Chapter 1191 Measures

You guys, are you joking about the safety of the village?

Did Qianye say this not only to the three elders, but also to me?

Watching the three elders, Koharu, Mitomonen, and Shimura Danzo leave, the door of Hokage's office closed with a bang, Minakaze gently rubbed the bridge of his nose, and after exhaling a long breath, sat down.

The information that was directly reported to Hokage turned out to be "deliberately misleading", and this incident happened in full view. This information about "Chiba openly betraying the village" is tantamount to fooling the entire Konoha. .

This unprecedented event occurred during my term of office. It was a problem with my management. Fortunately, nothing happened.

If I really punished Chiba, it would be the biggest joke in the history of Konoha, and it would have a very bad influence on me.

Even, it will shake the trust of everyone in the village.

Fortunately, Qianye was able to prove her innocence, otherwise, this matter is really big or small.

Chiba's words are really...

After sitting down, Namikaze Minato couldn't help taking a deep breath, and a feeling of fear rose in his heart.

Now, he is Konoha's Hokage, if his prestige is shaken, even to a certain extent, it will be a small matter for him to step down early, but a big cause for trouble, and Chiba's words are clearly reminding him that this This incident, today he proved his innocence, the cause of this incident, that information, is a major event that endangers the safety of the village.

Now inside and outside the village, it seems that the danger is slowing down, but it is actually a dark tide. If something like this happens, it will really endanger the village.

No one knows what will happen!

It seems that I am still thinking too simple.

And thinking of this, Namikaze Minato slowly exhaled the deep breath, and slowly put down the hand rubbing the bridge of his eyebrows and nose, a flash of determination flashed in his blue eyes.

"Come on."

Then, heavy words spit out from his mouth.

"Fourth Hokage-sama."

Almost immediately after the sound, a black shadow flashed behind him, half kneeling on the ground, and answered in a low voice.

"This matter, from the source of the information and the reporter's two clues, I need to know who the information came from, who this is, what kind of background they have, who they have contacted before and after the incident, and then, Whether it is the source of the intelligence, the reporter, or even the person directly related to the intelligence, they must find out their details in the shortest possible time, and be included in the replacement list, and the intelligence department will also start screening and replacement from now on."

Hearing the response, Minato Namikaze did not hesitate, and directly issued a series of orders, bringing up the long-delayed selection and replacement of the intelligence department.

And yes, immediately.

"Yes! Fourth Hokage-sama."

Hearing Namikaze Minato's order, the black shadow responded without hesitation, and disappeared in place in a flash.

Except for the defense force, all departments, no matter how big or small, I need to pay close attention to.

But at this moment, the plan in Namikaze Minato's mind slowly expanded.


"Then, I'll leave first."

At this time, on the other side, Danzo who came out of the Hokage Building, said to Zhuanshu Xiaoharu and Mitomon Yan, and left in the direction of his residence.

Leaving the bedtime Koharu and Mitomon Yan, you look at me, I look at you.

"Men Yan, this matter, the intelligence matter, do you think Danzo was involved in it?"

And after looking at each other, looking at the back of Danzo going away, Zhuanzhu Xiaochun frowned and couldn't help asking.

In his eyes, there was an unprecedented suspicion about the person in the distance.

"This is directly aimed at the information given to Hokage, Danzo, probably won't be involved."

Hearing Xiaochun's words, Mitomon Yan responded, although the words were denials, but the uncertainty in his tone showed that he had no idea.

After all, in the eyes of everyone in Konoha who knows the existence of Danzo, when it comes to information, it is impossible not to associate with Danzo.

"Really? Do you feel that recently, Danzo has become less and less visible what he is thinking."

Hearing this, Koharu didn't seem to care about Mitomonyan's tone, and said noncommittally, but looked at Danzo with doubts and worries intertwined.

"No matter what he wants to do, I still believe that he will not harm the village."

Hearing the non-committal words of Zhuanzhu Xiaochun, Mito Menyan frowned, thought for a while, and then spoke.

In his eyes, he still believes in Danzo.

"Don't worry, I don't doubt that."

Hearing this, the intertwined emotions in Xiaochun's eyes faded after all, and there was still trust in his eyes.


But after these words, Xiaochun turned to bed with the same seriousness and calmness for thousands of years. There was no sign of joy or anger on his face, but a trace of deep worry flashed across his face.

"Ah, I know that New Hokage has already doubted us. If we can't coordinate well with the fourth generation, then our existence may become a stumbling block to the village."

Hearing this sound, Mitomonyan nodded, with obvious worry on his face, and he couldn't help sighing.

They are well aware of their situation now.

Because of being "misled by intelligence" this time, they have been suspected by the Fourth Hokage. Those so-called villages still have problems, and they are afraid of accidents, so they sent Hokage directly to Anbu to protect them. They know exactly what the routine is.

This seems to be protection, but it is actually surveillance.

The Fourth Hokage is a signal of their crisis of confidence and a warning to them.

And this Fourth Hokage, isn't he the Third Hokage after all? He has absolute trust in them. Some things, sitting in their position, living their age, and experiencing too much of them, how could they not understand? Hokage is different from the three generations, and the relationship between them cannot be the same as the three generations of Hokage.

Now, they have encountered a big crisis in dealing with the relationship with New Hokage.

And if the consultant and Hokage lose their trust relationship, then the consultant system will be useless, and it will even cause confusion in the village administrative organization and cause a big mess.

They have binding power over Hokage, and Hokage, in turn, has a direct influence on them.

The two sides restrict each other.

"Now, let's leave everything to the new Hokage."

Thinking of this, talking about this, the two of them could only look at each other helplessly, then left and headed towards their residence.

It seems that I am still too anxious!

This trick should not be taken!

Although if it succeeds, it will not only clean up that kid, but also weaken the WeChat of the fourth generation...

However, after all, there were too many loopholes, and he lost completely.

The timing, it seems...

It's far from mature enough!

At this moment, Danzo, who had been far away, slowly closed his eyes, hiding the aggrieved and remorse in his heart, and slowly walked away.

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