Chapter 1373 Don't play dumb for me

"Don't play dumb, have you done something? It's the eighth day. If you didn't do something, you wouldn't be able to sit here so calmly. Tell me, what did you do?"

Seeing Chiba's stunned appearance on the spot, Kakashi frowned slightly, folded his hands on his chest, and said without leaving any room in his mouth.


Although I didn't intend to hide it from him, the feeling of being seen through, like doing something bad secretly, was seen through by him righteously, and then questioned, it was really a bit unpleasant.

At this time, Qianye's slightly dazed face twitched slightly, but his heart was full of discomfort.

"Say it, if you don't, I won't help you with this drudgery."

In this regard, seeing the subtle changes on Chiba's face, Kakashi confirmed his guess even more, and said without leaving any room for it.


And hearing this sentence, Chiba also knew that she didn't need to worry about anything anymore, Kakashi had already thought about it, maybe even guessed what he did, there was no point in worrying about it, there was no need to hide it here.

"The possibility has been ruled out. Don't worry, you can use my previous registration as a password to check everyone in the future."

Thinking of this, Qianye said truthfully after a long sigh.


However, although he already had a guess in his heart, Kakashi was still a little surprised when he actually heard this sentence, and couldn't help but blurted it out.


To this, Chiba nodded affirmatively.

"what have you done?"

And soon, Kakashi also adjusted his mood, looked at Chiba, and asked quite seriously.


To this, Chiba just answered these two words, and then looked at Kakashi without saying a word.


Hearing this for the first time, Kakashi was slightly taken aback.

Could it be that!

Then, soon, his eyes widened suddenly, and a look of horror flashed on his face.

"Are you crazy?"

Almost instantly, Kakashi spoke in horror.

"So, I'm keeping this from you."

Regarding this, Chiba seemed to have anticipated Kakashi's reaction, and said calmly at the moment.

"Are you kidding? If people find out, what will Hong Yan do?"

And hearing this sentence, Kakashi took a deep breath, seemed to calm down some strong emotions, and spoke calmly.

"No one will know that this is a quarantine area, and Hongyan has enough means."

Qianye seemed to have expected this, and said directly.

"Then, why didn't you tell me? With my cooperation, it's easier..."

Hearing this, Kakashi couldn't help knocking on the table a few times with his index finger to relieve his anxiety, and then he spoke.

"If you also know, if something happens, then we are really doomed."

However, before Kakashi could finish his sentence, Chiba interrupted him.


After hearing this sentence, Kakashi frowned suddenly, but he couldn't speak when he opened his mouth.

"The fewer people who know about this matter, the better."

Afterwards, Chiba spoke again.

"Then, the investigation is over, is this news reliable?"

After hearing Chiba's words, Kakashi spoke again after a long time, but he no longer asked what happened.

He is not an idiot, let alone a ninja who knows nothing but fighting. On the contrary, he is a genius who is good at analysis, strategy and tactics. There are some things that geniuses always understand by analogy. Zitong's strategy and tactics were naturally applied to this matter. He guessed Chiba's behavior, understood Chiba's motives, and understood what to ask and what not to ask now.

Chiba said it very lightly, but the seriousness of the matter is definitely not as heavy as the word lighthearted can describe.

"I believe."

In this regard, Qianye didn't say much, so he said.

"Then, I won't say any more. Starting tomorrow, every time I return to the camp, I will use the password you registered to check everyone. After all, I can't say that there will be no possibility of being invaded afterwards, but, It’s just easier to check.”

Hearing this, Kakashi didn't say much anymore, just said this.


But hearing Kakashi's words, Chiba thanked him.

He shouldn't have kept this matter from Kakashi. After all, everything Kakashi is doing now, no matter what he does to numb his grief with work, is actually done for him for his sake. It is very unkind to hide things from him everywhere.

However, this matter is too sensitive, so sensitive that only he and Hongyan can know about it.

Moreover, the memory of the person involved needs to be erased.

As for this matter, that is, to investigate the possibility of early invasion, Chiba actually thought of two solutions.

The first plan is the one that is currently being used. Secretly let Hirohiko use Sharingan to perform illusions, use illusions to investigate the intelligence of all students, and rule out the existence of spies.

But with Nao's eyes, this kind of thing is not a problem at all.

First of all, Nao's eyes are already Kaleidoscope Sharingan. Even if he does not use Kaleidoscope Sharingan, the pupil power of ordinary Sharingan is much higher than that of other ordinary Sharingan, and Nao's Kaleidoscope The pupil power of Sharingan can erase such a strong memory of Hirohiko's grief for quite a long time. I am afraid that the ability of his kaleidoscope Sharingan is a very powerful illusion, which can even act on memory. In other words, to erase the memory after the illusion, some non-Sharingan illusions can be done, let alone Nao's eyes with specific abilities, even with ordinary Sharingan illusion operations, it should not work question.

And according to Hirohiko's words, this is indeed the case.

This plan is 100% feasible.

It's just that a large-scale screening of illusions is carried out on all students. If it is said, it may cause a terrible public opinion riot, and it will even destroy the trust of the villagers in the new Hokage. It is bound to be a big deal if it gets out, and it is subversive. big event.

It's just that, compared to the second plan, which is "assuming that there has been an invasion, fight psychological warfare", this plan is more efficient.

Yes, Chiba took the risk because it was more efficient.

At that time, three days had passed, and seven days remained.

It takes time to brew a psychological warfare, and it cannot be done overnight. It needs to exert psychological pressure on the possible spies day by day, so that he will be in the doubt of "whether he was discovered or not" every day, so as to show his flaws , seven days is definitely not enough. And if it does not reach the level of "psychological pressure that spies will show their feet", then it is impossible to judge whether there has been an invasion.

Only at this level, no one can be said to have not been invaded.

As for how Qianye exerts this psychological pressure, there are tens of thousands of methods that Qianye can think of, such as setting up a supervisory agency, giving a little pressure first, and then trying to create some small differences during the investigation, and then purposefully let the Some people "disappear" in the sight of others and so on, so I won't go into details here.

And here, Chiba can only choose the first plan.

Simple and rude, very dangerous.

However, efficiency, in time.

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