Chapter 1240 It's Okay to Be Like This All the Time

"What are you going to buy?"

Gently leaning her body outward, she moved the shoulders that were attached to Chiba's shoulders a little, and Xue Nai, who was slightly flushed on her face, spoke in a harsh voice.

Although she followed Qianye's words and walked with him just now, she didn't know what Qianye was going to do.

As for her idleness, her heartbeat has already accelerated to her limit. If she doesn't find something to distract her attention, she may not be able to resist running out.

At this moment, the two of them were under the same umbrella, shoulder to shoulder walking side by side in the downtown area, the rain curtain outside was getting denser, but it was getting bigger and bigger.

"Steamed buns, Konoha extra-large steamed buns."

Regarding this, Qianye spoke casually, looked at the rain curtain outside, and then looked at the umbrella that was not too big, moved the umbrella to Xue Nai's side, and said, "Come closer , grab my hand."

During the speech, Qianye's eyes were locked on the raindrops that fell on Xue Nai's shoulders, but his own shoulders were already half wet.

This umbrella is indeed a bit small, originally it was more than enough for one person, but if there are two people, it will be a bit crowded, if Xue Nai doesn't lean closer, it may get wet, now Xue Nai is in a state of blindness that Chiba can't even dare to judge Among them, if you get sick and cause some complications that Chiba did not expect, that would be bad.

catch... catch...

hand... hand?

And hearing this sentence, Xue Nai's face turned red, and her beating heart almost reached her throat.

Just now, just leaning her shoulders against her shoulders, and feeling the touch of strong muscles on Chiba's shoulders, she couldn't bear it anymore, and subconsciously moved a little bit out. Almost trembling.

In particular, this was proposed by Qianye on his own initiative.

For a moment, she didn't know how to react.

"What's wrong?"

But she didn't respond, but Chiba asked suspiciously. At this time, they had entered a demolition area, which was also the former site of the steamed bun shop. Although she asked Xue Nai, Chiba's eyes were not on her. , I didn't see Xue Nai, who was blushing like an apple, but I was just looking for it in the demolition area.

It shouldn't have been removed.

In his heart, he was a little worried.

After the demolition, the boss will naturally not be worried. This is not a forced demolition, but an expansion. In the future, in addition to the compensation for the corresponding demolition period, a bigger store will be provided for free. Basically, no one will refuse such a thing , and with the prestige of Namikaze Minato, the fourth Hokage waved his hand, and naturally the whole people responded.

What Chiba is worried about is that if it is demolished, he will not be able to buy Konoha extra-large steamed buns, and he will not be able to buy them for a long time. If it arrives, it will be a problem for him to eat troublesome things like ramen whenever he thinks about it.

After all, it would be cumbersome to eat ramen while handling affairs, but steamed buns can be handled with one hand and eaten with the other, which is convenient and practical.

"No... nothing?"

And hearing this sentence, Xue Nai suddenly became alarmed, and in a panic, she subconsciously moved her hand to grab Qianye's arm, and because of this movement, her whole body leaned against Qianye's body.


What am I doing?

How... how?

Afterwards, there was a burst of consternation in her heart. She didn't expect that she would make such an action. Even after this thought, her mind went blank for a while.

However, as the mind went blank, those who were nervous and frightened as well as blushing and heartbeat slowly returned to normal.


Actually don't care.

He just thinks the umbrella is too small, so it can cover two people.

To keep me out of the rain.

Then, without knowing why, a thought unconsciously jumped into her blank head.

And after this idea came into being, her eyes suddenly lit up, the blankness in her head was instantly dispelled, and her thoughts turned around, but the shyness, nervousness and panic were gone.

It always feels like this is fine.

Unconsciously, she leaned her forehead lightly on Qianye's shoulder, and on her face where the blush subsided, there was a gentle and reassuring smile.

But in her heart, there was an unprecedented sense of security and warmth. At this moment, it seemed that the sadness and grievance that she tried to hide in her heart disappeared.

She sincerely hopes that this moment will last as long as it lasts.

Girl... Is a girl's body so soft?

While she expected so much, she didn't feel that the person beside her was slightly stiff.

At this moment, Xue Nai is holding Chiba's arm, and almost half of her body is leaning on him. Although it is said that this request was made by him, the purpose is also to prevent Xue Nai from getting wet. Chiba is a little uneasy about the unique soft tactile body.


still open?

However, this strangeness was only for an instant. After the figure stiffened slightly, Chiba's eyes flashed, and his eyes found the familiar corner of a row of shops with the word "demolition". shop.

"Today is the last day."

And the sign with this line hanging prominently in the middle of the shop.


After seeing this scene, Chiba almost blurted out.

Konoha Extra Large Mantou Shop?

And hearing this sentence, Xue Nai almost moved to the side subconsciously, and let go of her hand instantly, blushing slightly, but chanting the name of the shop while her heart beat.

Do you want extra-large steamed buns?

What are you buying this for?

Isn't what Mr. Kushina has prepared enough?

Then, a series of thoughts flashed through her mind.

"Let's go."

And just when these thoughts flashed through her, Qianye walked away, and she had no choice but to follow.


In the familiar sound of the doorbell opening the door, two pairs of wet shoes stepped on the slightly wet floor of the store, making a neat "click".

"Is anyone there? Do you still have the special Konoha extra-large steamed buns?"

After entering the door, Chiba put away the umbrella, handed it to Xue Nai lightly, and walked in familiarly. It is rainy now, and according to the practice of the steamed bun shop, go directly to the separate room where the boss and the proprietress put the steamed buns. of.

There are no rules, just like a small shop in the country.

This store should be the store Chiba often went to when he was in school.

At this time, Xue Nai also followed Chiba's footsteps and walked into the shop following the sound.

"Yes, there is only one special steamed bun left, and the other steamed buns..."

And following Qianye's voice and footsteps, the proprietress' greeting came from the door across a corner.

However, the voice stopped abruptly in the middle of speaking.

"The head of the house! The head of the house! Qian... yes... yes Qian..."

Then, there was a series of incoherent voices from the proprietress, who raised countless decibels as if she was frightened.

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