Chapter 1310 Don't use...

"What's wrong? Teacher Chiba?"

Looking at the hand holding the left fist that he was about to throw, he turned his head to look in the direction the hand came from, blinked his big black eyes, and asked.

"Don't use chakra."

At this time, Qianye's frightened expression was slowly disappearing, replaced by a dignified expression.

Unexpectedly, Itachi has been able to refine chakra, and it can even be attached to fists and feet.

Is it because of the children of the family?

Has the enlightenment education started to teach because of family reasons?

At the same time, during the words, such a thought flashed through his mind.

"Can't use Chakra?"

When he heard Qianye's words, Itachi was still expressionless, but there was a slight surprise in his words.


Teacher Chiba, physical skills must be very good, just from my punch, I can tell that I used chakra.

In his heart, he was both admiring and surprised.

"It's not that you can't use it, but don't use it. When training, don't use chakra. This will reduce the efficiency of training and the intensity of exercise."

In response, Chiba shook her head and corrected what was wrong in Itachi's words.

Although it is said that Chakra can be used for physical training, based on Chiba's experience, using Chakra to wrap the body for physical training will not only be less effective, but will also increase the burden on the body needlessly. The duration of technical training is shortened.

Not a very good habit.

In fact, whether to use it or not is not as critical as Chiba's performance.

It's just that Chiba was startled by Itachi just now. Although he has mastered Chakra very early, that's because he is a traveler who understands the principle of Chakra, which is equivalent to bringing his own chakra cultivation. way.

And Itachi was born and raised here, and Chiba didn't know that Hokage's early education was so early. Suddenly, Itachi used chakra, which inevitably surprised him a little. Some exaggeration.

However, things happened suddenly, but at the age of three, he was able to attach Chakra to his hands and feet. This Chakra's control is also quite good. If it is still without hard work, then, It's really talented.

"is that so?"

Hearing Qianye's words, Itachi frowned and nodded, indicating that he understood.

"Yes, here, when training, it is best not to use Chakra, but if you use physical skills to fight, you must rely on Chakra to exert sufficient power. Chakra attached to the body parts, if If it is perfect, then every punch and every kick will exert a power that is several times its own power. This is the rigid martial art."

However, although Itachi said he knew, Qianye still couldn't help adding that he was afraid that the child had made some mistakes.

"Grave-style gymnastics?"

And hearing Qianye's words, a hint of curiosity flashed in Itachi's big black eyes, and he asked.

"Yes, our current practice and the taijutsu I'm going to teach you in the future are all rigid taijutsu, and this rigid taijutsu is a taijutsu that focuses on direct damage in the morning. Through strength, chakra Attachment and other means to enhance the destructive power and cause damage such as fractures. In our Konoha, the faction of physical arts, in general, is divided into two types, one is our Gang faction physical arts, and the other is The first kind is the Soft Taijutsu represented by the Soft Fist of the Hyuga Clan. Strictly speaking, this kind of Taijutsu is more difficult to deal with than the Rigid Taijutsu. The means of attack are mainly internal injuries caused by viscera and acupoints, which are more difficult to heal than the injuries caused by rigid physical arts, and in the confrontation with soft fist, as long as they are hit, then because of acupuncture points and internal body injuries , even if there is no serious trauma, it will be gradually weakened during the battle. In a sense, the soft martial art represented by soft boxing can somewhat restrain the rigid martial art. Even some masters of soft boxing , even ninjutsu can be broken."

In this regard, Chiba explained to Itachi the taijutsu of the soft school and the rigid school in detail. Although this may not have much relationship with the current training, this kind of thing, this kind of cognition or knowledge, It can be regarded as a kind of intelligence in itself, which is very beneficial to Itachi. Always have to tell him.

It's better to say it now than to say it later.

While speaking, Qianye couldn't help but think of the Chunin exam, which seemed to be a distant memory.

Speaking of which, after all, there is no winner between me and him, now...

Then, some thoughts of competing for victory arose in my heart.

It's just that he has lost one eye now, so it would be meaningless to fight again.


I didn't expect that back then, you were going to die, but now...

Afterwards, the thought of winning flashed past, followed by a sigh, thinking of Hyuga Snow Eagle's appearance now, he couldn't even think of winning.

As for the life-and-death back then, after so many life-and-death experiences, Chiba would not remember it. Even when he saw Hyuga Snow Eagle's tears back then, he couldn't bear to bear the grudge. At that time, he couldn't accuse Hinata Xueying of anything.

After all, in Hyuga Yutaka's cognition at the time, it was Taki Maya who killed his father, and the father's debt was paid by the son. There is no logical error at all. If he doesn't complain, he will get revenge, and I'm afraid he will be scolded as trash, a fool, an idiot, and his brain is full of holes.

Besides, in my situation at the time, it was impossible for Hokage and a second-in-command of the Hyuga Clan to explain the whole story and then do something after intervening in the mediation. But for a genius who has always been swayed by hatred, it is definitely more cost-effective to get rid of than to keep.

As for the situation at that time, what kind of assassination, designing Hyuga Yukaka, with his methods, it was really a fake Konoha intelligence agency, and Hyuga Yukaka was under the protection of the Hyuga Clan, and he knew it with his toes. Impossible.

This is the real Naruto world, dark and cruel, not some YY novel, where you can kill whoever you want without logic.

Moreover, it was the first time he had tasted the warmth of his partner and teacher. With this warmth, he didn't want to ruin this beauty because of this matter.


Speaking of which, I forgot to ask him about the password!

Tonight, I have to ask. Looking at the current situation, I might forget it someday.

Finally, he suddenly seemed to think of something.

"I see!"

At this time, Itachi's voice also came.

"Then you start, don't be afraid of pain."

Hearing this, Qianye showed a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, stepped back a little, and said.

"Yes, Teacher Chiba!"

In response, the young Itachi nodded vigorously.


Then there was the sound of skin and flesh hitting the stake without any laziness.

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