Chapter 1274 Study Plan

Sure enough, those old fellows provided materials for me as humanoid blood!

Gently shaking his forearm, which had received a tube of blood again, Qianye walked out of Konoha Hospital with an unhappy face, his eyes full of helplessness.

Now, it is medical equipment. I don’t know if the medical equipment kept by Kakashi can still be used, and whether it has been taken back by the village.


The previous medical equipment seems to be no longer working.

You have to apply for a higher specification.

This time, there can be no mistakes.

And soon, after walking out of Konoha Hospital and walking straight towards Kakashi's residence, such a dignified thought flashed through Chiba's mind.

This time, the medicine he was going to prepare was based on the other shore grass, supplemented by various poisonous herbal medicines with strong cold properties, it was extremely difficult to prepare, and the proportion of the medicines could basically not have any errors. Can't go wrong.

And this time, Qianye planned to take the medicine by himself, if there was any mistake, he might poison himself to death.

This drug, called "Higan", is a potent poison recorded in Tsunade's scroll of medical knowledge, which can cause a person to fall into a state of suspended animation of heart arrest, which lasts for half an hour. Inside, if the heart of the poisoned person cannot resume beating, then he will fall into a situation where the heart stops permanently, that is, real death.

And this other side, because its most important medicine is the national treasure of the land of the wind, and the production is rare and pitiful, and it also needs a large amount of rare herbs. Tsunade, who is a Konoha ninja, only configured it once. , or configured once when testing this prescription. It has not been configured since then.

If it wasn't for the fact that Konoha Village obtained a lot of rare herbs through unknown channels during this war, and even the herb room is equipped with a relatively complete set of rare herbs known to the ninja world, otherwise, Chiba would have to prepare Such a drug is probably unlikely.

By the way, this Higan is a drug that Tsunade only successfully prepared once, so it is a prohibited drug in Konoha Village, and because it has only been successfully administered once, and it has been tested once, there are also unknown side effects and the like. possible.

The so-called medicine should not be taken indiscriminately. This medicine is still very dangerous.

And the reason why Qianye wanted to configure this "other shore" was because it was the only poison he knew that could cause a state of suspended animation, other poisons were fatal, and now he needed a state of suspended animation.

That's right, he now needs a state of suspended animation.

This is also the flash of inspiration he saw from the other shore grass just now. In order to solve Xue Nai's problem and deal with the bird in the cage, Chiba must now learn to separate one-tenth of the structure from the huge and complicated sealing technique, and form a perhaps Only the sealing technique with the most complex structure in the ninja world can hopefully solve the caged bird.

Now, since the bird in the cage can't be untied, there is only one feasible solution other than the extreme killing of Hinata Hidetsu's family, and that is to seal the bird in the cage. This is what Chiba thought of that huge sealing technique Just thought of something.

This huge sealing technique can perfectly combine the sealing technique and the spell sealing technique, and its effectiveness may have an effect on the caged bird.

And as long as it can have an effect on the caged bird, then according to the characteristics of the sealing technique, it is possible to seal the caged bird and make it useless, or in other words, block the connection of the clan to Xue Nai's caged bird and make it impossible to control it. Solved the caged bird.

At that time, Xue Nai will not be under the control of the clan, and Chiba will be able to implement the plan to let the Hyuga clan stop.

But now, it is absolutely impossible to separate one-tenth of the structure, with Qianye's current knowledge of sealing and spell sealing, even if it is to imitate the existing structure of the big fat seal, it will take a long time Time to learn and practice the process.

Moreover, this long-term learning and practice process requires many times to enter the sealed space.

And this state of suspended animation is to enter the sealed space.

After all, according to Chiba's record of entering the sealed space, there are two known conditions that can trigger entering the sealed space.

One is to use the pupil power of Nao's kaleidoscope Sharingan to enter, but each entry will increase the consumption of pupil power as time goes on, and Nao's eyes are ordinary kaleidoscope Sharingan, and the pupil power of each time will increase. Consumption will speed up the state of blindness, and with the importance of these eyes to me and Hongyan, this path is not an option.

And the second one is the state of dying. Qianye discovered this sealed space because of the moment of dying.

The current state of suspended animation is also a kind of near-death state, and the configuration of "The Other Shore" is also to create a near-death state, so as to enter the sealed space.

And there is an obvious time difference between this sealed space and the reality. Qianye entered several times near death and seemed to stay for a long time, but in fact it was just a moment of closing his eyes. 30 minutes of fixed suspended animation, I am afraid that he can stay in the sealed space. For a long time, this choice is undoubtedly better than the pupil power of the kaleidoscope Sharingan.

However, this choice is to risk your life.

It is precisely because of this that Chiba cannot make any mistakes.

It's really something that kills.

However, my identity is different now, and I should be able to apply for high-standard medical equipment. The key is who can restore my heart to beat within half an hour of suspended animation after the medicine is prepared.

Xue Nai and Kushina absolutely can't do it, they can't let them know about this matter at all, not even Hirohiko.

Kakashi and Asma are left...

Kakashi is in charge of the engineering team, ruled out.

Asma's words...


Although this guy is very reliable, he doesn't know much about medical knowledge. It won't be good if he has any problems due to his lack of medical knowledge.

After all, this state of suspended animation is caused by the heart stopping under the force of the medicine, and the medicine will also guarantee some recovery conditions, but if you don't know how to recover, then you really have to wait to die.


Who else can help me with this?

While walking, Qianye became worried again. After using the other shore, he had to find someone to restore his heart to beat, otherwise he would really die. And there are really not many candidates for this, almost none .

He can't help but not worry.


It seems that it is still necessary to measure carefully. After all, this plan is a flash of inspiration, and the details still need to be perfected.

In the end, he came to such a conclusion about the other side's suspended animation plan.

Well, before making a complete plan, I will go to apply for medical equipment while I have time now.

Then, thinking of this, Qianye turned around and walked towards the General Affairs Office.

The application for this medical equipment has to go to the General Affairs Office, and the general logistics organization does not have the right to apply for services.

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