Chapter 1217 Too Hasty!

Now you can...

Listening to Namikaze Minato's narration, Chiba tried his best to put on a normal look, slowly began to tense up, and a helpless look gradually appeared in his eyes.


At this moment, his heart was full of despair.

The work of this Hokage assistant, not to mention complicated, is basically intensive fatigue bombing, processing of various documents, especially the processing of intelligence documents, almost all the intelligence departments of Konoha, every piece of intelligence of every intelligence officer They will all pass through Chiba's hands, and then they will be collected and sorted into Hokage's ears.

There are also miscellaneous village chores such as financial statements, ninja equipment acquisition and production schedules, etc., which will be collected on him. After all, ninja village is not just a military group, it also has an independent economy and a Village Yiying's political system, financial revenue, daily expenses, etc. are also the highlights of intelligence. If the economy of this group with independent economic and political systems is broken, the consequences will be the same as destruction. stuff is still very important. Basically, this assistant is also responsible for a general affairs department.

And listening to what Namakaze Minato said, Chiba was basically skeptical, how could Huoma have time to participate in actual combat missions.

Not to mention the on-call mechanism that comes with Hokage's ten-hour workday, I'm afraid the whole person will have to spend a whole day on it.


It's too late to spend a day on this!


At this moment, in addition to despair, Qianye's heart is filled with an urge to cry. From time travel to now, even during the period when he gave up on himself, he has never wanted to cry so much.

"Probably that's the case. However, you don't have to report some things to me. You can handle them yourself. Just report to me when you're done."

At this moment, when Chiba was about to cry but had no tears, Namikaze Minato's words came to an end. And these words also clearly introduced what the assistant had to do.

Alas, fortunately, I grew up with Huoma. This guy has always wanted to be Hokage's assistant since he was a child.

However, thanks to his research at that time, coupled with the recent communication, I have a detailed understanding of what to do as an assistant. Otherwise, I really don’t know how to tell Qianye .

After all, Namikaze Minato had such a lucky thought in his heart.

Do it yourself?

However, at this time, Qianye's eyes flashed, and he noticed these four words.

These few words, together with Namikaze Minato's narration throughout the text, may be insignificant, but its weight is extraordinary.

The things that can get into the hands of Hokage's assistant are basically things that need to be decided by Hokage. No matter how many there are, without exception, they are all things that Hokage needs to make a quick decision. Hokage has to look at the size and make a decision.

And if you deal with it yourself, on this premise, it will be very heavy, no, not only heavy, but basically quite scary.

Yes, horror!

These four words are enough to describe it as horror!

Since Konoha established the village, the system of one shadow in this village has been followed until now. No matter how many changes and additions have been made in the system, even consultants have been added to limit Hokage, but the real power of Konoha has never been After being dispersed, they are all firmly in the hands of Hokage. Konoha's political system and the system are all around Hokage. In terms of economic system, the income of Ninja Village mainly comes from the commissions of ninjas for completing tasks. In a sense, the ninja group that relies on the military system, it can be said, is also in the hands of Hokage. The most powerful and concentrated power in this ninja village is Hokage.

But now, as Hokage's assistant, he has a certain right to handle matters that Hokage needs to take a look at. Although he still needs to report afterwards, this undoubtedly gives the assistant some real power.

The power is distributed from Naruto!

This is terrifyingly outrageous!

This move can be said to be a move to shake the one-village-one-shadow system, and it is not the case that the village-one-shadow system has serious drawbacks. This village-one-shadow system not only leads Konoha to prosper, but also other tolerance. The village political system is the best choice, but there is no system that endangers the village or has any super hidden dangers. This move is a bit too unreasonable.

It shouldn't be something a Hokage should do.

Especially the ability like Namikaze Minato is not something that a wise Hokage who doesn't know the importance should do.

At this moment, Qianye was shocked and couldn't believe it.

At the same time, I also understand why there is an extra desk, probably because of the words "self-handling".

Moreover, making such a decision and entrusting the right to handle things to oneself is no ordinary trust.

Could it be that this is to...

At the same time, Qianye finally noticed something.

Train me as the successor of Hokage?

Undoubtedly, Namikaze Minato's actions conveyed such a message, which Chiba hadn't expected at the beginning, but of course he had keenly noticed the abnormal situation now.

After much deliberation, only Hokage's successors have such qualifications.

Moreover, he is already the decided heir of Hokage.

Even being favored by three generations like Orochimaru is just a candidate heir, not a definite heir.



But thinking of this, Qianye almost instinctively began to deny it.

After much deliberation, it's really impossible. First of all, Minato Namikaze has just taken over, and he doesn't know what's about to happen. It's too early to designate and train Hokage so early.

Secondly, from the appearance of the fourth Hokage, we can know that Konoha's choice of Hokage seems simple, but it is definitely not simple inside. No matter the prestige and strength of Orochimaru, he is undoubtedly the candidate of Hokage. With the love of the third generation and countless achievements, It seems that it is difficult to become a Hokage, but the third generation held an election, and Orochimaru was brushed down immediately. Even in a situation like Orochimaru, it cannot become a Hokage. The choice of Hokage is definitely not like acting It came out so simple, otherwise, in terms of qualifications, the fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato is still a lot worse than Orochimaru.

And the current self, let alone Orochimaru, not only his qualifications, strength, but also his reputation are much worse. Changed, but definitely not to the extent of being supported by Hokage.

This gave him Hokage-style training, which was too hasty.

It doesn't look like something Namikaze Minato would do. Moreover, this matter probably got the approval of the third Hokage, but the third Hokage even brushed down his beloved Orochimaru, so how could he do such an immature thing? Decide?

no no no!

It can't be Heirs of the Hokage.

But, if not, what is the reason for this separation of powers?

Thinking of this, Qianye was full of doubts.

"Do you understand everything?"

But at this time, seeing Chiba's silence for a long time, Namikaze Minato's words came again.


Almost subconsciously, Qianye was startled again and hurriedly responded.

"Then, let's start today, don't worry, take your time."

To this, Namikaze Minato nodded and spoke gently.


Hearing this, Qianye also nodded. Although she still had doubts in her heart, she walked behind the small desk, sat down, and began to process the documents.

Weird, really weird!

this matter!

And in his heart, there was such a doubt.

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