Chapter 1345: Three Days

The torrential rain lasted for three days. In the evening of the third day, it became noticeably lighter. By the end of the night, only the patter was left. Although it was still raining, it was no longer the torrential rain that exploded. It is the usual moderate rain in late autumn.

"Very good, the water recedes quickly. According to this progress, it should be drained tomorrow morning. Although there will be some mud and some rain, but we can't take care of that much. We can start work tomorrow."

Standing on the log wall that had been reinforced for several layers, Chiba looked down, and after seeing the muddy water level below the room was constantly dropping, she put on a relieved look on her face and let out a long breath.

He can rest assured!

The subsequent impact of the rainstorm was also resolved smoothly.

Although this may mean that the rainstorm is about to stop, if there is still a muddy river outside, then what they want to do will still not be done.

But now, because of the terrain, and the new drainage system after they dug ditches to communicate with the village's drainage system, the muddy river from the heavy rain is receding very fast, probably not as he expected. Tomorrow morning, in Before the sun rises, the muddy water will probably fade away.

And as long as the muddy water and rivers recede, even if there is a little rain tomorrow, even if it is the current amount of rainfall, there will be no major problems, and the work can be started directly.

This was a major event that had been entangled for three days, but it was finally over.

Everything can return to normal tomorrow, and what needs to be done can also be done.

"How about it?"

At this time, Kakashi's figure jumped up, landed firmly behind him, and spoke.

"No big problem, you can do whatever you want tomorrow."

Regarding this, Qianye said with a smile, apparently in a very good mood.

"Well, at this speed, you can be hungry tomorrow."

Kakashi poked his head out, glanced at the water level below, nodded, and said.

"How about Hirohiko and the plan?"

At this time, Chiba also looked at the water level with his head, and then asked.

"Hirohiko has already returned to his cell, and the plan has been distributed to the teachers. It is estimated that he has already reacted and started teaching."

To this, Kakashi said casually.

"react to?"

However, this casual sentence made Qianye a little stunned. Now that he distributed a plan, and then asked the teachers to teach the contents of the plan, the teachers still have to respond? What's the reaction?

"You, don't you really know how shocking your proposal is?"

Regarding Chiba's reaction, Kakashi said somewhat helplessly.

"Shocking? Are you kidding me? Very ordinary!"

In response, Qianye blinked and said in surprise.

"Well, pretend I didn't say it."

Seeing Chiba's surprised face, Kakashi almost turned his head away and sighed, and said helplessly.

This guy really has no self-consciousness at all!

In his heart, there are infinite emotions.


As for Kakashi's words, Chiba expressed helplessness.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, let's talk about business, you really haven't figured out a way to rule out the possibility of intrusion yet?"

However, Kakashi didn't get too entangled in this matter, and asked seriously.

"There is no perfect solution yet."

Regarding this, Qianye smiled slightly, with a bit of bitterness on his face.

"Well, there are still seven days left, so don't be too anxious, sometimes it's not good to be anxious."

Hearing this, Kakashi sighed slightly, but comforted Chiba.


Hearing this sentence, Chiba glanced at Kakashi, but saw that he had already lowered his head, leaned out half of his body on the log city wall, looked at the water level below, and nodded from time to time. There was a somewhat absent-minded answer in his mouth.

I don't know, how is Kakashi doing now?

Heart knot, have you untied some...

I don't know, if he knew...

You should not be angry.


Probably not.

And in his mind, such a somewhat inexplicable melancholy thought flashed through his mind.

Tomorrow, tomorrow will finally start. Seeing this guy Qianye, he will definitely not appear on the front line. I'm afraid I will have to go.

However, with this guy's plan, he should be able to save a lot of effort and avoid a lot of problems that might have arisen.


Although this guy doesn't appear on the front line, his contribution is still the greatest!

This planning book can not only be used as an operating manual for the preparation of the expansion plan of the Ninja Engineering Team, but it can basically be passed down into the library and used as a construction teaching material.

Moreover, the exercise methods in it will definitely be integrated into the school's teaching plan by teachers and become a model.

This guy is making history with every gesture!

But at this moment, Kakashi had such a depressing thought in his mind.

To be honest, he already felt that the current self might not admit defeat in terms of fighting, but in other respects, he was already far inferior to the guy in front of him.

And this kind of inferiority made him unable to feel any dissatisfaction.

He is convinced of the hard work, earnestness, and persistence of the guy in front of him. Even though he has also experienced the impact of various wars, the guy in front of him seems to never be affected, and always treats him with a positive attitude. He felt that he could not do it anyway.

He didn't think he would have this mentality of not knowing what to give up.

The death of Obito and Lin made him understand the fragility of people, and also made him feel his own fragility.

But this fragility is like a faint, shrouded in his heart, lingering.

Should I learn from Chiba?

At the same time, at this moment, Kakashi sighed in admiration, but suddenly such an idea emerged.

One, positive thought.


And at this time, Qianye who was on the side suddenly spoke.

He turned his head, only to see that Qianye was slightly lifting the raincoat hat, looking at the sky, and the serious look on his face was fading away.

"What's wrong?"

He subconsciously responded.

"Go back, rest early today, and you will be busy tomorrow. Now you have wasted three days, and you have to find a way to make up for it."

Afterwards, Qianye turned around and was about to go down the fence while talking.


In response, Kakashi turned around and followed his steps in response.

This guy will definitely become Hokage in the future!

Then, inexplicably, such an extremely sure thought flashed through his mind.

Then, just after this thought, the two jumped down, using the shortest route, down the log city wall.

Tomorrow is the real start!

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