Chapter 1383 Ask for advice

On the tenth day of the camp, at 9:00 am.

The entrance of Konoha Hospital.

According to the habit of those old pedants, after getting enough sleep, they will definitely stay in the research room. There is still a certain amount of Banagrass, and they will definitely not miss the research on the medicinal properties of this rare herb.

Now, it should probably be here.

Chiba stopped, looked at the gate of the Konoha Hospital, and his eyes seemed to extend all the way to the outside of the main building of the hospital, which was hidden in a small building that was not easy to find outside the main building.

However, the headache is how to ask them.

Every time this group of guys succeed in their research, they will put on a show, and they must satisfy their vanity.



What a hassle.

Such a group of guys, how could they be precious figures in Konoha Medical.

After that, after preparing to step in, such a helpless thought appeared in Qianye's heart.

But after turning his thoughts around, he didn't hesitate anymore, and stepped in directly, heading straight for the research room.


"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! Those code words can't be deciphered even by Xiao Qianye, no matter how smart they are! This code word, I have spent a lot of effort. It seems very simple, but it is very general, and there are many terms. It can all be connected, he has absolutely no idea."

"However, it's been a few days, but I haven't seen Qianye coming, it must be a code word to untie it."

"Yeah, with Qianye's temperament, if he didn't untie it, he would have come here to ask. He doesn't care about face."


"However, Chiba is now an assistant agent of Hokage. There are many things to do, but I don't have time to come."

"Cut! It's just a little bit of business, how could it be so rare for the Lord Qianye, I think it's already cracked!"

"I feel so too!"

"It should not be cracked!"


"Stop joking, no matter how powerful Qianye is, she is still a god, I don't believe it!"

"Me neither."

"Look, look! 4 to 2!"


And when Qianye came to the door of the research room, he had already heard the loud quarrel all the way, and Qianye just smiled wryly at this.

Unexpectedly, I was still such a powerful kid in their hearts!

While smiling wryly, he was a little surprised in his heart.

This group of old pedants, in front of him, has always been "you are still far behind", "you have to read more books", "the road is still long" and so on. The appearance of the seniors treating the juniors among the juniors.

Unexpectedly, he had a very high evaluation of him in private, as if he had already placed him in the same position as himself.

This is what Chiba did not expect.

"Boom boom boom!"

And hearing this, although a series of thoughts flashed through Qianye's mind, he knocked on the door without hesitation.

"Who is it!"

"Come in!"

"The door is unlocked!"

"Who is who, at this time!"

"Hmph! It has definitely been solved!"

Afterwards, six voices came from inside the door.


After hearing this, Qianye only listened to the first sentence, then selectively passed the next few sentences with the same meaning, and directly pushed the door open.

Then, the audience fell silent.

The moment Qianye pushed the door open, the six people in the room were all stunned on the spot. The argument after these few words of answering the door was completely swallowed by the shocked expressions of the six people. .

The six old men all stared wide-eyed, looking at the young man who stepped in, and followed him all the way until the young man stopped.

"Chi... Chiba?"

After the boy stopped for a while, they spoke in a daze.

Judging from their expressions, it seems that it is impossible for Chiba to come to them.

"What's wrong?"

In this regard, Qianye blinked, looked at these old people who had started to move slowly and surrounded themselves with surprised expressions, and said in feigned surprise.

Yes, feigned surprise.

From their expressions, Qianye could already see the true inner thoughts of these old people.

Dare to feel that I have unlocked the code word!

The reason why there were previous quarrels was that they were dead ducks!

And in his heart, it truly reflects the true thoughts of these old people.

", what are you doing here?"

In this regard, six old people, a group of old pedants, asked in unison.

"I'm here to ask for advice. I really can't figure out how to study code words, so... please don't hesitate to enlighten me!"

And hearing the unanimous words, Qianye put on a very respectful look, bowed deeply, and asked for advice in a very sincere tone.




"what happened?"


"Am I hallucinating?"

However, this very sincere request for advice and respectful attitude did not achieve Chiba's goal of "satisfying the vanity of these elderly people", but aroused all kinds of doubts among the elderly.

"Come on!"

"It's not right!"

"It's not scientific, it's not scientific!"

After arousing all kinds of doubts among the old people, the six old scholars hid in the corner of the research room with lightning speed, formed a circle, and started whispering. Partially.

They were seriously doubting Chiba's motives for this trip, very suspicious.

It can be said that he didn't believe that Qianye came to ask for advice with an open mind.

Should I be happy, depressed, or angry?

At this time, hearing these suspicions, Qianye slowly straightened up, the corners of his mouth twitching violently.

How does it feel, these old pedantic minds have begun to increase, and they can't just fool around.

In the past, as long as they put on this posture, be humble and respectful, and then add a word or two of flattery, they will obediently shake everything out like pouring beans, how did they learn it badly now?

Still suspicious!

At this time, Qianye felt helpless and depressed.


At this moment, the circle of old scholars seemed to have finished their discussion, and they walked over one by one, first coughing lightly in unison.

"You didn't untie it?"

Then, they asked in unison, with an extremely skeptical tone, clearly all kinds of unbelief.


Regarding this, Qianye pressed down the anger slowly transformed from helpless depression in her heart, and said.

"You came to bow your head to ask us for advice, admit that you are not as good as us?"

Afterwards, the six spoke in unison again.

"Yes, compared to you seniors, I am far inferior. I read that report for several days, but I didn't understand it. Please teach me."

Regarding this, Qianye suppressed the twitching impulse of the corner of her mouth, and said as respectfully as possible.

"Come on!"

"Is this true or not?"

"It's not scientific, it's not scientific!"

However, these humble and respectful words failed to achieve Chiba's goal, and the six of them gathered in a corner again.


Then, when all of Qianye started to hold hands, the six of them ran over again, and first coughed lightly to attract Qianye's attention.


Then they asked.


Chiba nodded heavily, almost uncontrollably.


they asked again.


At this time, Qianye was already wondering whether these old scholars had changed their sex.

"Really really really?"

And they still don't seem to believe it.

"Really really really!"

At this moment, Qianye no longer knew how he should respond. He had already begun to wonder what he did wrong, which made these old scholars doubt him so much.

"Come on!"

"Get together! Get together!"

"It's not scientific, it's not scientific!"

However, this sentence aroused the urge of the old pedants to hide in a corner.

"I said, if you don't know, it's just that you haven't researched it, and you just use some code words to prevaricate, then I'll go back."

And at this moment, Qianye finally couldn't hold back any longer, and turned around to leave.


"What do you mean you haven't researched it?"

"What prevarication?"

"Go back? Go back to what?"

"What do you want to know, what to ask for advice, just say it!"

"You... you, you, you... you can insult our personality, but not our research results. Let me tell you, those code words are all genuine. The type A devouring that exists is..."

Then, unexpectedly, this outburst of words caused the old scholars to cheer up, and they all surrounded him, shaking out all the research reports with a sharp voice.

Very detailed, every detail was shaken out.

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