Chapter 1254 Why is it a bit similar?


Chiba, who was putting a piece of white paper printed with a first-level fusion pattern aside, pressed another hand on another piece of white paper, preparing to practice the most basic pattern text and pattern text connection next time. After a sudden pause, his eyes suddenly fell on the fusion pattern on the white paper.


Why does it feel a bit like a sealing technique?

When his eyes fell, he couldn't help but get such a thought in his heart. While thinking about it, he couldn't help moving the white paper over, put down the contact, and looked at it carefully.

From an hour ago, he began to contact the fusion of the fusion pattern, and the fusion was carried out according to the most basic combination of spell printing pattern and text on the scroll, and the fusion went quite smoothly. Out of ten times, there were always two or three times The fusion was successful.

After all, this is not a sealing technique. The sealing technique is a combination of basic techniques and basic techniques. It is a kind of splicing. , It is the fusion of two patterns into one, like melting and reassembling, and the assembly must ensure a stable structure, otherwise it will fall apart, which is much more difficult in terms of difficulty.

Moreover, this is the first time for Chiba to perform this kind of operation. Although the Scroll of the Three Hokage's Curse Sealing Technique is written in detail, and there are many lessons learned, which can reduce a lot of mistakes that Chiba may make, but this does not mean that it will be possible. It can be done overnight, looking at theory and practical operation are two different things.

However, the experience and lessons learned by the three generations of Hokage have saved Chiba a lot of detours.

Therefore, it is possible to have a success rate of two to three out of ten.

If it is a ninja who does not have the foundation of the seal technique and does not have the scroll of the spell seal technique of the third Hokage, it is estimated that it will take more than a month or even longer to construct the pattern text in Chakra. It is estimated that the integration will take three to five months to succeed. And when it comes to the fusion of the second-level fusion patterns, I'm afraid it will be calculated on a yearly basis.

Moreover, to achieve this level, it is necessary to have half of Chiba's chakra fine control ability, and half of Chiba's chakra fine control ability, I am afraid that some outstanding ninja can do it.

It must be said that this chakra constitutes the fusion of the patterned text of the spell seal technique and the patterned text, which also has very high requirements for the operation accuracy of the chakra.

There are very few people who have learned the spell-seal technique, and there are indeed some reasons why the spell-seal technique cannot be passed on lightly, but even if there is no such reason, there may not be too many people who learn it.

"This...why is it so familiar? Where have you seen it?"

After carefully looking at the first-level fusion pattern on the white paper for a while, his brows became tighter and tighter, and he began to mutter to himself unconsciously.

On this piece of white paper, the fusion pattern on the support is really too similar to the sealing technique, or in other words, it is too similar to the basic sealing technique that Chiba has seen before.

It's just that Qianye can't remember where he saw it, but he is absolutely sure that he has definitely seen this pattern.

Even, this fusion pattern looks completely different from other fusion patterns. Generally speaking, a first-level fusion pattern is like a pattern formed by overlapping two patterns, but the pattern in front of you is completely different. The same, but it looks like a basic sealing technique formed by several tadpoles.

Moreover, this fused pattern obviously also has the effect of spell printing, otherwise, the white paper used as a backing object would not show the words.

In this regard, the spell seal technique is the same as the sealing technique, it must have a support, and it is impossible to be effective without a support, but there are many options for the support, such as low-end ones such as white paper, and slightly higher-end ones are directly Relying on the skin and flesh, such as the curse seal on Danzo's root tongue, the high-end ones such as Orochimaru's heavenly curse seal and earth curse seal are integrated into body fluids, venom, and mixed into human cells. untie.

For the spell seal to work, there must be a substantive contact between the supporting object and the person being cast, whether it is the spell seal on the white paper attached to the human body and organs, or the spell seal on the body It is still the spell seal mixed into the cells, all of which are in physical contact with the subject of the spell.

It's just that the sealing spell is more strict in terms of engraving the dependent object. Sometimes the sealing spell can use pen and ink to construct the sealing formula and open up the sealing space. The constructed pattern text and fusion pattern can only be supported on white paper if constructed by Chakra, otherwise it is just a character and cannot have any effect.

As for the possession of the fusion pattern, the two most basic patterns and texts must be perfectly fused and effective, so that the fusion pattern that is essentially Chakra can be engraved on the possession, otherwise, the possession will still be the possession.

Relatively speaking, the Seal of Curse is indeed more difficult to perform.



Definitely seen it somewhere!

But at this time, looking at it, Qianye's brows were already furrowed, and the feeling of familiarity that he had seen before became more and more intense. Qianye was sure that he had seen this pattern before, and this kind of pattern looked like a basic sealing technique. pattern.

This pattern, in the first-level fusion pattern on the scroll of the Three Generations of Hokage, is there such a group?

With the feeling of familiarity, Chiba suddenly stopped, and hurriedly picked up the examples in the second half of the third Hokage's curse seal scroll, and compared them one by one.

no... no... no...


This is not on the scroll!

Then, after a comparison, Chiba discovered that this pattern was not in the example given by the Three Hokages.

However, I merged it according to the fusion style given by the example given by the third generation of Hokage. How could there be patterns that did not appear above?


With a "snap", Qianye casually put down the Scroll of the Three Hokage's Curse Sealing Technique, and stared blankly at the fusion pattern on the white paper, her face full of puzzlement.

His current practice methods are all in accordance with what is said in the scrolls of the three generations of Hokage, and are even fused according to these examples. No matter what, it is impossible to have patterns that are not in the examples. Fusion has a predetermined combination, not all combinations are effective.

Although there are many predetermined combinations, compared to the complexity of the Yin Seal System's sealing technique, it is much simpler after all.

That is to say, it is impossible for Chiba to fuse the spell-seal fusion pattern that is not on this scroll!

Is there... something wrong here?

There was a mistake, so the fusion came out?

After that, Chiba began to think about the fusion operation just now.

Then, in the next second, suddenly, Qianye's face changed drastically, a sense of horror burst out suddenly!

I remembered!

This is……

This is!

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