Chapter 1281 A Series of Arrangements

Chiba, who left the Hokage Building, first went to the steamed bun shop. Because of the demolition, the steamed bun shop has been closed, and Chiba does not know the current address of the boss and the proprietress. This can only be said to be luck in the past.

As for Chiba's luck, it can be said that the boss and the boss's wife are still moving today, which really happened.

Then, he asked the two of them to deliver steamed buns to Hokage for three meals a day.

To this, the boss's reaction was still taciturn. Apart from staring at him all the time, as if confirming whether he was real, human or ghost, there was no unnecessary reaction.

The proprietress was naturally quick-witted, and when she heard that she was giving steamed buns to Hokage, she naturally agreed.

After getting the answer she wanted, Qianye didn't stay any longer, and left after leaving a deposit.

It's just a little strange to him that at the stall where he left, the always active proprietress was a little hesitant to speak, but she didn't say anything after all.

He left under the silent gaze of the two.

This made Chiba a little strange.

However, it was just strange, after leaving here, he suddenly realized that he hadn't greeted the guards of the Hokage Building, and hurried back to the Hokage Building.

And after notifying the two guards, he went to the hospital and was drawn another tube of blood. These old pedants were really a little fanatical about his blood sample research... No, it feels like he's gone mad .

Everyone basically had dark circles under their eyes. He really didn't know what kind of changes would happen to his blood to make these well-informed old scholars so fanatical that they couldn't sleep.

At the same time, he also confirmed that his body had undergone some incredible changes, even called miraculous changes, otherwise these old scholars would not be like this, and he has not seen these old scholars so fanatical.

However, in the end, he was unable to say the words of taking more rest, and these old pedantic madmen never had a chance for him to speak.

In the end, he had no choice but to leave like this.

Of course, before he left, he naturally took a handful of various rare herbs. This herbal medicine room is basically the private property of this group of old scholars' research, and no one dares to use the herbal medicine here, and it has even been agreed upon. used something. They dare not come here on weekdays, and even the Konoha Medical Institution defaults to transporting the herbal medicines requested by the old scholars here.

Therefore, Qianye really doesn't care about what to take here.

By the way, this herbal medicine room is not the same as the herbal medicine room that the hospital usually uses, that is, the pharmacy that Chiba first came into contact with.

Then, after this came out of the hospital, Chiba went to find Kakashi. Now Kakashi is stationed at the gate of the ninja school, dealing with the long queue of students and parents, explaining his planned exercise tirelessly The part and the danger of construction are for students and parents to decide for themselves.

Of course, the reward for the task is also clearly written, it is by no means a black-hearted task.

They have everything they should have, and even the price is higher for students. Although it is a D-level task, it is almost as rewarding as a C-level task.

There is absolutely no phenomenon of lowering the price because the other party is a student.

However, students and parents focus on the part of the exercise plan, and there is no reward for watching the task at all.

Of course, there are also a group of school teachers standing behind Kakashi, which can be regarded as adding a lot of confidence to the parents.

And when Chiba arrived, it seemed that Kakashi said "coming towards him", so he didn't show up, and found a place to squat with Anbu, the guard's secret whistle, from time to time, you look at me, I look at you Take a look, look at the surrounding situation, and then look at each other seriously and nod, and report to each other that there is nothing wrong.

An hour later, when the crowd dispersed and Kakashi was about to call it a day, he jumped out and handed over the construction plan to Kakashi as if he had finally found you.

And this construction plan is not different from what Chiba originally formulated, basically the same as what Chiba originally wrote.

After Kakashi read it, the very first sentence he said was "you wrote this thing".

Chiba did not deny this.

And Kakashi didn't say much after that, he just said that after five days everything was settled and you had to be there, he left here and went to a meeting with the school teacher in full swing, leaving Chiba in place.

Qianye didn't care about this, but felt a little unconcealable sadness and helplessness in her heart.

Kakashi's appearance, he can tell, is a look of forgetting grief and looking for something to do. He is so active because Kakashi wants to use these jobs and tasks to forget or fade the death of Obito and Rin. sad.

It's a healing, not a real obsession quest.

And Chiba didn't know if it was useful, if it was useful, it would be best, if it was useless, he didn't have the energy to comfort Kakashi, to guide Kakashi, it wasn't that he was ruthless, but that he had no choice.

Even if he had time, he didn't know how to comfort or guide her.


The death of Obito and Rin, apart from any fate plan and the known ending of the original work, Chiba may not be able to compare with Kakashi in that grief, but it is not inferior to anyone other than Kakashi.

Afterwards, after standing there blankly for a while, Qianye cheered up a little, and walked towards the cabin while recalling the configuration method of Guan Bi'an.

And this is why he thought the effect of the other side was very useful at the beginning. A suspended animation can deal with many desperate situations, and it can be regarded as a precautionary measure, so he remembers it very clearly and carefully. Now this memory, the preparation method is clear. I wonder if there is a possibility of misremembering this prescription.

Now that the medical equipment has been delivered, he has to start the configuration of the other shore. This time, he also plans to spend the rest of his time on the other shore, trying to configure it within two days.

After all, he will go to the Uchiha clan within three days, and he will start the construction of the engineering team in five days, and there is really no time left.

Regarding Xue Nai's matter and Hirohiko's matter, the key to the solution is two actions. There are many things to consider and put on the agenda, although most of them are things to think about.

However, although thinking has the fastest speed in the universe, it is often the most time-consuming.

"Xue Nai, I'm starting an experiment, call me again after dinner!"

So, with such a state of mind, after Chiba returned to the Japanese-style cabin, the first sentence she said to Xue Nai was like this while running to the bathroom.

By the way, he also took away the cages of two mice.

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