Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1151 Inquiry

"Well, what does "undeveloped" status mean?"

Listening to the jingling sound of medical equipment colliding from time to time, Xue Nai, who waited for a while, blinked her snow-white pupils. Although she could no longer see her eyes, this habit after thinking could not be changed.


At this time, Qianye was picking up the syringe and was about to slap his arm to draw out some blood. Hearing Xue Nai's sudden question, Qianye thought for a while, seemed to organize his words, and said, "You You know, the forbidden technique I have mastered, the eight-door dunjia, and the eight-door model developed by extension, right?"

"Well, this undeveloped state is due to the forbidden technique?"

Hearing this, Xue Nai was taken aback for a moment, of course she knew about Qianye's practice of Bamen Dunjia and the development of Bamen mode, this was what Qianye told them back then.

"No, it's not!"

The needle plunged into the arm without hesitation, Qianye shook his head, and said: "This "undeveloped" state is like changing my body, although the body is more solid and powerful, However, I can't use Bamen Dunjia and Bamen Mode, as if the body has not learned Bamen Dunjia and Bamen Mode, and, as I told you before, I developed Bamen Mode to use Bamen Dunjia to solve After the restriction is lifted, the restricted Chakra is used to increase the amount of Chakra to make up for the weakness of my body's lack of Chakra."

"That's right. At that time, Hongyan said that the Bamen Dunjia seems to be tailor-made for you, but the side effects are too large, so he is a little worried."

Hearing Qianye's words, Xue Nai nodded again, expressing her agreement. In her words, when Hirohiko was mentioned, she dropped slightly.

At this time, in her mind, she couldn't help thinking that the three of them had just formed a team, and after learning about Chiba's eight-door model, once during independent training, when she asked Hirohiko to exchange shuriken experience, Hiroko told Eight-door Dunjia's worries.

And thinking of Hongyan's crazy appearance when he was taken away, she couldn't help but feel a pain in her heart.

"Now, even if I don't use the eight-door mode, I still have the level of chakra at the ninja level."

Sensing Xue Nai's depression when she mentioned Hirohiko, Chiba pursed her lips, but spoke quickly.

"Junin-level Chakra volume? Didn't you say that you can only reach Chunin-level Chakra volume?"

And hearing this, Xue Nai was obviously startled.

Although the total amount of chakra can be improved through hard training, the total amount of chakra and the potential amount of chakra are different for each person. And some people, until the potential chakras are fully developed, they may not have the chakras when some people just had chakras.

There are many examples of this in the Hyuga clan.

For a ninja like Chiba, who was destined not to have too much chakra, to suddenly have a chakra that he couldn't possibly have, this kind of thing is a bit unimaginable.

At least, based on her experience, she has never seen such a person.

"Yeah, so I said, it's like a different body. So, I have to figure out what happened to my body."

At this time, Qianye had already put the blood drawn from the syringe into the test tube. After a flash of green light on his arm, the needle hole had healed, and not a single drop of blood leaked out. When he put down the syringe, he opened his mouth. road.

"So, is there anything I can do for you?"

Hearing Chiba's words, Xue Nai also had a very clear understanding of Chiba's body. Although she didn't know much medical knowledge, judging from the fact that the amount of chakra soared to the level of a jounin, She knew that Qianye was a blessing in disguise, and there was really nothing to worry about.

Even, with the increased amount of chakra, Chiba can no longer use Bamen Dunjia or Bamen mode in many cases. In her opinion, no matter how gentle the Bamen mode is, it is an extension of the forbidden technique after all, and some side effects cannot be avoided. eradicated.

At this moment, she was really relieved.

"Tell me, what happened to your eyes?"

But at this moment, hearing Xue Nai's words, Qianye said such a sentence suddenly.

"my eyes?"

Immediately, as soon as these words came out, Xue Nai was taken aback.

At this time, Qianye's eyes were locked on the ninja forehead protector on Xue Nai's forehead. Xue Nai didn't wear the forehead protection on her forehead very much before, so it was obvious that she was hiding something. In addition, from the current situation of the Hyuga clan in Namikaze Minato's narrative, his brows are tightened bit by bit.

"I heard about the incident of the Hyuga Clan from Minato-sensei."

Seeing Xue Nai's surprised look, Chiba pursed her lips, seemed to hesitate, but still spoke.

While speaking, he also put down the test tube containing his own blood, and by putting back the medical equipment, he turned his body on his back.

Intuitively, he felt that Xue Nai's eyes must have some inevitable connection with the thing hidden on her forehead.

However, this involves a change in the Hyuga clan, and Xue Nai's current unfair treatment is caused by this change. His question is undoubtedly exposing Xue Nai's scars, but for Xue Nai, he must ask clearly These questions, this question, must be asked, and it must be now. Now that Xue Nai has "resurrected from the dead and returned to the village" and has no injuries that affect life and death, she is in a good mood. Only at this time is the best time to ask When the time comes, in the surprise of her return, her pain will definitely be much lighter.

However, I have to ask, I have to ask, Qianye still can't bear to expose Xue Nai's scars, at this moment, he is a little afraid to look at Xue Nai.

"You...you already know?"

At this time, Xue Nai was also a little stunned, she didn't expect that the Fourth Hokage-sama, Minato-sensei would tell Chiba this event that had been classified as the village's top secret, and had even been erased from the documents, and was very surprised.


But at this moment, the figure that she forced to forget in her heart slowly surfaced. Along with this figure, various emotions surged in her heart, bewilderment, sadness, shame... And so on intertwined.

Unknowingly, her dazed and empty eyes had, at some point, already been covered with a layer of mist.

Snow... Snow Nai?

At this time, Chiba, who just put down the medical equipment and turned around, saw her expression at this time, and her whole body was shocked. While his lips were buzzing, he couldn't utter a single word.

At this moment, for the first time, facing Xue Nai, my mind went blank.

At this moment, looking at Xue Nai's tears, he was at a loss!

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