Chapter 1401 Inquiry

"How's the situation in the village?"

Slowly unfolding another blank scroll, Minato Namikaze picked up the pen placed on the side, dipped it in the ink, and asked.

"There is nothing abnormal, but Lord Chiba, he often travels to and from the camp of the engineering team and the village, and has visited those six old scholars many times."

At this moment, in the shadow behind him, there was a faint sound.

"Well... I see. For Qianye, you should try to let him move freely. I believe that everything he does has his reasons. If he needs your help with anything, he should also obey his transfer. .”

In this regard, Minato Namikaze nodded, and did not have any doubts about Chiba's behavior.

Last time I came to apply for medical equipment, and I often visit old scholars. Are you researching new drugs?

It seems that the engineering team should have stabilized.

This kid is really not idle, and he likes to tinker with new things when he has free time.

And in his mind, such a rather pampering thought flashed through his mind, not only did he not have any doubts about Qianye's behavior, but he also praised it very much.

"Yes, we will try our best to cooperate with Lord Chiba."

Hearing what Hokage said, the ninja in the shadow didn't have any doubts, and said simply.

"Well, good, so, what about the two advisors, and Mr. Danzo? How are they doing?"

Hearing the straightforward answer from the ninja behind the shadow, Minato Namikaze was obviously very satisfied, then he skipped the topic and asked the next question.

It seems that I don't have to think about Chiba's identity as the "Son of a Sinner". Anbu's answer like this obviously trusts and recognizes Chiba very much. Coupled with the change in the village's attitude towards Chiba, Chiba's most basic popularity is already established.

Even if Mr. Maha's son bears that "crime", there is no need to worry about the pressure of public opinion that he will become Hokage in the future.

In his heart, he was silently relieved.

After all, although Chiba is basically the fifth Hokage that he and the third Hokage have decided on by default, there are some things that must be successful if they are not determined by them. First, they have to go through the bridge between the village and the country. Only if a consultant sincerely recommends it, can the daimyo be recognized faster, otherwise it will be troublesome. However, for Qianye, the two advisors, at least Senior Zhuanxiaochun, who valued him very much, were enough. There is one left, and I have a very good impression of him.

After all, although the consultant often has political disagreements with Hokage, the two consultants both care about Konoha and have a certain vision. They will not fail to see the value of Chiba and the infinite possibilities after he becomes Hokage.

In addition to consultants, it is the public.

If you choose an unpopular Hokage, and the public does not approve of or even misunderstand the new Hokage, then although there will be no riots in the future, it will also cause panic. After all, how can a Hokage that is not trusted by the public let the public Live with peace of mind.

This is what Namikaze Minato is most worried about, and even let Chiba be in charge of the ninja engineering team and the expansion plan, just to let Chiba make achievements and really benefit the people, so as to earn favorability and popularity.

But now it seems that Minato Namikaze is thinking too much about this point.

Chiba's popularity is much better than he imagined, especially after the deeds of blocking the five thousand people of Iwagakushi slowly spread among the ninja group, and then spread from the ninja group to the public, the foundation of Chiba's popularity has been established Woke up.

Even if he and the third Hokage didn't train Chiba to become Hokage, Chiba's current popularity foundation is enough to have the prestige like Sannin.

Now, it can be said that the plan to reserve Hokage for the village is quite smooth, and it can be regarded as a big worry for Namikaze Minato.

"The two consultants are now being monitored very cooperatively. There is nothing abnormal. They are still actively handling the relationship between the village and the daimyo every day. Moreover, the two consultants directly responded to us. Some of them objected to such a situation during the war. It is estimated that we will come to discuss the large construction expenditure after a while."

At this time, the ninja in the shadows spoke.


Hearing this sentence, Namikaze Minato paused his hands, but the corners of his mouth twitched unnaturally, two serious faces flashed in his mind, and the gentle face suddenly became a little bitter, but, bitterness is bitterness , he quickly responded: "It's okay, the two consultants are all for the village. I'll explain this matter to them at that time. Where's Mr. Danzo?"

"Danzo-sama is also very cooperative with our work, and there is nothing unusual at present."

To this, the ninja behind the shadow answered truthfully.

Is there anything unusual?

Mr. Danzo...

Is it hidden deep enough, or is there really no problem?

But this answer caused Namikaze Minato's worry.

"Well, well, where's the root?"

While worrying, Minato Namikaze remained calm and asked again.

"Comprehensive monitoring has been carried out, and there has not been much rejection, and everyone has cooperated quite well."

In this regard, such a sentence came from behind the shadow.


No matter what Mr. Danzo is thinking, if it is monitored in this way, at least, it will not be too much.

For the time being, that's all there is to it.

And hearing this sentence, Namikaze Minato also pondered for a moment. As Hokage, he knew the meaning of Danzo's existence. Although he had the intention to reform, but in the current situation, reform must be a long process, and it may be until his tenure Only when it is over can the reform be complete. Now, it is necessary for Danzang to have roots.

Even, he and it are a double-edged sword.

"Very well, I see. So, what about the ninja engineering team? I remember that the defense force is also involved. How is the situation now?"

Thinking of this, Namikaze Minato didn't bother with this question, and asked in a different direction.

"As for the engineering team, the defense force has fully adapted to the new mission. From the very beginning, everything is in an orderly manner. Thanks to the eldest lady of the Hyuga family, Mrs. Hyuga Yukina, her understanding of the defense force and the arrangement of the mission are amazing. Admired, and the engineering team, under the management of Chiba-sama and Kakashi, there was no problem, and the construction progress was advanced again and again. It can be said that it was very smooth. The sinner Uchiha Hirohiko also made great efforts contribution."

Upon hearing this question, the ninja behind the shadow spoke with a rather sighing tone.

"Well, it seems that I don't need to worry about the expansion plan."

To this, Namikaze Minato nodded.

"You go back first."

Then, after nodding, he waved his hand to signal the ninja behind the shadow to back down.


In this regard, the shadow queen ninja did not hesitate at all, and after a reply, his aura disappeared behind Namikaze Minato.

It seems that it is really necessary for me to consider Captain Watanabe's suggestion.

However, the Hyuga Clan...


Can't give up.

Such a talent.

After the breath dissipated behind him, Minato Namakaze stopped writing, but his brows slowly wrinkled, and he fell into deep thought.

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