Chapter 1252 The Different Hirohiko

... So, if this matter is to be resolved, this must be done, otherwise, everything will be in vain. "

After some narration, Qianye finally stayed in this sentence, and there was a somewhat complicated meaning of helplessness in the words.


And after Chiba's narration about Xue Nai's unfair treatment, Hyuga's mutiny and the implementation of his own solution, there was a pause in the door before Hirohiko's voice came, but his tone was a little low.

"Well, however, everything is moving in a good direction now, and it is only a matter of time before it is resolved."

Hearing these somewhat depressed words, Chiba hurriedly added.

And in this narration, he also knows everything and talks endlessly. Although Hirohiko is focused on revenge, clear-headed, emotionally stable and rational, and seems to have no signs of blackening, Chiba can't help but make bad plans.

That is to say, although Hirohiko has not been blackened, his thoughts have been completely occupied by revenge, and there is no room for him, and he has gone to another extreme.

After all, if you are too persistent about things like revenge, you may still fall into darkness.

Since Chiba wants to control and guide the darkness in Hirohiko's heart, he must mobilize the light in his heart, and Hirohiko's light is undoubtedly them, Kushina, he and Yukina, and Hiroko's trust in him is now for Yukina. Their concern is actually a kind of good performance, which shows that Hongyan's heart and feelings for them have not changed at all.

But now, the reason why he mentioned Xue Nai's situation is to arouse this emotion, this warmth, and it is best to let Hirohiko participate in solving the matter of Xue Nai's unfair treatment, so that his mind can be completely free. Revenge was separated and divided into Xue Nai, where his warmth was, to balance the darkness brought to him by the persistence of revenge.

Of course, he also has to be careful here, because if it goes wrong, the incident with Xue Nai may also become an opportunity for Hirohiko to become black.

After all, unfair treatment can be said to be a derivative of the darkness of the village. In Hirohiko's mind, Xue Nai is a bright side and a warm side, but Xue Nai's problem itself is indeed dark.

According to Hongyan, Chiba is not without risk.

It's just that Chiba has great confidence in Hiroko because of Hiroko's performance before, just as Hiroko believed in him, he also believed in Hiroko.

"So, your next thing is to study the spell seal?"

After Chiba's words, there was a little silence, and Hirohiko Monuchi spoke again.

"Well, for the spell seal technique, Mr. Kushina directly got the record scroll of the third generation of Hokage, which can be said to be a lot faster in learning. Today is almost an experiment in the application stage. As long as it succeeds, then the next step can be saved. Go to a lot of things."

In this regard, Qianye said truthfully.

Here, Chiba can't hide something from Hirohiko. If he hides something, if Hiroko is aware of it, Chiba can't guarantee that there will be no adverse effects. Apart from the knowledge just now, at this moment, the matter about Xue Nai He must also tell the truth about the matter, without any concealment.


But upon hearing this sentence, Hirohiko Menuchi sighed again, but did not express his opinion.


Regarding this, Chiba didn't say much, just nodded.

"Then, go back early, I'm done eating."

Then, there seemed to be another silence before Hirohiko's voice came again. Accompanied by this voice, there was the sound of the small iron door next to Chiba being opened for delivering meals to Hirohiko.

The opened bento boxes were handed out layer by layer.

This guy!

But noticing the clean bento box, Chiba's mouth showed a bit of a smile, and he breathed a sigh of relief again.

Hirohiko's words obviously made him focus more on the research of the spell seal technique, so that the matter of finding love can be resolved quickly. In a sense, Hiroko has already joined in, although he may not occupy Chiba's Time, can't do anything.

However, what Qianye needs most now is time, which is already a great help.

"Well, then, I'll come back tomorrow."

In this regard, Chiba was not hypocritical, picked up the lunch box and stood up.

"No, you should look up more information about this matter. You still need to check the information now. After all, you still have official business. Let's talk every three days. Let Xue Nai... No, just let Xue Nai Teacher Kushina, please."

But at this time, after hearing Chiba's words, Hirohiko's negative words came from inside the door.

Obviously, Hirohiko is giving in.

Give time to Xue Nai.

At this moment, in Hirohiko's heart, what happened to Xue Nai even surpassed his obsession with revenge.

At this moment, Qianye could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Hirohiko, still that Hirohiko.

It's just that Hongyan now has an extra target for revenge.

For some things, he doesn't have to be so careful, and he doesn't have to be too scrupulous, too cautious, too scrupulous, sometimes it will make Hongyan care about the obsession of revenge, which has a counterproductive effect.

Here, in fact, let nature take its course, just do what should be done.

Hirohiko, not so fragile!

"I have no objection to chatting once every three days, but let Xue Nai come to deliver the meal. Although it is inconvenient for her not to see, but if she is not allowed to do anything, it will make her unhappy."

Since it is good to let nature take its course, Qianye retorted without any scruples.

"Well It's true. I know, if I talk to her more, can it make her feel better. "

Hearing Chiba's words, Hirohiko pondered for a moment, then agreed.

"It depends on what you say."

To this, Chiba did not refute.

It certainly has benefits, both for you and for her!

But his heart is already full of joy. Now, communicating with Guangming's place is naturally very good for Hirohiko. For Xue Nai, seeing that Hirohiko has begun to communicate with himself, he will naturally feel more at ease, and the mood is of course will be happy.

It's good for everyone.

It's just that they can't talk about everything here, and Hirohiko must be reminded not to mention Xue Nai's pain.

And Xue Nai's pain also includes Hirohiko's pain, as long as Hirohiko notices, then their communication will not be unpleasant.

No problem either.

"I know."

Regarding Chiba's words, Hirohiko answered simply, and clearly understood Chiba's meaning in his words.

"Then, I'm leaving."

After hearing a satisfactory answer, Qianye didn't wait too long, and said goodbye directly.


Inside the door, there was a thoughtful answer.

Already started looking for topics?

Qianye knew it in her heart, and with a slight smile, she started to leave.

Then, next, tonight, there will be some tricks on the Seal of Curse!

But at this moment, his heart secretly made up his mind.

This curse seal technique has already started the actual combat test, it is the most critical time!

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