Chapter 1378 Preparation

In the original book...

Has it ever been described that Itachi participated in the war?

Or, was it mentioned?

Looking at Fugaku Uchiha in front of him, Chiba couldn't help but have such a thought in his heart.

"Mr. Fuyue, you are Itachi's father and the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, and Itachi is your son and a member of the Uchiha clan. Why do you ask me?"

However, although other thoughts had already turned in his mind, Qianye did not hesitate and opened his mouth directly.

Facing Uchiha Fugaku's undeniable tone, Chiba's words were also rare and sharp.

Obviously, Chiba is still somewhat dissatisfied with Itachi's going to the battlefield. Anyway, Itachi is only so old now, and how long has it been since he started formally learning the power of ninjas? .

Although Chiba still thinks that Uchiha Fugaku has a reasonable plan at this time, but this is really cruel for a child.

To witness the cruelty of war at such a young age is definitely something Chiba does not want to see.

In any case, even if it is a political transaction, Itachi is also a disciple recognized by Chiba, and it has nothing to do with the Itachi in the original book. After all, itachi has considerable feelings for the Itachi in the Naruto world.

Moreover, Chiba's heart has hardened in the process of killing and the crisis of being killed after several life and death, but it is not so hard-hearted or cold and cruel that it is indifferent to see a child on the battlefield, and even feels that it should be done.

"No, you are Itachi's teacher, and you still have to get your permission."

Hearing this sentence, Uchiha Fugaku didn't speak immediately, but said so after a slight pause.

In the tone, it has already eased a lot, without the undeniable, it is a little more warm.

It turned out to be like this...

However, at this moment, Qianye suddenly thought of something. Although there was no change on his face, it was obvious that the slight stiffness caused by dissatisfaction had faded a lot.

Uchiha Fugaku came this time because he was concerned about his relationship with Hokage, so he gave me face, and it was also for Itachi to go smoothly in the future.


In any case, this man is always Itachi's father, no matter what he is not good at expressing his emotions, but his love for his children is real.

Sure enough, as the Second Hokage said, the Uchiha clan is a clan with love.


In the end, Itachi is the only one who understands what is great love, not the little love that sticks to one family.

At the same time, amid the subtle changes in his face, the pimple in Chiba's heart finally faded away, and he also understood Uchiha Fugaku's intentions, and also sighed in his heart.

"I don't agree with this matter."

Then he spoke.

To this, Uchiha Fugaku didn't have any special reaction, nor was he angry because his request was denied. He just looked at Chiba and didn't speak, as if he was waiting for Chiba's next words.

"However, I believe that you are doing it for the sake of Itachi, so I agree."

And Chiba didn't show off, or observe Uchiha Fugaku's reaction, but looked at Itachi, looked at the pair of clear innocent eyes, turned around, and said.


For this, Uchiha Fugaku almost stood up and thanked him.

"However, I have one condition."

However, before he finished his words of thanks, he was interrupted by Qianye's last sentence.


And hearing this sentence, Uchiha Fugaku's figure froze, his face stiffened imperceptibly, and he almost frowned, these two words almost blurted out.


In this regard, Qianye looked at it burningly.

"Please say."

Looking at Chiba's appearance, Uchiha Fugakuqiang suppressed the dissatisfaction mixed with his heart, tried to keep his tone as calm as possible, and said.

Although this child is only eleven years old, no one in the village or the other Four Great Ninja Villages sees him as a child, and no one treats him as a child.

I must not despise him here because of his appearance, and imagine him as an adult.

And he is a thoughtful and witty adult.

It is impossible for the current him not to see that I came here this time just to seek his opinion symbolically, out of respect for his identity as Itachi's teacher, and respect for the Fourth Hokage. What happened to Itachi this time cannot be changed because of his thoughts.

And it is impossible for him to be so ignorant of current affairs. According to some information about this agent, this agent is not benevolent when he does things.

His hands were covered with the blood of no less than a thousand people.

Here, since he proposed conditions, it is impossible for me to embarrass me.

Even if this condition is too much, I accept it, and it doesn't matter.

And in his mind, such a series of thoughts flashed through.

"I hope that one day can be set aside. Please hand over Itachi to me during this day."

In this regard, looking at Uchiha Fugaku, Chiba said sincerely.

Set aside a day to...

But hearing this sentence, Uchiha Fugaku's face changed obviously, and in his heart, there was a strong feeling of shame.

i really...

You underestimated this kid too much!

While feeling ashamed, there was an indescribable inexplicable emotion in his heart.

"I see, please take care of everything."

Almost instantly, he stood up abruptly and bowed deeply to Qianye. Itachi on the side saw his father's abrupt movements, and he didn't care to eat the three-color balls he picked up again, so he hurriedly jumped off the stool, imitating his father, and bowing deeply.

"No! Mr. Fuyue, you are respectful."

Regarding this, Chiba's expression also changed, she quickly stood up, and gave Uchiha Fugaku the same deep bow.

It was me who underestimated this child too much.

It's me!

What excessive conditions, what embarrassment!

How can this child have such thoughts, completely, he is completely thinking of Itachi!

At this time, Uchiha Fugaku was already ashamed, thinking about what conditions Chiba would propose to prevent him from taking Itachi to the battlefield.

However, he was wrong.

How wrong!

Ridiculously wrong!

People, it's not hindering them.


Support them!

This super genius named Taki Chiba has the titles of "Konoha's Future", "Konoha's Little Monster", "Enemy of a Thousand" and other gifts from enemies at a young age, and has broken the assistant's youngest record. He is doing something that is not necessary at all, but is very responsible to Itachi!

Here, how to make him not ashamed!

At this moment, he almost has his own mind, it really feels too narrow!

This bow is thanks, entrustment, and more...


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