Chapter 1313 Interpretation


Slowly closing the mechanism wooden board above the head, Qianye followed the light of the candle in his hand, and walked up the underground stairs step by step. As the footsteps went down, the voice of Professor Xue Nai's Itachi Jieyin also echoed upstairs. Slowly fade away.

At this time, lunch had already been eaten, and Kushina made lunch before leaving, and after he warmed it up, he ate it with Xue Nai and Itachi.

Originally, Itachi came with a bento, but when Chiba saw that there were more vegetables and less meat in it, he immediately said that the diet should be improved in the future, and directly used the form of Master's order to force Itachi's future lunch to be fixed on his side , eating big fish and big meat.

However, it was obvious that Itachi was very different from him, and also from Hirohiko.

That is, Itachi's appetite is really not big.

Really not big.

After eating a small bowl of rice, he couldn't eat it with a few pieces of meat, which made Qianye a little worried.

However, considering Itachi is only three years old, Chiba feels that food intake and the like can also be exercised, so there is no rush, and he will develop it slowly in the future.

And after eating, that is, now, Qianye took advantage of Xue Nai and Itachi to continue the previous seal practice, he took advantage of Itachi not paying attention, entered the kitchen, and then came down.

Chiba doesn't have any worries about Professor Yukina's Itachi learning yinjutsu. Although Yukina belongs to the Hyuga clan and rejects ninjutsu because of her white eyes, Xu is competing with herself and Hirohiko when it comes to yinyin. Very powerful.

Even, Hirohiko is not as good as Xue Nai in terms of seal speed.

Besides, Xue Nai was bored staying there all the time, and the seal is not something profound, they are all fixed movements, but it is more difficult to train the speed of the seal. Nai is invisible, and with Itachi's aptitude, as long as Xue Nai's posture is standard, there will be no problem.

And Xue Nai's seal is beyond doubt.

Therefore, handing it over to Xue Nai here is to kill two birds with one stone, firstly to relieve Xue Nai's boredom, and secondly to give himself some time to ask Hinata Xueying about the password.

During this period of time, because there were too many things, he felt that his memory was a little problematic. He should have asked about the code in the letter Hinata Shinsuke gave him. Although he decided to procrastinate later, if he hadn’t remembered the Chunin exam today, He had almost forgotten about it.


And with the light of the flames, the stairs that stretched all the way down finally came to an end, and then he stopped in his tracks.

At this moment, in front of him is a somewhat crude door.

When did a door be installed in the underground chamber?

Could it be that during this period of time, Jiu Xinnai has been busy renovating the secret room, so he goes out every day?

At this moment, such a thought involuntarily appeared in his heart.

At the same time, he gently pushed open the door. Fortunately, the door was not locked, so it opened as soon as he pushed.

After pushing it away, the white light belonging to the lamp instantly filled his eyes, and a rather large and clean room was bathed in this white light.

"What, it's you."

Just at this moment, a voice that made him uncomfortable rang out.

I saw Hyuga Yutaka holding Kunai and shuriken in one hand, sitting on the same table in the middle of the room as in the kitchen, as if opening a lunch box to prepare for dinner.


But at this time, Qianye didn't seem to pay attention to Hyuga Snow Eagle, just scanned for a week, and saw that he hadn't been here for a few days, and the place has changed a lot. The biggest change is naturally the lights above the head, that is, it has been powered on. The second is the doubled bed in the corner with clean bedding attached.

Then, there is the dining table in front of me, and the table in the corner opposite the bed, which looks like my own desk, with pens, ink, blank paper, and blank scrolls placed on it.

This is like their fifth bedroom!

Looking at Hyuga Snow Eagle again, his complexion has improved a lot, and his hands seem to have recovered well, wrapped in a clean white cloth, there is no blood stains, but the lost things cannot be brought back.

That eye can't come back either.

Although Hyuga Snow Eagle looked good, Chiba could see a bit of loneliness and helplessness in his eyes.

Losing one hand and one eye, for a Hyuga clansman, his strength in soft boxing has been greatly reduced.

This is why Qianye was a little bit embarrassed before, and also had the idea of ​​going there to win.

Although the current Hyuga Snow Eagle is not without the power to restrain a chicken, but in terms of strength, he is almost like a useless person, and it is meaningless to compete with him again.

And this, I am afraid, Hinata Snow Eagle is also very clear.

Although they didn't fight each other after the Chunin exam, the battle ended without a problem. No one knows whether Chiba killed Hyuga Yutaka in the end, or Hyuga Yukaka killed Chiba, or in other words, The two died together.

That last blow was blocked after all.

Although the two of them later went to kill each other's thoughts and went hand in hand, but this spirit of competing for victory between you and me has not disappeared, and even the two are not on the right path, except that after dislike each other, More or less there is such a thought in it.

"Hand, what's the matter?"

And thinking of this, seeing the loneliness and helplessness in Hyuga Snow Eagle's eyes, Chiba finally didn't say the angry words, but asked a little softly and bluntly.

"It's... not bad, it's recovering well."

Hearing Qianye's voice, Hyuga Snow Eagle was also slightly taken aback, apparently not expecting Qianye to ask such a question.


To this, Chiba nodded.

Then, the two fell silent.

One was standing, the other was sitting, and the awkward atmosphere immediately permeated the audience.

"Cough! This, look, it should belong to the Hyuga clan."

After a while, Chiba took a step forward and placed a small scroll in front of Hyuga Snow Eagle.

"Something from our family?"

And looking at the small scroll in front of him, mentioning his own clan, Hyuga Snow Eagle's attention was also attracted, and he didn't think about what to say right now, just picked it up.

"Yes, look."

To this, Chiba said.


Hyuga Snow Eagle was also straightforward, and immediately spread it out.

"This is!"

And in the next second, the moment he saw the black words on the scroll, his expression changed suddenly, and a look of shock emerged.

Sure enough, it was something Hyuga Snow Eagle could understand!

Is it really a private code that Hinata Shinsuke and Hinata Snow Eagle can understand?

Then, Shinsuke Hinata, what is the meaning of leaving this thing to me!

Seeing Hyuga Xueying's expression, Qianye frowned, thinking about it.

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