Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1276 Looking Up

Why am I in such a hurry?

Now... can't you do nothing?

Going upstairs and putting down the cages one by one, the corner of Chiba's mouth twitched suddenly, standing among the little mice, his whole body was stiff.

Yes, right now, he can't do anything at all.

In the absence of medical equipment, even if he brewed the medicine juice now, even if he got the mouse, there was no way to do anything about the preparation of the medicine.

If the concoction is brewed now and there is no extraction equipment, then leaving it alone will only weaken the efficacy of the medicine, and the extraction equipment does not know when it will arrive. Here, it is obvious that the concoction cannot be brewed.

And these mice are used for testing medicine, and now they can't even do the first step of the medicine juice, and they don't know when they can do the last step of testing the medicine.

Moreover, according to the delivery time of the extraction equipment, he had to feed these mice well during this period.

In other words, he set himself up with one more thing.

Feeding animals is quite a troublesome thing, and he may not be home at noon now.


This is definitely his mistake!

He was in such a hurry.

This is another mistake that should not have been made.


And thinking of this, Qianye couldn't help but let out a long sigh, and sat down at the desk. Almost slumped on the back of the chair.

"Squeak... squeak..."



At this moment, as if feeling something, Qianye put it on the desk, which couldn't fit on the desk and was placed in cages all over the room. The mice seemed to feel something, raised their heads, and looked at Qianye. Ye, while her nose was twitching, her small black eyes flickered.

Even these little white mice... feel my idiot?

Seeing the appearance of the little white mice, Chiba's wry smile became even more bitter.

Of course, this is Chiba's own imagination. As the mice in the laboratory, because of Konoha's breeding, these mice just instinctively look at human-shaped things when they are hungry.

Because, human-shaped things are basically two concepts in their consciousness, the opening of the meal, or the end of life.

The little white mouse is only sensitive to the human form, and has nothing to do with Chiba's mistakes.

Here, it is the question of Chiba's self-awareness.

It can also be seen how regretful Chiba is now.

"Forget it, please feed Xue Nai."

However, soon, Qianye threw these thoughts out of his head, and his remorse was also restrained. After muttering, pushing the feeding adult to Xue Nai from the personal level, he let go He took out a blank scroll, and under the watchful eyes of the mice, he began to write and draw.

Not long after, under his proficient brushwork, the structural diagrams of the sealing and spell-seal formulas spliced ​​up on the paper one by one. As he waved the brush, the scrolls were spread out, filled, and then closed set aside.

Obviously, he was drawing what he remembered from the huge sealing technique in his memory. Without knowing the function of the technique, memorizing so many techniques is, after all, very easy to forget. Qianye is now able to remember how much is how much while his memory is still clear.

Although these drawn formulas do not have any effect, but after all, there is a way to connect them, and they can be used for recalling or deepening memory in the future.

And if it is to be effective, this combination of sealing technique and spell sealing technique must have a chakra construction technique, and the loose requirements of sealing technique do not apply.

And this writing, it was late at night again, and Qianye's memory was quite good. This used up all the empty scrolls on the table, and finished writing about 90% of the spells in the memory. Only when he couldn't get the empty scroll did he realize that it was already late at night.

"It's past eleven o'clock."

After looking back at the clock, Qianye sighed, and when he turned his gaze back, what he touched was a pair of small black eyes full of longing.


In response, Chiba sighed again.

Today, I am afraid that Jiu Xinnai and Xue Nai will worry again.

I didn't eat this dinner again.

Standing up slowly, Chiba walked to the door with a bit of bitterness on her face and opened it.

But this time, he didn't step over directly, but lowered his head and looked towards the door.

Sure enough, there were delicious and steaming meals at the door, and next to the meals was a bag of something like feed. On the bag was a piece of paper written "feed for small white mice". Knowing that it was written by Xue Nai in a beautiful font.

Eleven o'clock, still steaming...

Warm me up before bed?

While looking at the food, Qianye pursed her lips, then bent down, and brought the food into the room.

Then, after feeding the mice, Qianye devoured the food for five people.

After being eliminated, Qianye packed up the tableware, tiptoed downstairs, washed the tableware, and put them away one by one.

"Forget it, let's go for a walk."

Afterwards, after coming out of the kitchen, Chiba glanced at the dimly lit living room illuminated by the lights in the kitchen, and the Braille novel on the low table. After a moment of silence, he turned off the light, and then pushed the door out.


The phoenix in the middle of the night blew past, brushing his already long hair, and the scent of flowers wafted in the cool wind, whizzing away in Qianye's perception.

"Has it been more than ten years?"

At this time, Qianye, who was sitting in the corridor outside the house, looked at the waves of flowers and seaweeds in the night before him, and muttered to himself.

At this moment, for some reason, the scenes after time travel flashed through his mind, from meeting Yukina and Hirohiko at the ninja school, to Kushina, to the Chunin exam, to the third war, to... now.

One thing, one detail, one laughter, one crisis after another...

It turns out that it has been so long...

Unconsciously, such a thought flashed through Qianye's mind.

It turns out that I have already experienced so much.

I am a good-for-nothing, I have gone through so many things, and I am not dead yet...

Really, God has mercy?

Then, the smile on the corner of his mouth became even more bitter.

At this moment, he suddenly found that his previous appearance seemed to be a little blurred. What he looked like in the previous life was blurred and he couldn't remember it.

now i...

May I?

Can it change all this?

Can, let everyone laugh together?

Can I take back what's gone?

After that, he raised his head, looked at the starry sky slightly covered by clouds, and asked himself deeply, deeply.

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