Chapter 130 Speculation

Half an hour later, fungi and a deer leg were cooking in a simple pot. I don't know where Morino got this pot.

Because of the punch Morino really counted, Fujiki Shigeru was also a lot more honest, but half of his cheeks were red and swollen, and it hurt to see him grinning from time to time. The four of them sat quietly by the pot.

However, Shino Mori didn't pay attention to him at all, as if he didn't punch this punch. At this moment, he was looking at Chiba, waiting for his next words.

And Qianye swallowed her saliva looking at the fat and tender deer legs in the pot, and then said: "If the other party still doesn't chase after us blatantly lighting a fire, then it can be concluded that if we go back and ask for help I fell into the enemy's trap."

Morino Shinsuke and Kiuchi Taketo looked at each other, then looked at Chiba, motioning for him to continue.

"Captain Morino, you should have noticed the reaction of those ninjas. When I used the shadow clone to surprise their leader, their reaction, do you think they seem to be a qualified ninja?" Qianye said again.

This time, Morino was stunned and said: "Indeed, it doesn't look like it! It doesn't seem like a ninja's reaction at all. It is possible and normal to be surprised when the leader is killed suddenly, but for a ninja, especially It's not normal for a ninja with combat experience to watch your shadow clone complete a series of attacks without reacting. It feels like..."

"Novice, a ninja who just graduated from ninja school, has no combat experience, or a rookie who has no ninja combat experience, right." Chiba added.

Shino Mori nodded and said, "Yes, like a rookie without any ninja fighting experience!"

"And I have been wondering why I blocked the detonating talisman with the water wall, and they stopped attacking. They didn't plan to attack directly, but surrounded them and asked us to put down our weapons and surrender. Generally speaking, we ninjas combine intelligence and The task is more important than life. It is impossible to surrender without resistance. Even if we are surrounded by us, we will still fight. This is almost an iron rule among ninjas. Either retreat or die in battle, never Surrender!" Chiba looked at Morino Shinsuke with a gleam in his eyes.

"Yeah!" Mori nods his head, what Chiba said suits his appetite, he either retreats or dies in battle, but he will never surrender!

At this moment, Shino Mori suddenly had a feeling that there seemed to be an adult living in the small body of Chiba. And I am the one who is talking to such an adult.

This feeling is very strange, but he doesn't feel any sense of disobedience.

"Then, if they are ninjas, they must also know this. The attack after the detonator is the most appropriate moment to attack, and it is the best to subdue us in one fell swoop. It is the best opportunity. But these people chose to encircle, in vain Isn't it too strange to give up the opportunity?" Chiba said again, at this time he had picked up the temporary wooden bowl and started serving soup, and had already cut the venison with kunai.

However, Shino Mori had no desire to eat, he frowned, and then said: "I see, based on their rookie performance and abnormal behavior after the detonator, it's not that they don't have the chance to capture us alive, but they don't have the strength Capture us alive, they... are a bunch of paper tigers."

This child is terrifyingly sharp!

Morino thought in his heart.

"So, they are just bluffing. In conclusion, it can be concluded that the strength of those ninjas is only to the extent that they have learned to tread water and be able to throw detonating charms. We can easily deal with them. We were shocked by their powerful detonating charms at first. Yes, I subconsciously thought that the ninjas who could create such a powerful detonating talisman would not be bad, and then, I magnified this cognition, and finally ignored some small details. I think their strength and number..."

so amazing! this child! That's amazing!

Three generations of adults, your vision is still so vicious, such a child is simply the future glory of our Konoha! Minato might not be as good as this kid!

I finally understand what you mean! Arranging Chiba to come over is to let me, a guy who is not up to date in tactical arrangements, have a military adviser who can advise me!

Shino Mori's eyes shone brightly, and Chiba's analysis made him suddenly enlightened.

And Kiuchi Taketo and Fujiki Shigeru were stunned, looking at Chiba who was eating soup and eating meat in front of them, they were speechless in amazement.

Wu Yue is completely incomparable with him! No wonder when Wu Yue mentioned him, his face was full of admiration.

Kiuchi Taketo thought blankly.

This... this brat, is he still human? It's a monster!

Fujiki Shigeru was also thinking blankly.

"As for why, we fell into the enemy's trick when we asked for rescue." Qianye cut a large piece of meat and put it in a bowl, and continued: "According to their strength, even if they have ambushed more than 50 people They can’t take us down even if they are newcomers. All they can do is scare us and ask us to ask for help or scare us away. The last wave of attacks completely achieved their goal.”

"Then it's also possible that there are powerful ninjas in the ambush?" Shigeru Fujiki retorted, but his tone was much more careful, without the previous publicity and disdain.

Qianye glanced at him and said in his heart: Is this guy an idiot? How did he get into the elite Chunin?

"If they are powerful enough to match us, or in other words, have the strength to capture or kill us alive, why send those rookie ninjas to surround us, just go straight up."

However, Chiba still explained. This is still due to the fact that the venison is very delicious.

Chiba, who eats good meat, is always in a good mood.

"So, what is their purpose? Send people to surround and scare us." Kiuchi Kento couldn't help asking.

It seems that Jianren is not the type with an active head.

To Kiuchi Taketo, Chiba's perception is much better. At least if it wasn't for his words that changed Morino Masaru's attitude, Chiba would have to spend a lot of time trying to light a fire, or even fail, and it wouldn't go so smoothly. .

"They are not as strong as us. They have been sieged by Konoha Ninja three times before, and they know that they are definitely not our opponents. This time, they probably want to outwit us and scare us away, so they made this plan." Chiba said.

However, doubts arose in his heart.

When Jianren said this, there is one thing I didn't expect, the purpose, what is the purpose of their doing this, although this explanation makes sense, it still feels a bit blunt.

Speaking of which, how did they get the information that we will go through this road! Masaru Morino said that this road was a shortcut he discovered during the war before, and even Namikaze Minato didn't know about it!

There are still many doubts.

Thinking of this, Chiba frowned slightly.

"However, we may also be asking for help." Kiuchi Kento asked again: "Aren't they going to face more ninjas?"

"This..." Qianye pondered for a moment, frowned, and said: "Here is also where I can't figure it out, maybe they are trying to buy time to escape, maybe they have a deeper purpose, but since they made a plan to scare The plan of our departure must have thought of the section of asking for help, and thinking of this section, they still continue to implement the plan, then, asking for help may also be part of their plan. As for what purpose this link will achieve for them , I don’t know, but one thing is for sure, we must not go back to ask for help! Instead, we should move on! Find their lair! Annihilate these rookie ninjas in one fell swoop!”

Makes sense.

Morino nods his head in agreement.

"And now, our rice is cooked, and they haven't chased us. It's certain that they're trying to scare us." Qianye said contentedly after eating the meat in the bowl.

So it turns out, the fire is for...

Morino nods again, Chiba's thoughts are very clear, and his analysis is correct. However, when he nodded his head halfway, his thoughts turned halfway, and when his eyes fell on the pot inadvertently, his face froze and the corners of his mouth twitched.

In the pot at this time, apart from the fungus soup, there was only one thigh bone left, and a whole deer leg, which was eaten by Chiba while talking!

Kiuchi Kento seemed to be aware of this situation, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

Not a single bit of minced meat was left!

Then, Masaru Morino raised his head seriously, with a slight murderous look permeating it, and said to Chiba: "Chiba, let's talk about the distribution of food."

This time, a slight cold sweat appeared on the forehead of Chiba.

Oops, found out!

The plan of "distracting them with situational analysis and lighting purposes, and then eating up the deer legs" has been discovered!

And then, Morino Shinsuke gave a murderous sermon, Chiba nodded repeatedly, and Kiuchi Kento cut off the other leg of the back deer according to his teacher's instructions, peeled it and put it in the Bring to a boil in the pot.

But Fujiki Shigeru sat there obediently, looking at Chiba who kept apologizing and saying "I see", his eyes flickered.

In the end, nothing happened this night, Chiba's deduction was correct!

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