Chapter 1294 A Day in the Little Weasel

"Chirp... chirp... chirp... chirp..."

The bright sunlight poured down from the window, covered the small quilt, and also illuminated this tidy and clean room. The warmth from the coolness of autumn gradually flooded the room.


And the birds chirping outside the window woke up the little person sleeping in this small quilt.

Following this nasal sound representing awakening, a pair of dark eyes slowly opened.

"Hahaha! Rock paper scissors! Rock paper scissors!"

"You lost! You are a ghost!"

"Why is it me again..."

But at this time, the chirping of birds outside the window suddenly disappeared, and there was a burst of crisp silver bells that belonged to children's voices.

Hearing this, the little man slowly sat up from the bed, blinked his dark eyes, and slowly turned out of the window with a hint of bewilderment.

"Shall we play ninja games today?"

"Huh? Playing again?"

"Yes, yes, it's my turn to be a ninja this time!"

"I am the ninja!"

"Hey? You didn't want to play just now!"

"Wh... why don't you want to play, I... I didn't say anything!"

And just as he turned his head, there was another group of children's silver bells ringing outside the window. It should be another group of children who were different from the one who played hide-and-seek just now.

Hearing the sound again, the little man couldn't help but climbed out of bed, grabbed the window sill with both hands, tried his best to stand on tiptoe, raised his head, and lowered his big black eyes hard, trying to see through the window. From the high window sill, you can see the situation below.

But, after all, he is only over three years old, no matter how tall he can grow, he will not grow much, and now his elder brother, no matter how hard he stands on tiptoe, how hard he tries to hold his head up, and then looks down, finally He could only barely rest his chin on the window sill, looking at the window sill outside the window, except for the silver bell laughter outside the window, his eyes were full of monotonous window sills.


Then, standing on tiptoe like this for a long time, the little man was finally tired. After taking a step back, he propped himself on his knees and let out a long breath.

"Itachi, it's breakfast."

At this time, the door of the room was suddenly opened, and a beautiful woman with long black hair pushed the door in. Looking at the little man propped up on his knees, she spoke with a loving smile on her face.

"Yes, my lord."

In response to this, the little man straightened up, trotted a few steps, and ran to the side of the beautiful woman with a thump.

"Let's go."

The beautiful woman took his hand, and the two walked down the stairs.


"I'm cooking!"

After climbing up the chair with great effort but familiarity, the little man looked at the father who was eating and looking at the scroll in front of him, and then looked at the mother who was adding rice and vegetables, and blinked his big black eyes .

Then, after saying childishly, he grabbed the bowls and chopsticks beside him.

"Oh I got it……"

At this time, the attentive father let out a low sigh, and his expression became more focused.

"Itachi, don't forget to chew a few more times before you can swallow it, understand?"

However, at this more focused stall, my father couldn't help but say.

"Yes, my lord father."

In this regard, the little man struggled to pull the food.


"I'm done eating, my lord father, my lord mother."

After eating all the food assigned by his mother, the little man climbed down from the chair with great difficulty, and turned his head to talk to his father who was still focused and his mother who was eating beside him.

"Oh, don't go too far from home."

And his immature words aroused the unanimous voice of his father and mother.

However, the father was still staring at the scroll, while the mother turned around, went to the side wall, took down the small cloth bag hanging on it, put it on for him who was standing upright, and brought him a bento box, stuffed in.

"Thank you, my lord."

While the immature childish voice was expressing his gratitude, the door was suddenly opened with a bang, and the little person walked outside with small steps.



Still go and see.

The little man carefully looked around the street, watched the flow of people beside him carefully, and when he could leave, he carried the small satchel that his mother sewed for him, and jingled the metal with it. The sound of the bento box, walking all the way to a remote place.

With little feet stepping, the little person is familiar with the road, passing the gate of the village entrance, and after attracting the attention of a series of female ninjas on duty, it is not as good as the trail.

"Hey? Are you here today? Whose family is it?"

"I don't know, she looks so pretty!"

"Yeah, it's so cute!"

"Shh, keep your voice down, you'll feel embarrassed if this kid overhears you, what if he runs too fast again and falls down?"

Immediately, he caused discussions among the female ninjas, and when he was talking about this, the female ninjas couldn't help but say that when the child came here a few times ago, because the discussions among the others were a little louder, he was caught He heard it, and the child started to run in a hurry, and with a "poof", he fell down with a face of ashes.


"Aren't you at home?"

Walking through the long path and crossing the grove, the little man quickly climbed up the tree closest to the Japanese-style cabin, with a disappointed expression on his face, his big black eyes blinking, a little lonely.

But at this time, where his eyes fell, the window opened, there was only a lonely sister in white, and there was no one he wanted to see.

This sister has been reading there, isn't it boring?

Then, amidst the disappointment, such a thought popped up in his mind, and then he had an urge to ask.

However, in the end, after he hesitated for two steps, he still chose to stay on the tree trunk instead of going down.

Then, after lingering, he touched his satchel,

Today, let's go to practice.

The tentacles had a hard metal texture, and the little man was full of disappointment. With his little head drooping slightly, he jumped off the tree trunk and headed towards a small clearing full of battle marks.

Not long after, there was an "aggressive" sound in the small open space, as well as the sound of a child struggling.


"Hoo... ph... ph..."

The twilight light reflected the small open space and the surrounding trees golden, and the little man fell down on the ground, sweating profusely.

Today, let's go here.

Looking at the trees in front of him imprinted with countless Kuna, he said to himself.

Then, after resting for a while, he stood up, picked up the empty bento box, put it in the satchel, picked up the kunai and the shuriken, and left the place with a slight sense of loss in his heart. A small forest, all the way to the home.

Why can't I always touch it?

Didn't Father say that he has returned?

It was my father who was comforting me. Is he really not coming back?

Walking along the way, many thoughts passed through the little man's mind, and his big black eyes were full of disappointment.

As he walked into the Uchiha clan's clan, those children who went out to play happily passed by him like swallows returning to their nests, and he was even more dejected.


However, when a series of children passed by, the laughter and laughter went away, and the door of the house was approaching, he suddenly froze, and his dark eyes slowly widened.

There was surprise on the expressionless face.

"Excuse me, is Mr. Fuyue here?"

At this moment, the boy's voice sounded.

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