Chapter 1234 Again?

This time, Kushina stole the third generation of Hokage?

Messy thoughts flitted through Qianye's heart, and finally gathered into such a thought. And his eyes focused on the untied sealing technique on the scroll in his hand, and the two scrolls with "Secret" written in black and white.

As for the paper quality of this scroll, judging from the slight signs of yellowing, it should be some years old.

There are indications that this will not be something just written by the third Hokage.

Even, the word confidential will not appear on the scroll casually, and if Kushina went to Sandai Hokage and persuaded Sandai Hokage to write down the spell seal technique, then the word confidential would never appear. Not even the sealing technique.

In Chiba's impression, the Sealing Curse is not the limit of blood succession, nor is it a secret technique. It should be the same as the sealing technique. Everyone can learn it, but it is very difficult to learn. This kind of technique has a secret and a seal Encrypted by technique, this seems to be a very important thing, almost reminding Chiba of the word "forbidden technique".

The appearance of the scroll now was definitely not written to him by the Third Hokage.

It is more likely to be something kept by the third Hokage.

At the beginning, Kushina even dared to steal the access card of the library from the third Hokage to them. According to the extent of Kushina's fearlessness, it is very likely that she got this scroll from the third Hokage. By the way.

When the third Hokage was in power, Kushina casually took away the access card of the library, let alone the third Hokage abdicated now.

My teacher, what kind of a bold guy is he!

Thinking of this, the corners of Qianye's mouth could not help twitching bitterly. At this moment, the image of Kushinai's loving mother in the original work had completely collapsed in his heart. The image of "not afraid" slowly took root in his heart.

Although Kushina's performance is quite normal on weekdays, when encountering problems, her way of solving them always makes Chiba at a loss for how to describe them.


Even Jiu Xinna should know that the word "confidential" is a completely different concept from a library pass. Although Jiu Xinna is fearless, she is definitely not the kind of person who does not know how to measure.

This scroll may not be newly written by the Three Hokages, but it may have been written by the Three Hokages before. The secret on it may mean restricting the professor.

As for why the Seal of Curse Art restricts teaching, you don't need to think too much, you will know the reason after reading it.

However, after Kushina's image collapsed and re-established, Chiba rejected the previous idea of ​​Kushina stealing the scroll. He didn't believe that Kushina would be so inconsiderate.

"Besides, whether it's really confidential, or the textbooks that the third Hokage handed over to Kushina long ago, what should be read is still to be read. Moreover, the less I know about this matter, the better. If something really happens Things, just pretend not to know."

Then, after the thought that Kushina would not be so careless flashed through his mind, Chiba turned around, sat down at the low table, and muttering to himself, slowly spread out the scroll, and by candlelight, Looked down one by one.

And as his eyes moved, Qianye's face gradually became serious and dignified, and his eyes began to focus.

Different from the sealing technique, although the sealing technique uses the same technique as the sealing technique to transform chakra into a special seal chakra and curse seal chakra, there is still a big difference between the two. .

First of all, it is the formation method of the two techniques, the formation method of the sealing technique. It is the connection of the basic formula and the basic formula to become a new formula, just like building blocks, so as to transform into a sealed chakra with special functions. Through this sealed chakra, a sealed space can be opened up and constructed, and then The formed formula is the framework, which supports the sealed space. Different formulas can stabilize different sealed spaces, and the sealed space also has specific sealing attributes, such as some that seal fire escape, some that seal water escape, etc. All in one.

The seal spell is more like a fusion of basic spells, and the characteristics of the seal chakra are determined through a specific fusion pattern, and it is different from the seal space that is constructed by the seal spell. The seal spell directly uses the basic spells. Fusion patterns to generate specific chakras to achieve the purpose of spelling. And if the chakras that make up the basic spells have their particularities, the fusion patterns of the same spells can also produce completely different special seal chakras, thus producing new seal spells. Compared with sealing, spell sealing is more variable.

It can be seen that the composition of the two is completely different.

Secondly, the direction of action is different. The sealing technique basically acts on Chakra. Ninjutsu, what it seals is the flame transformed by the fire attribute chakra of this fire escape ninjutsu. Strictly speaking, it is still something about chakra.

The curse-seal technique is different. The curse-seal technique is a technique that directly acts on the human body, even human cells and spirits. It can achieve different effects of restricting, controlling and even changing the human body through the curse-seal chakras produced by different patterns.

For example, the spell seal on the tongue of the root member of Danzo can limit the speech ability of the caster. It is a spell seal technique that acts on the spiritual level of the human body, and can prevent the caster from telling everything about him intelligence.

The same is true for Madara's inability to commit suicide spells on Lin and Obito's hearts.

The heavenly curse seal and earth curse seal developed by Orochimaru by extracting cells from Zhongwu's body are a kind of curse seal that can change the human body.

As for the difficulty of practicing the Sealing Curse, Qianye felt that it was slightly more difficult than the Sealing Technique after reading the scroll, which was so detailed that Chiba had a clear overview of the Sealing Curse just by reading it once. of.

At the same time, he also understood why the teaching of Curse Sealing was restricted.

This kind of technique that can directly act on the human body, control and restrict the human spirit, and change the human body is quite terrifying if it is in the hands of people with evil intentions.

Different from the sealing technique, the sealing technique only acts on the chakra at most, sealing the chakra, but this sealing technique can control the spirit of a person and change the body of a person. Although it cannot completely control a person, it is quite It's terrifying, some seal spells are really on the edge of human relations.

The seal spell is much more sensitive than the seal spell.

"Indeed, you can't pass it lightly! No wonder there are so few people who know how to seal the spell, and they are basically people who Hokage trusts or once trusted, whether it is Danzo or Orochimaru... As for Madara, his spell seal Although it is unlikely that the technique was obtained from the first generation, he is also a person trusted by the first generation."

After reading the entire scroll, after flashing a series of thoughts, Qianye frowned, murmured, and came to a conclusion with a little sigh.

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