Chapter 1199 Hanging, visiting?

This is……

Sarutobi Lake Biwa?

Hearing this slightly suspicious voice, Qianye turned her head subconsciously, and what caught her eyes was a woman with a serious face and a certain age. She was looking at herself at this moment, her serious face seemed to be With a slight surprise.

It looked very familiar.

But subconsciously, such a thought came to Qianye's mind.

"It's really you, come to us, what's the matter?"

At this moment, the woman who saw Qianye's face clearly opened her mouth and said, although she still had a serious face, the corners of her eyes and brows were stretched a little, she looked serious and kind, and she was obviously very friendly to Qianye .

No mistake, it is Sarutobi Lake Biwa. Although the original work only appeared once, the image is blurred in my memory.

However, at this time, at this place, and with the image that matches my vague impression, it is definitely Sarutobi Lake Biwa.

At this moment, Chiba is also completely sure that the person in front of her is the wife of the third Hokage, who only gave birth in Kushina in the original work, that is, Sarutobi Lake Biwa who appeared before the Kyuubi Rebellion.

"May I ask you are?"

However, although she knew in her heart that Sarutobi Lake Biwa was in front of her eyes, Chiba still pretended to be puzzled and opened her mouth.

After all, this is the first time he has seen Sarutobi Lake Biwa since traveling to this Naruto world, and this is the proper behavior.

"Sarutobi Lake Biwa, wife of the third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzane."

As for the woman's response, although she was facing a younger generation and had a serious expression on her face, her words were generous. Although she was the wife of the third generation of Hokage, she sounded neither arrogant nor impetuous. With just this sentence, Qianye could feel the extraordinary temperament in this woman.


Then, after hearing Sarutobi Biwako's words, Chiba paused for a moment, and seemed to organize his words before saying hello and responding to Sarutobi Biwako's previous question: "I want to meet the third Hokage-sama."

"Really? I came to see Ri Zhan, so come with me."

Hearing Chiba's game, Sarutobi Biwako nodded, but in the words, he took a step, walked in front of Chiba, and motioned Chiba to follow.

Hokage-sama's wife, do you want to go shopping in person?

And at this moment, looking at Sarutobi Lake Biwa walking by, Chiba's gaze involuntarily fell on the basket containing various vegetables in Sarutobi Lake's hand. It is obvious that Sarutobi Biwa went to buy vegetables just now .


However, he just thought about it and didn't delve into it. After thinking about it, he already answered, and followed Sarutobi Lake Biwa who was walking forward.

And following Sarutobi Lake Biwa, he soon arrived at the gate of the Sarutobi clan's land, and there were not many roads left.

On the short journey, the two didn't talk any more. Sarutobi Biwako kept his face serious, and he looked like a very serious person who didn't talk much, and Chiba was not a talkative person either. There was no conversation at all.

However, although there was no conversation, there was an inexplicable feeling of softness. The atmosphere along the way was not as good as the sternness on Sarutobi Lake Biwa's face and Chiba's silence. There was a rather harmonious feeling.

"For Ri Zhan, go straight in, the second room on the second floor, he should be resting there right now. Just go in directly."

And at this time, at the gate, Sarutobi Biwako stopped, turned slightly sideways, and said to Chiba.

Although his face was serious and unsmiling, these words made Qianye feel kind for no reason.

Just... can I go in?

But after being kind, Qianye was a little unexpected.

Although these three generations of Hokage have retired, they are Hokage anyway, and they are highly respected. There is no one guarding the gate of the Sarutobi clan. Moreover, if someone wants to see him, they go in and look for him without even reporting.


It's too casual.

In Chiba's heart, this retired Hokage, no matter how he relieved of his big responsibility, he can't be so casual that there are no guards, and he can meet anyone at will, and it's like visiting.

Chiba was slightly stunned by this.

"Yes Yes!"

Then, after being dazed for a while, he nodded in response, although he was surprised, but he was here for something after all, the sooner he saw the third Hokage, the better.

"Well, you go."

However, what he didn't expect was that Sarutobi Biwako's voice, which responded to him, came from quite a distance from the side.

After Sarutobi Lake Biwa told Chiba about the location of the Third Hokage, he turned around and left. By the time Chiba responded, he had already walked a long way.


At this time, seeing the back of Sarutobi Lake Biwa disappearing at the end of the corridor on his left inside the door, Chiba blinked, and a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

This dare to really think that he is a drop-in, this kind of appearance of pointing at the location and then leaving directly, it is clearly like someone who often comes to visit.

To be honest, Chiba, who has always had to report to see the Third Hokage, was a little overwhelmed. After being stunned for a long time, I thought of stepping in.

And as he stepped in, he walked towards the house where the third hokage was. Sarutobi Biwako, who had already walked to the kitchen, put down the basket in his hand, but the serious expression on his face showed slightly, as if showing There was a smile.

Chiba has grown so big.

A child can really grow up in the blink of an eye. After a while, he may already be beyond your imagination.

Back then, such a thin baby had grown so strong now.

But in her heart, such a loving thought flashed through her mind, and in her mind was the scene of carrying out the baby named Taki Chiba from the pool of blood.

But, if Komachi was still there, how good would it be to watch his son grow up?

Following the picture in her mind, the smile on the corner of Sarutobi Biwako's mouth slowly subsided, and vaguely, there seemed to be a sigh, bursting out from the corners of her eyes and brows.

It's time, I came to find Ri Zhan, probably not only to report safety, but also to make more meals today.

And soon, she put away this feeling of wistfulness and sadness, and turned her attention to the pots and pans.

I heard from Ri Zhan that this kid loves to eat meat, and it happened that there was still a piece of good meat left yesterday.

I don't know if it can be made into the taste that the child likes to eat.

Thinking about it, Sarutobi Biwako's eyes fell on the cabinets used to store food.

"Mom, can the piece of meat left over from yesterday be eaten today? It won't be good if it's left for a long time."

And at this moment, Asma's voice sounded from outside the room.

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