Chapter 1338 Where is it, what is wrong!

Ri Zhan, are you walking ahead of me again?

Slowly closing those eyes filled with strong killing intent, Danzo calmed down the remorse in his heart, but he skipped such a complicated thought in his heart.

curse seal...

Now this kid has even mastered the curse seal.

Moreover, he mercilessly put such a curse on his best friend...and taught it to Kakashi to avoid suspicion!

However, what was really amazing was that during this heavy rain, he actually put Uchiha Hirohiko completely under his supervision.

This pawn...

It was so inexplicably lost!

And after this thought, his closed-eyed face couldn't help but twitched.

Although it seems to be irrelevant, Uchiha Hirohiko is a very important chess piece for him.

One, very important insurance.

At the beginning, after Uchiha Hirohiko suddenly went mad and killed several members of the Uchiha clan, he knew that this Uchiha Hirohiko was the best chess piece.

At that time, although there was already news about Taki Chiba's death in battle, and at the same time, similar news came from his root on the battlefield, but as the leader of root, he rushed to the last place in the secret confrontation among the five major ninja villages. The frontline commander, he didn't think that Taki Chiba, who had always been a thorn in his side, must be dead.

For so many years of intelligence work and assassination work, as well as confrontation with the other five major ninja villages in the dark, he has seen many "resurrection" like escapes from the dead, whether it is his own village, or other four major ninja villages, and even some small ninja villages Village, he has seen this kind of situation more or less.

Of course, this kind of situation is very rare, there are more or less here, and the number will never exceed five fingers.

Moreover, during the Second Ninja World War, he also encountered some ninjas who could "fake death" with special abilities or create such a situation.

Here, he didn't think that Taki Chiba really died from the beginning, and he was ready for Taki Chiba's return.

And this preparation is this Uchiha Hirohiko.

Of course, before Uchiha Hirohiko, he also made some other preparations, but after seeing Uchiha Hirohiko go crazy, he abandoned those preparations.

No matter what kind of preparation, it is not as good as this Uchiha Hirohiko.

And the reason for making these preparations is because if Taki Chiba doesn't come back, once he comes back, he will definitely bear the name of a hero, and in addition to his actions that turned the tide in the previous few battles, he When he comes back, he may create a legend in the history of Konoha. He will no longer be the son of a traitor that everyone despises, but an existence that can be called "the bright future of Konoha".

There is no doubt that the traits he exhibited, whether it is the third generation or the fourth generation, will cultivate him as Hokage, just like the Kakashi who got the Sharingan in the task of Kannabi Bridge.

Moreover, this Taki Chiba will be more troublesome than Kakashi. He can see that Kakashi has been affected by the death of his best friend. If he can't get out, let alone Hokage, I'm afraid he can only become an elite ninja.

However, this Taki Chiba is different, he can't imagine how lost and confused this Taki Chiba is.

It seems that this kid will never be lost, and will always move towards his goal.

And the two of them have turned against each other, if this Taki Chiba becomes Hokage in the future, or becomes the confidant of the fourth generation target, then maybe Taki Chiba will be the first one to eradicate himself. And when the fourth generation came to power, he had already seen that he was being guarded everywhere. He knew that in the fourth generation's era, he would not trust himself like the third generation.

Therefore, here, he must prepare early.

For everything he had worked so hard to build, and for what he imagined the village should look like, he had to make preparations.

And this Uchiha Hirohiko will become the best pawn and insurance.

As long as Uchiha Hirohiko is in his own hands, Taki Chiba will not be able to pull off tricks no matter what.

He has been monitoring Taki Chiba and everything around him. Although it is impossible to monitor so comprehensively in the village, he is also very clear about the scales and claws. How important Chiba is.

As long as Uchiha Hirohiko is in hand, there is no need to worry about Taki Chiba not obediently settling down.

Moreover, the crime committed by Uchiha Hirohiko is enough to make Taki Chiba have nothing to think about. This crime of harming the Uchiha clan is hard to wash away, and the victim is still that difficult to deal with. The Uchiha family, the Uchiha family that even Hokage has to measure.

Then it is even more impossible to stand up.

Therefore, when the fourth generation showed that he wanted to be punished lightly, he did not stop him, and even silently did a lot of things for this matter, to facilitate this Uchiha Hirohiko to enter the confinement room.

And as long as Uchiha Hirohiko is locked in the confinement room, then he has countless ways to control him.

Moreover, in order to prevent Uchiha Hirohiko from collapsing because of Uchiha Nao's incident, he did something specially so that the visits of Uzumaki Kushina and Hinata Yukina can be allowed, and they can stay for a long time with food delivery time.

Now, however, with everything he's done, it seems impossible for him to get Hirohiko Uchiha out of his control.

With just one move, Taki Chiba used only one move, an expansion plan, and all his plans collapsed.

This was unexpected to him, and it was also one of the reasons why he regretted not killing Taki Chiba immediately.

Even, at this moment, he has a feeling that he will lose to this kid.


When did I start to fall into a disadvantage!

This matter has been planned for so long, and I have prepared all the means to prevent Taki Chiba, even the fourth generation, I have thought of a solution, why? Why did I lose so completely with a simple move?

In the end, what went wrong!

So easy, so simple, let Taki Chiba destroy everything I carefully arranged?

Destroyed this "Taki Chiba Control Plan"?

Why... why is it so easy, and why is it so thorough?

Then, after the feeling of losing to Taki Chiba, he was full of doubts, strong doubts, every step of his was carefully calculated, and as the person in charge of Root, he possessed extremely comprehensive information , it is impossible to go wrong.

This Taki Chiba just came back, he didn't know anything, he didn't understand anything, why, why he could easily destroy everything he had worked so hard to build.

Here, is it his fault?

Or is there another reason?

Was there someone else interfering with him, and who was this person?

Slowly, slowly, he fell into memories and began to look for his own problems.

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