Chapter 1265 Am I... asleep?

"Am I... asleep?"

Slowly opened his eyes, Qianye slowly sat up from the side of the bed, glanced at the misty sky outside, heard the sound of little drops of rain, and muttered a little mistyly in his mouth.

Last night, after sitting down, he thought a lot, a lot, and he didn't know when he fell asleep.

"In the end, I still haven't figured it out."

After this glance, his gaze moved away from the window, and landed on the messy and untidy desk and the ground beside the desk.

Then, his eyes fell on the clock.

Chiba's sleep lasted for a long time. At this time, the clock showed 9:20. According to the agreement, he should meet with Kakashi now and talk about the formation of the ninja engineering team. Look at the results of Kakashi's pull.

In his last thought yesterday, he didn't come up with anything. Deadlock or deadlock, no solution or no solution, a bird in a cage is always something that can't be avoided.

There is really no way to think about this matter. There are so many spell-seal techniques that have never been seen or even found in the ninja world. Couldn't find any clues either.

This bird in a cage, this spell seal technique, is completely not described in the original book, and this Naruto world can't find any breakthrough, it is a dead end that can't die anymore,

Look again, think again, if there is really no other way, then...the only option is to kill Hyuga Hzuzu's family.

Standing up slowly, walking to the desk, Qianye silently began to tidy up, but an extreme and terrifying thought flashed through his mind.

Of all the plans he thought of yesterday, this was the one he didn't want to use the least, and it was also the one he hated the most.

After thinking into a dead end yesterday, he wanted to find another way to see if he could find a breakthrough.

And this other way, really found this one for him, but, this plan, I am not sure whether it will be as perfect as he thought, or it will be just as futile.

However, although he is not sure, he knows that this is the only way that works now.

The crux of the problem now is the bird in the cage. Because of the bird in the cage, Yukina is under the control of the Hyuga clan, and the bird in the cage is in the hands of the Zongjia. Now the clan of the Hyuga clan is only the Hyuga Hidetsu family, and the control method of the caged bird is naturally in the hands of the Zongjia Yes, the branch family also has a way to activate the bird in the cage, so the bird in the cage is not a method to make the branch family loyal to the main family and protect the main family, but a method to destroy the Hyuga clan.

As long as the Hyuga Hizuru family is killed, as well as the elders of the Hyuga clan who appeared in a flash memory scene in the original book, then no one will be able to activate the caged bird. As long as no one can activate it, the caged bird is no longer the key up.

Who will hold the power of the Hyuga Clan next is the key.

However, no matter who is in power, as long as there is no threat of a bird in a cage, it doesn't matter how much those Hinata bastards hate Xue Nai, no matter how arrogant they are, if he wants to, he can make them irreparable in a matter of minutes.

However, the side effects of this plan are also quite large. The death of Hyuga Hinata’s family can be described as an earth-shaking change in fate. An important role, Hinata Hinata may not be born, and even if she is born, her life will be completely different. It is not known whether she will be the Hinata in the original novel. It is absolutely impossible for Hinata Hanabi to be born, and now that Hinata Hinata's family dies, what kind of storm will this wing create, which will stop Chiba It is not known how much impact the Tail Rebellion had.

This undoubtedly had a decisive impact on Chiba's fate-changing plan.

Therefore, this plan will only be implemented after it really fails, and it is not a simple matter to kill Hinata Hizuru's family. A lot of hard work may not necessarily be perfect.

It is a plan that harms others and harms oneself.

However, if the Hyuga clan is really so short-sighted, as long as Chiba feels that the Hyuga clan will threaten Yukina's life, then he will definitely use it without hesitation.


And thinking of this, Qianye slowly put down the oversized scroll and tied the rope.

Then, with a bang, the oversized scroll returned to the size of a palm.

"Don't be too hasty. Although I don't like Yukina's life being controlled by the Hyuga Clan, there is no reason for Hyuga Hyuzu to use Yukina's caged bird after all. For the current Hyuga Hyuzu, no, for the Hyuga Clan, Yukina's existence is still Necessary, or...necessary!"

Picking up the scattered scrolls one by one, Qianye murmured to himself, and when he reached the last few words, he had already clenched his teeth, as if these last few words made him gnash his teeth.

Originally, I thought that eliminating the threat of the caged bird would change Xue Nai's "when necessary", but now, the extreme is extreme!

If there are serious consequences, there will be serious consequences!

Now I can be regarded as having mastered the information rights of the village. As long as the Hyuga clan dares to move, I will make them doomed forever.

Putting down the last blank scroll that was scattered on the ground, took a deep breath, and restrained the venomous light in his eyes.

Undoubtedly, the incomprehension of the bird in the cage changed everything. At this time, Qianye already had some extreme emotions inside, and was already ready to die.

"What are you doing? I thought something happened to you. It turned out that you overslept."

At this time, after the resentment in Qianye's eyes had subsided, a head of white hair hung down the window, and a lazy and somewhat dissatisfied voice suddenly sounded.


And hearing this body, Qianye suddenly looked at the window, and opened his mouth in astonishment.


Seeing Chiba's appearance, Kakashi sighed helplessly, then shook his hand, and threw the thing in his hand to Chiba, while hanging upside down with his hands supporting the upper edge of the window, turning over, "click" With a sound, it landed in front of Qianye, beside the desk.

It's so rare that Chiba would actually oversleep.

While he's never been too early, he's never been this late either.

After landing, such a thought inexplicably flashed through Kakashi's mind.

"This is?"

With a subconscious grasp, Qianye grabbed the thing in his hand, and looked down, but it was a scroll.


Kakashi spoke simply.

List of engineering teams?

That's right, it's just for this matter, otherwise Kakashi would come back to find me.

And hearing this sound, Qianye also understood, and then spread out.

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