Chapter 1304 Many things...

"Then, I'm going up."

After setting up the clean bowls, Qianye said to Xue Nai who was reading in the living room, and after getting a "OK" response from Xue Nai, she went upstairs.

About Hirohiko, Chiba did not choose to tell Xue Nai.

Although he also wanted to make Xue Nai and Kushina happy, after all, Hirohiko was allowed to join the ninja engineering team, which can be said to be a turning point for the Hirohiko incident. Next, Hirohiko just needs to work hard, perform well in the engineering team, and Showing people with a stable mood, coupled with the double lenient treatment of Hokage and Uchiha, basically, the success of getting out of the confinement room is just around the corner.

However, here, Chiba felt that the news that Hirohiko joined the ninja engineering team was not good enough.

What he wanted was the good news that Hirohiko joined the engineering team and could stay in the Japanese-style cabin instead of going to the confinement room.

Now, that's not enough!

This news cannot be let Xue Nai and Kushina know.

So, he didn't say.

He just went upstairs as usual, and according to the arrangement, he still had to study the method of combining the spell and seal tonight, based on the huge sealing formula he remembered about the combination of the two.

However, today is doomed to be a day when you can't rest assured to study.

He returned to the room and after sitting down, he unintentionally opened the scrolls that recorded the sealing technique, but his thoughts spread in all directions.

First of all, the first thing that prevented him from concentrating on studying the combination of the sealing technique and the spell-seal technique was not how Hirohiko could not go back to the confinement room.

Yes, now if these things that make him unable to concentrate are counted as headaches.

Then, what bothered him the most was not how Qianye didn't have to go back to the confinement room.

Instead, Uchiha Itachi.

That's right, Itachi, his newly accepted disciple.

Although accepting Itachi as a disciple may be a political transaction between Uchiha and Hokage, it does not mean that Chiba's shoulders are relaxed and there is no pressure at all. What to do, or Said, just teach whatever you want.

This matter is far from that simple.

This Itachi was thrown into his sect as the eldest son of the Uchiha clan, not an abandoned son of Uchiha joined his sect, as long as he is not an abandoned son, and even if there is a Sasuke behind him, he is still a member of the Uchiha clan Heirs, the leadership transmission between the clans, even the Uchiha clan, is the same as the eldest son inheritance system, which is no different from Hinata and other families.

Regardless of whether the Uchiha clan was exterminated or not, whether it will be changed because he saved Namikaze Minato, everyone is happy. The disciple he is teaching now is the future heir of the Uchiha clan, the future patriarch .

Moreover, this heir also has a good talent that even Namikaze Minato, that is, the Fourth Hokage, can see, and Chiba can also know from the original work that Itachi's talent goes without saying, especially in illusion and fire escape. His attainment has been able to affect the awakening of the ability of his kaleidoscope Sharingan. This talent, even if it is not as good as Madara, is not far behind. At the same time, looking at Madara's attitude towards Sasuke after the Fourth Ninja War and after the Ninja War, and Sasuke's growing up more and more like Madara, it is certain that this Uchiha Fugaku lineage is definitely a direct descendant of Madara, It might be grandchildren, it might be great-grandchildren, the bloodline inherited by this Itachi is also the excellent bloodline of Madara, and its talent, no matter how you say it, is unlikely to be too weak.

After all, in the world of Naruto, the major clans still value bloodlines very much, and in the setting of this world of Naruto, there is already a system that transmits power through bloodlines, so bloodlines are even more important.

Therefore, whether it is the Hyuga clan or the Uchiha clan, the heir's marriage and spouse selection are all very important.

Although, in the original book, it seems that Uchiha Fugaku and Mikoto are in free love, but now Chiba, who has a lot of understanding of the major families, can see that if Uchiha Mikoto is not a leader among the Uchiha clan , I'm afraid, Uchiha Fugaku's marriage is about to be in big trouble.

And if now, he taught a heir to such a big family with such a talent as the Uchiha clan to be a mediocre person, I am afraid that not only he himself will regret it, but the gap between Uchiha and Hokage will be bridged and the contradiction will be closed. Elimination of the situation, but also because of this change.

After all, in this matter, he represents Hokage.

And if you want to teach Itachi seriously, you must spend a lot of energy. Thinking about the effort Kushina spent on herself, Hirohiko and Yukina, she basically dedicated most of her time and energy.

Although it is said that the time to teach them is only one day or one afternoon, the preparations for this one day and one afternoon cannot be estimated just by looking at the teaching time.

The preparation time must be much higher than the professor's time.

Chiba probably doesn't have this kind of energy.

Moreover, Chiba didn't know anything about Itachi at his current age, so he had no idea what training plan or teaching plan to make for him.

And according to Itachi’s information in the original book, Itachi should be a ninja who masters the three nature changes of fire, wind, and water. Of course, Itachi can also change the two types of yin and yang. Now he has dual attributes of water and earth, so I’m afraid it can only be taught. His water attribute ninjutsu is called Water Dungeon.

As for illusions and the like, he doesn't know how to do it at all, and he doesn't have any talent in this area.

The only things that can be taught seem to be physical skills and water escape.

Perhaps, it may be said here that nature changes can be constantly mastered, what is born is expensive, and other nature changes can also be mastered by hard work the day after tomorrow.

Here, it is entirely possible for Chiba to learn the fire attribute by himself, or let Itachi master the earth attribute.

To be honest, it really doesn't work.

First of all, it is the change of nature. Compared with the change of form, although it is very difficult to cultivate both to the extreme, but compared to the change of form, the change of nature is somewhat incomprehensible. Some people learn it very easily. Some people are difficult to learn, and the nature of different attributes changes under the same person's learning, and the difficulty is different.

For example, what everyone is best at, or in other words, the easiest to master, must be the nature change of that attribute that everyone is born with.

Then, what happened next was a little unpredictable.

It is quite easy for some people to learn the second or even the third kind of nature change. They succeed after trying, and they can even learn all five kinds of nature change. For example, Kakashi, the third Hokage, and Hirohiko, when he learned the third nature change, when the nature of water changed, he just tried to learn it.

Some people are not. They may only master one or two kinds of nature changes in their entire life, such as most of the lower ninja, some of the middle ninja, and even the upper ninja.

Possibly, Chiba can also be considered this type of person.

It's not like he hasn't tried the nature changes other than water and soil before. He even developed S-level ninjutsu, which combines form changes and nature changes, and he hasn't been able to master other nature changes.

To tell the truth, he also learned from Hongyan about this matter, but it still didn't work.

Let Chiba master other nature changes to teach Itachi, the words are very simple and easy to say, but the truth is cruel and complicated, and even if Chiba has the talent to learn nature changes, he doesn't have the time.

As for letting Itachi master the changes in the nature of the soil properties...

This is a waste. Now that I know Itachi's talent in fire escape and illusion, I still go to teach other things. This is a waste of Itachi's time. Maybe Itachi doesn't have any talent in earth escape, but it's not just a waste of Itachi It's time.


This matter, trouble!

Thinking of this, Chiba couldn't help but sigh.

However, the hand started to move, picked up the pen, took the blank scroll, and started to write.

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