is fully in charge of the engineering team, and it cannot be official business.

So since it's not a public matter, it's a private matter.

As for personal matters, after much deliberation, it could only be for Xue Nai.

In this case……

With the departure of the middle-aged ninja, Hyuga Hyuzu's expression gradually changed from suspicion to affirmation, and then from affirmation to seriousness.

His thoughts turned in a big circle, and he is now very sure that this assistant agent who holds real power is here for Hyuga Xuenai.

And if you want to come here for something about Hyuga Yukina, Hyuga Hyuzuru is not an idiot, so he naturally understands it.

This matter is very tricky.

If not handled properly, big things could happen.

At this moment, he had a faint premonition that what his father was worried about was about to happen.

"No matter what, this matter cannot escape, I must face it!"

Then, after his face became solemn, he straightened his clothes, cleaned his face with the basin brought earlier, straightened his waist, and stepped out of the door.

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