Chapter 145 Narrative

"That's how it happened, Chiba, please..." Hiroko looked at Chiba weakly, and before he could finish this sentence, he slowly closed his eyes. Her lips also stopped moving, and there were still a few words at the end, but she couldn't make out clearly.


Chiba exclaimed, and hurriedly leaned over to check Tan Hongyan's breath, and after confirming that he still had breath, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Hirohiko just passed out.

Thinking about it, he was seriously injured, and he lost a lot of blood just now, so it is normal for him to faint.

Chiba wiped his face and wiped away some sweat, and the moment Hirohiko closed his eyes, he almost broke out in a cold sweat.

At this time Kakashi adjusted his drip, and said to Chiba: "What do you think about this matter?"

Chiba looked at Hirohiko, then at Xue Nai, and said, "According to Hong Yan's account, do you feel that the ninja who kidnapped Teacher Kushina deliberately let Hirohiko and Xue Na find their tracks?"

"On purpose?" Shiga Taketake and Kiuchi Taketo were stunned.

According to Hirohiko's account, he had just returned to the village after completing the mission, and because it was already dark, he was planning to go to Yile Ramen for dinner. Because it was a mission with Xue Nai, the two went together at that time.

However, when they got near the meatball shop, they felt something different. At that time, Xue Nai subconsciously opened her eyes, and then found the ninjas who kidnapped Kushina. Get out of the village quickly.

It happened that a ninja from the village passed by at that time, and Hirohiko asked him to report the incident to Hokage. He and Xue Nai hurriedly chased it out.

There were about four ninjas who kidnapped Kushina. They didn't wear any signs of Ninja Village, and even their clothes were ordinary people's clothes. But Hong Yan and Xue Nai only chased out of the village, and were discovered by four people.

What followed was a battle that directly caused Hirohiko and Xue Nai to be seriously injured. In this battle, Hirohiko and Xue Nai didn't fight all of them, but only one of them. After the opponent left this ninja, the others left quickly, but just this ninja Let them fight hard, and even turned into fighting with their lives, and finally killed the ninja.

Hirohiko’s narration omitted a lot of combat situations. To kill this ninja, Hirohiko just repeated that the ninja’s death was very strange. Although he couldn’t say what was so strange, he always felt that this ninja didn’t deserve to die, and he didn’t deserve to die. hand.

From the course of the battle, he vaguely felt it, and I believe Xue Nai also felt this way.

The third Hokage who received the news immediately sent Anbu, and after killing the ninja, the Anbe ninja found them according to the traces left by the two. Down.

"Do you think so too?" Kakashi looked at Hirohiko who had passed out, and said in his mouth, but there was a feeling in his heart: Hirohiko Uchiha... I'm afraid he has already reached the limit! The reason why he has been sober is to tell Chiba about these things.

"This matter is not that simple." Chiba looked at Hirohiko, then at Xue Nai, clenched her fists tightly.

Listening to the conversation between Kakashi and Chiba, Shiga Taketake and Kiuchi Taketo glanced at each other, Shiga Taketake took a step forward and said: "Since there is still something hidden, Hirohiko has always said that the ninja died strangely, so here We have to report to Hokage-sama."

"Yeah." Kakashi nodded.

"Kakashi, there is something I want to ask you." Chiba also nodded, and then said.

"What is it?" Kakashi asked. "Obito and Lin, should they be in the village?" Chiba asked.

Obito and Lin? Why did Chiba ask this?

Kaka was puzzled and said, "Yes, what's wrong?"

"I want you, Obito and Lin, to protect Yukina and Hirohiko here." Chiba said seriously.

Protect Yukina and Hirohiko?

Kakashi frowned, he keenly grasped the key points in Chiba's words.

Not to take care of, to look after, but to protect?

"Do you have any plans?" Kakashi looked at Chiba, and Chiba's eyes told him that Chiba was very serious now.

Kakashi is also relatively close to Chiba. After all, the two teachers are lovers and have fought against each other. He quite approves of Chiba, so at this time, he didn't want to refuse, but he was a little confused.

"Ah, I thought of a possibility. Although it may not be correct, we have to guard against it. Now that even Anbu has been mobilized in the village, I am afraid there is no manpower to spare to protect Hirohiko and Xue Nai. The experience here is the best. You are the one who is rich, Obito and Lin are in your team again, if something really happens, you should cooperate better." Chiba said.

Indeed, cooperating with Obito and Lin is easier than cooperating with others.

Kakashi nodded inwardly.

What is this guy thinking? Why protect Hirohiko and Xue Nai? Well, but this kid must have his reasons.

"I see, I will call Obito and Rin." Kakashi said.

"Thank you." Chiba nodded.

Kakashi waved his hand to indicate that it was okay, and then walked out of the ward.

"Taketo, can you report Hirohiko's narrative to the third Hokage here? By the way, report the information that "there are still enemies in the village" to the third Hokage-sama." After Kakashi left, Chiba told Kiuchi Ken said the man.

Kiuchi Taketo nodded and said, "If there is any plan, I will come back later."

"Ah, please." Chiba nodded.

Afterwards, Kiuchi Taketo left straight away.

Shiga Takeyue stared at Chiba, his eyes flickered, and said, "What do you mean, there are still enemies in the village?"

Chiba glanced at Shiga Taketake, and said: "Well, when Captain Morino and I went out on a mission, we got some information. Combining this information and Hirohiko's narration, I thought of this possibility."

Shiga Taketake touched his chin, thought for a while, and said, "Is it convenient for me to know this information?"

Qianye frowned slightly.

The matter of Yunyin Village is too sensitive, here...should I tell Shiga? Since the Third Hokage dispatched Anbu, then, in other words, Captain Morino should have told the Third Hokage about Yunyin.

Otherwise, if it was just a group of unidentified ninjas who robbed Kushina, it would be fine if Minato Namikaze and Shino Morino were dispatched, and Anbe would not be dispatched. But now even Anbu has been dispatched.

It is precisely because the third Hokage knew that Yunyin Village did it, and this matter is too sensitive, so they did not hesitate to dispatch Anbu.

"If it's inconvenient, then I won't inquire about it." Shiga Takeyue said looking at Chiba's expression.

This made Chiba breathe a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, I heard Shiga Taketake say again: "But, if you have any plans, you must tell me."

Qianye was taken aback when he heard the words, then smiled and said, "I'm going to ask you to figure this plan out."

Looking at the situation of the Chunin exam, Shiga is also the type who pursues safety. The perfection of this plan really needs his planning.

Shiga Takeyue was also taken aback when he heard Chiba's words.

Ask me to add up?

Then, it was a wry smile.

Finding someone like me to add up to defeat... Is this appropriate?

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