Chapter 1417 Late...

"I said, you like to be late, don't drag Xue Nai to be late together!"

Half-closed his eyes, looking at Chiba who was panting slightly in front of him, and Yukina who was still a little blush on his face when he was put down on his back, Kakashi said flatly.


Fortunately, barely caught up.

But at this time, Qianye glanced around. At this time, they were on the log wall at the entrance of the camp. Under the wall, there was a long line of students who were being interrogated. Next, they returned to the empty camp, and behind them, the students who entered the camp were assigned by teams to the sentry towers in the camp to carry out security work.

The extra students were arranged to do some basic gymnastics training as a warm-up exercise, to stretch their muscles and bones, so as to avoid any problems behind them. This was also written in the construction manual written by Chiba before.

In this situation, it is obvious that Chiba and Xue Nai have caught up. The students are entering the venue. It will take at least an hour from screening to arranging tasks to officially starting work. This hour is enough for Kaka Xi and Xue Nai have made some cooperation arrangements.

After all, there is already a plan for the detailed plan, and what they need to do now is to coordinate and realize what is on the plan.

Of course, this coordination and command is still quite difficult, otherwise Xue Nai would not need to be present in person, and even the first round of defense force personnel arranged by Xue Nai yesterday were all experienced elite ninjas who had performed various tasks.

From this, it can also be seen that Captain Watanabe trusts and values ​​Xue Nai, as well as Chiba.

Assemble at nine.

It's almost nine o'clock now, and there is still about one hour left. The arrangement of the task can be postponed appropriately. After all, it is a new plan, and it is normal to arrange it for a longer time.

I just don't know how far Xue Nai and Kakashi can understand each other.

And Chiba, who was relieved in his heart, ignored Kakashi's words that sounded obviously angry again, and there was a slight worry in his heart.

In fact, the only thing that can really guarantee the success rate of this plan is the seven days of Kakashi's presence. Once these seven days pass, it will be even more difficult to succeed. Moreover, Namikaze Minato only gave seven days. If it is on the right track, Chiba doesn't know what will happen to this plan next.

Time is still quite tight, and it is really necessary to race against time.

"Cough! Time is running out, let's start making today's tasks first, the students will be admitted in a while."

In response, Qianye coughed lightly and said.

"Hey? People who are late also know that time is tight."

And hearing this sentence, Kakashi's unsalty voice came again.

This guy……

Hearing these sarcastic words that were neither salty nor bland, Chiba couldn't help but twitched at the corners of her mouth and stiffened her face no matter how much she wanted to ignore it.

This sentence was so lethal that it choked back Chiba's "Let's go to the office first."

I finally understand now, Obito's mood.

And at this moment, Chiba finally understood why Obito was so frantic that he wanted to duel in front of Kakashi.

This kind of feeling of wanting to refute but being unable to refute under the iron-like facts is really aggrieved and wants to beat someone up.

"Okay, okay, you two stop fighting, it's not good to be seen by so many people, anyway, you are both commanders."

At this time, Xue Nai, who sensed that the atmosphere was not right, stood up, stopped the conversation between the two, and clarified the current situation: "There is not enough time, let's not waste time, we can discuss it first." The place of the task, I also need to understand the situation here, just understand the construction situation from some documents, after all, there are still some personal subjective deviations, I need someone to explain to me, time is not waiting for anyone. "

"Hey, it's really hard for you to have such a guy, Xue Nai, well, come with me, Qianye, help Xue Nai well."

In this regard, seeing Yukina, seeing Yukina's empty eyes, Kakashi's eyes flashed a gloomy look, but his mouth did not bypass Chiba much.

For Xue Nai's sake... For Xue Nai's sake...

For Xue Nai's sake!

At this time, Chiba already had such an urge to hold back and rush forward to wrestle with Kakashi in her heart.

"Yes Yes……"

On his mouth, imitating Kakashi's unsalty voice, he replied perfunctorily.

But the answer was perfunctory, and Chiba didn't have a perfunctory attitude when it came to helping Xue Nai from the side.

This guy……

And hearing Chiba's words imitating his own tone, Kakashi frowned, and his face was slightly stiff.

However, after all, it didn't happen. After saying "Follow me", he thought about walking under the city wall and headed for the office room.

Under Kakashi's leadership and Chiba's support, Xue Nai quickly stood at the door of the office room.

"Have you gathered all the supplies here?"

Then, before entering the office room, Xue Nai said something that made Kakashi and Chiba turn their heads in amazement.

How did Xue Nai know?

At the same time, Kakashi and Chiba had such a thought at the same time.

"Well, Chiba made it!"

"Well, Kakashi did it!"

Then, the two hesitated for a moment, and spoke one after the other.

After speaking, the two quickly looked at each other with surprise in their eyes.

"I'm just asking, let's get to work first."

In this regard, after hearing what the two said, Xue Nai hurriedly said.


Hearing what Xue Nai said because he was obviously afraid of them arguing again, the two of them didn't ask why Xue Nai knew about the collection of supplies when she couldn't see it, and it was the first time she came here. No, she took Xue Nai directly into the house.

After entering the house, the two stopped talking nonsense, and began to seriously talk to Xue Nai about the current situation, including the construction details of the past ten days.

Of course, Kakashi was talking most of the time, and Chiba was nodding aside. After all, Chiba didn’t know anything about the engineering team. He was doing his own thing for the past ten days and didn’t care about it at all.

Following Kakashi's narration, Xue Nai nodded again and again, a framework about what happened to the Ninja Engineering Team in the past ten days was also formed in his mind, and he also had a detailed understanding of Kakashi's command style.

At the moment, a specific method of cooperating with Kakashi was formed in her mind.

If you do this, seven days should be fine.

With the formation of specific cooperation implementation methods, Xue Nai nodded secretly, made some calculations in her heart, and turned around such an idea.

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