Chapter 1363 Try


The dim color tone, the walls made of pipes, the huge sealing gate, and the huge sealing symbol on it, everything in the sealed space has not changed much, the only thing that has changed is that there is an extra one under the sealing symbol. Staring at the huge and complicated sealing formula, the boy who cried out in his heart, and the light that seemed to flash countless messages in his eyes.

After subduing the other shore, Qianye's eyes were dark, and when the light came into his eyes, he was already here.

This sealed space that he frequently entered and exited recently.

Right now, he is watching the part of the huge and complex sealing formula that he needs to watch, that is, the large amount of sealing formula structure left over from one tenth of the sealing formula.

And as long as those sealing formulas are reflected in his eyes, and his gaze sweeps over each sealing formula, the basic sealing formulas, structures, and chakra-transformed sealing formulas that make up that sealing formula will naturally appear in his mind Here, it turns into knowledge that he can absorb.

Now, in a short period of time, he has read everything that used to take several hours, and even read it on the basis of understanding.

It can be said that the current Chiba, as long as he wakes up and personally manipulates how to draw the sealing spells he saw, he can say that he has mastered all the sealing spells he has memorized. Although it may not be effective, wait for that About one-tenth of the structure has been memorized. According to the current understanding, Chiba is confident that he can develop a new sealing technique, which combines the sealing technique and the sealing technique.

It is also a sealing technique specifically for caged birds.

Of course, whether it can solve the problem of caged birds can only be known after personal experiments.

However, what is certain is that the process of solving the caged bird problem can be said to have improved a lot.

Sure enough, only a part of it can be remembered, and after reaching the limit of a certain memory, it seems that the "traversal benefit" of analyzing the sealing formula is no longer effective.

But at this time, Qianye slowly closed his eyes. Now he has reached a certain "limit", and after reading it, not only can't remember and understand, but his head also hurts a little.

This is a sign that the limit has been reached.

If you go any further, you'll probably have a nosebleed.

Although the process of solving the problem of the curse mark of the bird in the cage has been greatly shortened, it is not infinitely shortened.

This "new time travel benefit" is not without limits. It will be tiring after watching and understanding for a long time, and the side effects seem to be quite severe. At least his head really hurts. The level of pain almost makes him unable to concentrate too much. The level of mental thinking.

Calculated in this way, after the other shore is used up, I guess I can memorize one-tenth of the structure, and with this new benefit, memorizing on the basis of understanding basically does not need to be recorded.

And because of understanding, knowing the function of the sealing formula and its structure, this one-tenth part can be screened for useful and useless, so that the memorized part can be reorganized into an effective sealing formula.


Saved a lot of things!

Gently rubbing her temples, Qianye sat down slowly, the water-like ground rippling away under her body, Qianye closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and concentrated as much as she could on calculating everything she had mastered, and planned process.

Then, he deeply felt that after the awakening of this new benefit, it really saved him a lot of trouble. The most obvious thing is the principle and function of these sealing techniques in his memory, which take more time than memorization. The steps are directly omitted, and this part saves almost 80% of the time. The saved recombination and development of a new sealing technique actually only takes 10% of the time.

After all, Qianye can be regarded as a confidant in this regard. He has a thorough understanding of the structure of the bird in the cage. He also has a sealing technique that combines spell sealing and sealing. This technique is beyond the common sense of the current era. To get to the development step, it is actually simple.

But, what kind of ability is this new benefit?

Is it the power that belongs to this Naruto world, or is it a cheat that does not belong to this world?

If it is the power of this Naruto world, then...

If not, then...

Then, after thinking about saving time, Qianye's mind fell on this new benefit. After all, no matter how it awakens, as long as its function is confirmed and it is beneficial to oneself, then Qianye will never give up. Use your brain to figure it out.

At least, it has to be used freely, otherwise, everything is understood and analyzed. If it reaches the limit all at once, then the impact on him can be great or small, like in the village now. It's okay, if you go out on a mission, or if you are targeted by someone, this new benefit will jump out uncontrollably, and even more uncontrollably, you will enter the extreme sequelae mode, so now the headache is so painful, waiting for him , may be a dead end.

No matter what you get, whether it's good or bad, Chiba will always give priority to the pros and cons, and then minimize the disadvantages, and it's best to be able to control it by yourself.


Think about it, first of all, the "travel benefits" I have mastered.

The first one is the ultra-precise operation ability of Chakra. This is considered as a passive skill, and there is no such thing as exceeding the limit. Then the violent Chakra of the eight sects can be tamed by relying on this ability coupled with the strong borrowing of spiritual energy, and I was exhausted several times, and there was no "limit" situation, which was the first one I discovered.

Then, the second one is ninjutsu talent, which can also be said to be the benefit of discovering earlier. It is able to learn the ninjutsu performed by the opponent at a glance, and you must see the knot seal and the effect of performing ninjutsu. Learn by yourself When it comes to ninjutsu, it doesn't work. Be sure to see the full cast.

And it also has certain applicability to physical skills. Some simple physical skills, such as Yingwuye, seem to be learned in this way.

So far, I have experienced a lot of battles. There will be no more ninjutsu used in ninjutsu duels, and there is no limit, sequelae and the like. However, as I change the nature and form of Chakra The understanding is getting more and more thorough, and the effect of this benefit will be negligible.

after that...

It seems to be gone?

Is this the new travel benefit?

After deciding to figure it out, a series of thoughts flashed through Qianye's mind.

Then, he discovered that his time travel is really a bit pitiful, there are only two benefits, and one benefit is getting more and more tasteless.

I'm afraid, he should be one of the hard-pressed ones, an extremely rare breed.

"This... is too tricky."

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile.


Then, at this moment, his eyes suddenly opened wide, and a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in his mind, which almost overwhelmed the pain of the sequelae.

Could it be that?

There is this possibility!

Wait out and try!

And in his mind, such a rather surprising thought flashed across, and in an instant, he made a certain decision.

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