Chapter 1318 I have a measure


Hirohiko's voice came from behind the pitch-black iron gate. There seemed to be a little sigh in the voice, but also a bit of emotion.

"Yes, tomorrow, tomorrow I will pick you up early in the morning, you have a good rest today. Don't stay up late."

At this time, Qianye was sitting with his back leaning on the iron door, and after hearing this sound, he spoke.

Just five minutes ago, he flew all the way here and told Hirohiko about joining the ninja engineering team.

As for Hirohiko's reaction, it was the previous sentence mixed with sighs and emotions.

"So, accepting Itachi is the patriarch's condition?"

At this moment, Hirohiko's last words came.


And obviously, Chiba didn't expect Hirohiko to say this, and his face changed slightly.

"When Mr. Kushina came to deliver the meal today, he told me about it. I guessed right, you went to the Uchiha clan, it was for me. And the reason why I can join your ninja project without being held accountable The team, the support of Hokage alone is still not enough, only the patriarch can suppress the dissatisfaction of others, can it proceed smoothly, and, this time, you are inexplicable, no, no, you accepted an apprentice without warning, and It’s still the heir of our Uchiha clan, don’t hide it from me, among them, if there are no conditions and no deals, it’s impossible.”

Then, after Chiba's words, Hirohiko's words followed one after another.


Sure enough, just like enlightenment, the Uchiha clan is really scary. Once they lose that love, the hatred generated because of this love can make people grow like this...


I don't even know what to say!

Hearing these successive words, Qianye's heart, to be honest, jumped a bit.

He didn't expect that Hirohiko could guess all the things behind this matter only based on the information of accepting Itachi as a condition.

Compared with the previous Hongyan, this is simply a world of difference.

Although the former Hongyan was definitely not a fool, his thinking ability was not so outstanding. If he were the former him, he would not be able to guess these things. I'm afraid I just congratulate him. He would not think so much, and he would never think so deep.

Compared with himself, Hirohiko is just an eleven-year-old child after all, while he has the mature thinking of an adult. It is not uncommon for him to want to get these joints.

However, it is another matter for Hirohiko, an eleven-year-old child, to be able to think so deeply.

This already shows the leap-forward progress of Hirohiko's thinking.

Although he didn't know what was going on here, what made Hirohiko make such a leap forward, but the only thing Chiba could think of was the darkness from the loss of love, which made Hirohiko a terrifying progress.

Whether this progress is good or bad, Chiba doesn't know.

"Yes, this is actually a political transaction. Hokage needs the power of Uchiha, and wants to peacefully resolve the increasingly prominent conflicts between the village and Uchiha, as well as the problems left over from the previous generation and the previous generation, and Uchiha needs A politically clean line is the first friendly contact between the two since the Second Hokage. It can be said that this may be a major event related to the future of the village."

And thinking of this, Qianye no longer concealed it. Since Hirohiko had guessed it, there was no point in concealing it. It was better to tell him directly.

"No, I'm not questioning the relationship behind you. I also know that I'd better not get involved in any political relationship now. I just want to say, Itachi, how are you going to teach."

Hearing Qianye's words, something different from what Qianye thought came from the iron gate.

"how to teach?"

Hearing this, Qianye was slightly taken aback.

"Yes, how to teach?"

And inside the door, a sentence was repeated.

"Of course I have to teach well. After all, I am the heir of the Uchiha clan. And the qualifications are very good. If the teaching is abolished, I will not be able to pass myself."

At this time, Chiba also reacted, and hurriedly said.

This kid...

Are you really concerned about me?

And in his heart, such a gratifying thought flashed through.

"Well, that's good. I just think that although it's a deal and a condition, Itachi is innocent. He should get what a student deserves."

In this regard, a slightly reassuring sentence came from inside the door.

"Ah, I see."

Hearing this, Qianye raised a warm smile at the corner of his mouth, nodded and said.

"Then, you can give these to Xue Nai,"

After Chiba finished speaking, several thick leather scrolls for Braille and bamboo slips were handed out from the food delivery port on the side, and they fell to the ground with a puff.

"so much?"

To this, Qianye said slightly surprised.

"I stayed up all night yesterday and made a novel into Braille. It is estimated that Xue Nai can read it for two days. I will slowly make the rest every day."

And inside the door, there was such a sentence.

"Oh... I see, but you have to pay attention to rest. The work of the ninja engineering team is not an easy job. Outside, I can't favor you. After all, you are still wearing a sinful body."

Hearing this, Chiba said while packing up the Braille scrolls and bamboo slips.

"I understand."

Hiroko expressed his understanding of this.

"Here, Ninja Engineering Team, what exactly do you want me to do?"

Then, at the end, he seemed to think of something, and hurriedly asked Qianye.

"Uh...didn't I tell you?"

But hearing this question, Qianye frowned slightly, paused in his hands, and asked.

"No, you just told me about the Ninja Engineering Team, saying it was the preparatory work for the expansion plan. Next, I don't know the details. You tell me, and I will also make preparations, after all I haven't used ninjutsu for a long time, and I'm afraid the seals are unfamiliar."

In this regard, Hiroko said truthfully.

"Uh... sorry, I forgot. Well, the preparatory work is basically logging. You can also participate in the design of new buildings. It will be quite tiring for you. Familiar with it, there will be a shortage of Wind Dun users. It’s best to have a large range. If you haven’t learned it, I can secretly get you some. B-level and below should be fine.”

Upon hearing Hirohiko's words, Chiba first apologized, and then added.

"Okay, I get it, let's forget about ninjutsu."

Hearing this, Hirohiko said so.

"Well... I see, then, come here first today, Xue Nai is still waiting for me to go back for dinner. Do you want me to bring you something later?"

At this time, Qianye also packed up the Braille novel and got up to leave.

"No need, Teacher Kushina has prepared everything for me,"

Hirohiko, on the other hand, rejected Chiba's proposal.

"Then, see you tomorrow."

Hearing this, Qianye didn't talk nonsense, stepped out, and went directly to the exit.


However, after he took a few steps, Hirohiko suddenly stopped him.

"What's wrong?"

Qianye hurriedly stopped.

"I kind of don't want you in the political department."

However, after the cry of a stop, Hongyan paused for a long time before he said such a sentence.

This guy……

But upon hearing this, Qianye became warm for no reason.

"Don't worry, I have a measure."

Then, with a slight smile, he said in an affirmative tone.

" careful."

After hearing Qianye's words, there was a long silence in the door before such a sentence came.

"Then, see you tomorrow."

Hearing this, Qianye smiled, turned and left.

"See you tomorrow."

Inside the door, after silence, he said so.

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