Chapter 1431 Finished?

so... so... and then...


This is...


Flipping through the scrolls of the sealing technique that failed to build Chakra one after another, a slightly unbelievable emotion slowly flashed across Chiba's face.

The first sealing technique is completed.

He only needs to slightly modify the places where these constructions failed, and then he can complete the first sealing technique.

He has already made all the mistakes, and he also knows how to fix them. After so many failures and so many trials, he already knows the structure of the successful sealing technique, but the actual production is already simple. Say, it's done.

The next operation, a complete and effective sealing technique that can affect the spell sealing technique, can be born.

And this process, from making mistakes, reflecting, to now suddenly discovering that all mistakes have been made, and all mistakes have already appeared, to a sealing technique structure that can fully work according to the knowledge he has now, complete. And it was perfectly presented in his mind, but it only took two hours.

It was a long, long time earlier than the two nights he expected.

It can be said that the smoothness made Chiba a little unbelievable.

"However, this is also good, finish it earlier, end it earlier, and I can also start the recovery training in the eight-door mode earlier."

However, unbelievable is unbelievable, but Qianye didn't think too much about it. It seemed that there was a problem with it going smoothly, but if it could solve the problem of swallowing, he didn't think too much about whether there was a problem with it going smoothly. , or worrying about this, worrying about that, Yukina has been suffering from blindness all the time, and there is also unfair treatment from the Hyuga clan, although now because of his status as an assistant to Hokage, the Hyuga clan does not dare to treat Xue Nai. What kind of action, but if he unloaded the burden of Hokage's assistant, then everything would be hard to say.

Sometimes it's quite unreasonable to resent something like this.

Hinata Shinsuke's betrayal incident was not at all on Xue Nai's fault, but it was because of resentment that led to Xue Nai's unfair treatment.

Without the identity of Hokage's assistant, Chiba couldn't think of any perfect way to protect Xue Nai from being hurt by her own family.

And it is possible that in the end, Chiba will uproot the entire Hyuga clan under the rage.

Now Chiba may not be able to do it in terms of strength, but if he resumes the use of the eight-door mode, then with Chiba's "Thousand People Slash" strength, the Hyuga Clan is really hard to resist. Besides, his current body, although The Bamen mode cannot be used, but his physical condition has been improved in an all-round way.

They even have enhancements such as anti-toxicity, weak self-healing ability, and permanent activation of cells to a certain extent. After recovering the eight-door mode, he uses the time and sustainability of the eight-door mode, and even some bonuses in the state of the eight-door mode , there will be a qualitative leap, even if there is no Yin seal, his strength is definitely S rank.

And Chiba's fighting style is the most difficult and deadly tactical fighting style. To be honest, if Hyuga Shinsuke is still there, Chiba should be scruples. Facing the Hyuga clan, he has to be careful three points .

Now Hyuga Hyuzu, or Hyuga Hyuzu, is difficult to pose a sufficient threat to Chiba. Perhaps, Hyuga Hyuzu during the Fourth World War can still pose a certain or sufficient threat to him, but now Hyuga Hyuzu, With Qianye's cognition, he will definitely not be able to restrain him.

It's just that Chiba did it to uproot the Hyuga clan and exterminate them. To relieve Qi is to relieve Qi, and Xue Nai's problem is also solved once and for all. However, this is definitely not a good thing, and it is not a good thing for Chiba. Even Chiba lost even worse.

At that time, Namikaze Minato, Kushina, Kakashi, and other partners will definitely stand on the side of the village, and Hirohiko and Yukina will follow him to rebel against the village, and not only will he face Hirohiko and Xue Nai have to bear the pain of chasing and killing their important person.

But for Chiba, what is the most important thing in coming to this world?

A second chance at survival?


So, is it the all-powerful force?

Nor is it.

For Chiba, the most important thing is the people who give him warmth. It is this warmth that has allowed him to come to the present. Survival and strength, in a sense, are all given by this warmth.

What Chiba wants are those important people.

If you really do that, Chiba, you will lose everything and lose everything.

Moreover, it will bring endless pain.

And if this is the case, what is the point of his trying to change his fate?

If what he is after is power, with his ability, he can do whatever he wants, why should he abide by those rules and regulations, he just needs to be the same as those time-traveling protagonists, killing people and stealing money, denying all relatives, being self-centered, and being a selfish bandit madman That's fine, why bother.

Why bother to find such a difficult road full of thorns, if it is just to become stronger, dominate the ninja world, and bring some self-righteous peace in the ninja world, you only need to use your own understanding of the original work, all kinds of tricks, tricks, and robbery. He can look through Ye's forbidden surgery room.

Perhaps, this is also the special feature of Chiba. He never chooses the easier result because of the difficulty of the process, but is always loyal to the result he wants, no matter what leads to the desired result. How hard and painful the journey is, how stupid it will appear to him.

Perhaps, it is also because of this that he can practice hard day after day, and through his own efforts, he can obtain everything he has now.

Strength, power, and...


"Then, let's practice a few times first, and then..."

And after subduing the disbelief, Qianye also slowly sank his face, took a blank scroll, and prepared to start the actual operation of the perfect sealing technique.

No matter how you say it, no matter how you think about it, this sealing technique must be done in practice, otherwise it will be useless to think too much, no matter how unbelievable it is, even if the theory is 100% sure, it is only a theory, and everything must be done.

Moreover, he can't think happily just because the completion time is so much earlier.

Time, for him, is never enough!


At this moment, the door of the office room was opened.

"Well, let Hirohiko go and have a look tomorrow, we are not good at this."

"Yes, when Chiba comes back, I'll go to Hongyan's side, this matter can't be delayed."

"Well, I'll thank you then, Kakashi."

"I don't know that Chiba guy..."

Then, the discussion between Kakashi and Xue Nai came in.

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