Chapter 1324 On Duty

It was nearly eight o'clock, on the right side of the rock statue of the first generation of Hokage, the virgin forest in the area outside the Hokage Building, somewhere outside the west wall of Konoha.

"Uenogawa, come and join us."

In the depths of this primeval forest, a young voice suddenly sounded.

"Ah, I see."

At this time, on the thick branch of a primitive giant tree, a middle-aged ninja was holding a palm-sized bamboo slip and a cone-shaped kunai in the other hand. He was carving something when he heard The young man standing upright behind him, about twenty-five or sixteen years old, answered casually.


However, before the young man could speak again, the middle-aged ninja frowned slightly, as if he suddenly thought of something, turned his head in surprise, looked at the somewhat handsome young ninja behind him, and asked Said: "Aren't you going to prepare for the wedding? Why are you still on duty? It's not because the village is short of manpower, so it takes up your time to prepare for the wedding. You shouldn't be involved in this task."

In these words, apart from doubts, there was even a bit of surprise.

"It's okay, this task is very important, and the manpower is so short, Captain Watanabe almost came to stand guard in person, how can I stay at home with peace of mind."

In this regard, the corner of the young man's mouth broke into a hearty smile, and he said.


Hearing this, the middle-aged ninja frowned, seemed a little embarrassed, and said, "Yuriko has been waiting for you for so long, and you don't even plan to give her a decent wedding? You were in Anbu before, not for this matter, and the mediation When I arrived in the defense force, I made such a big sacrifice..."

"It doesn't matter. After all, this time is our little princess's request for her boyfriend. No matter how you say it, we can't let the little princess down."

Mentioning Yuriko, Uenogawa's face obviously flashed a warm color, and his smile became more refreshing. He shook his head and said.

"Oh... yes, Captain Watanabe almost went into battle this time. Our defense force owes the little princess a lot of favors. If there is no little princess, our defense force doesn't know what it would be like. Moreover, the little princess's forced resignation , everyone is also quite dissatisfied, this eye can't see, so what, the little princess's talent is not because she can see but can't see, at worst, she will write information in Braille in the future, it is not troublesome, and it is not difficult to learn It just so happens that this incident will give the little princess a good face. Besides, Chiba is the hero of the village, and has taken over such a large project as the expansion plan. Our defense force has to express it, otherwise, I am too sorry Chiba sacrificed for us on the front line."

But upon hearing this, the middle-aged ninja sighed, and the look of embarrassment on his face was replaced by a look of determination,

"Yes, Chiba, Your Royal Highness, we all owe them a lot. I believe Yuriko will understand."

Hearing this, the smile on the corner of Uenogawa's mouth also slowly subsided, and gradually turned serious, and then asked: "Then, according to the arrangement of the little princess, what should I do?"

"Well, there are still a lot of things to do. This mission is a two-person team. One person is responsible for surveying and mapping, and the other person is responsible for arranging large-scale perception traps. It is completely done in accordance with the alert mission during wartime. Our current foreign Ring defense, there is an inner ring identification defense team composed of about ten perception ninjas, basically covering 80% of the inner ring area, and like our outer ring, the inner ring perception ninjas are mobile perception identification , In this way, although there are insufficient manpower, we can still carry out all-round prevention. Of course, compared with the inner ring, the flow pattern of our outer ring is more complicated."

In this regard, the middle-aged ninja no longer struggled with the motivation for participating in this mission, but opened his mouth.

And, after saying these words, he handed a palm-sized bamboo slip and cone-shaped Kunai to Uenogawa.

"Senior Komatsuhara, this is?"

Obviously, Ueno Chuan didn't know what the bamboo slips were used for, so after taking it, he asked.

"For information delivery, just in the early morning, the people on our first shift have set up ten fixed hidden intelligence delivery places on the outer and inner rings, and every hour or half an hour, there will be additional personnel to carry out The recovery of the intelligence is then handed over to a special person for processing, and instructions are given according to the intelligence, every hour or half an hour, we have to go to the intelligence drop place, put down the intelligence, and receive flow instructions."

In this regard, the middle-aged ninja known as Senior Komatsuhara patiently explained.

"Is it an irregular mobile inspection? This... who is giving orders? Irregular mobile inspections, this is not something that everyone can command. I may be a little sorry for Commander Watanabe, but, I think, this kind of mobile inspections The method, even Captain Watanabe, can only be reluctant."

When he heard this sentence, Uenogawa's face was obvious, and a pair of surprises burst out of his eyes.

"What do you say?"

The corner of Komatsuhara's mouth cracked, as if he had guessed that Uenogawa would have such a reaction, but he asked a slightly deeper question.

"Could it be that……"

And Uenogawa quickly thought of something.

"Remember to write in Braille. I remember. In Anbu training, there are trainings in writing methods of various characters. You should know Braille. You are in charge of surveying and mapping, and I will set up traps."

Seeing the appearance of Uenogawa, Komatsuhara smiled knowingly, then turned his head away, and flew down, the sound of the steel wire stretching suddenly sounded, all the way down.

"Yes, I understand."

Upon hearing this sentence, Ueno Chuan's eyes almost lit up, and he quickly responded.

However, Xiao Songyuan below did not respond, and after responding to him, the sound of the steel wire fading away.

It turned out to be Her Royal Highness the Little Princess, so it should be fine.

Irregular mobile inspections...

If it is in the hands of the little princess, it should be able to completely make up for the shortage of manpower.

At the same time, the intensity of inspections will not be reduced due to shortage of manpower.

At least, it can minimize the chance of the enemy coming in.

After all, it is not a comprehensive inspection and monitoring, and loopholes are inevitable.

However, if directed properly...

Then this kind of irregular mobile inspection will be able to exert the greatest effectiveness, and the strength of the all-round inspection will not exceed 5%.

In addition to the mobile inspection of the inner ring, even if someone really sneaks in, it will never be able to sneak in for a long time.

The comprehensiveness of the village's sensing troops and sensing methods is not fake!

And in his heart, such a thought of reassurance and pride flashed through him involuntarily.

"Then, let's begin!"

Following this idea, Uenogawa stopped thinking about it and began to concentrate. The surveying and mapping here is not a surveying and mapping map in the traditional sense. Everything in the area they surveyed and mapped is not simply a manifestation of data, which requires a certain level of knowledge, and ordinary jounin may not be able to carry out this kind of intelligence surveying and mapping.

Senior Komatsuhara entrusted this matter to him because he was from Anbe, and surveying and mapping is also one of the compulsory courses.

Coincidentally, he is quite good at this aspect.

So, after making up his mind, he jumped, and within a few leaps, he reached the top of this giant tree.

First is the top, mainly based on what you see, then the wind direction, humidity, smell...

As he thought about it, his expression became more focused.

Then, he began to engrave the characters, surveying and mapping the information of this area C.

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